Addictive personality



  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    i am THE SAME.
    it can happen, believe me. i was known as the laziest person in the world. during my high school i'd sleep for 12 hours a day on average.
    you won't exactly get addicted to exercise (internet high five if you do) but more like endorphins that exercise gives you. like, that feeling after gym.
    once you start working out regularly you'll see ;)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Absolutely. Addicted to exercise and Facebook and helping Others with exercise.

    You CAN do it, let that addictive personality work FOR you Vs AGAINST you
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I have a few friends that lost weight from running. I think that is why I think about it

    I don't run (I have knee issues) but I love working out. I didn't always enjoy exercise for it's own sake, though. Two things changed- I started noticing that I felt really good (mentally, emotionally) after working out and when I didn't exercise, I felt like crap. The other thing was, I had a preference for strength training over cardio- I've never really liked running (even before my knee injury)or any fashion of steady-state cardio, but after getting into a routine and gaining strength, cardio workouts became more enjoyable- it wasn't such a b*tch getting to the "runners high" place where you hit your stride... I REALLY enjoy that. I love feeling myself get stronger...

    You have to find something you enjoy doing, and do it daily. It might be difficult at first, but repetition makes habits :smile:
  • s1rens0ng
    s1rens0ng Posts: 127 Member
    I dont have an addictive personality, everyone tells me that everyone becomes addicted to exercise or the gym after about 3 weeks.. it didnt work for me because i wanted results immediately. As soon as i got results losing weight and could see it myself it motivated me to continue. Anyone puts/pulls me down about it or tries to tell me what they think im supposed to be doing or doing wrong i give up.. rebel lol

    Next day i regret it because i know what im doing is working for me and thats all that matters.

    If your not motivated but really want to make the change.. go for a walk, then the next day walk further and so on.... read the forums and log all your food on here and exercises if you do any.. thats addictive for most ;)
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    I have heard running is terrible on your body

    Everything is bad for something.

    Running is bad for some people.
    Yoga is bad for some people.
    Weight lifting is bad for some people.

    But we should try not to use large sweeping statements like the one about running.

    Ask your doctor what exercise he or she recommends for you.

    And yes, you can "get addicted" to exercise if you find the one you love.

    I'm addicted to lifting weights and hiking.

  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I don't run, I just don't enjoy it. But I do enjoy other forms of exercise now. For example, I'll spend an hour on a treadmill and it won't bother me anymore. But find what works for you. Do a bunch of things and see what you like. If you have a rec center our gym around, try kettlebell classes! They are fun. But try anything and everything until you get out figured out. I have friends who live zumba. I don't, but they love it!!!!! Many places even hold free classes, search around.

    i76nj7c.gif Hate to run.

    I like to take kickboxing and yoga lessons though. I also swim at the gym. Hate to lift (BOOOOO-RING!! :yawn: ) But I do it because I like the results. I like to work out on the treadmill and elliptical - I usually watch a show on TV or a movie on Netflix while I'm doing my cardio (yes I'm one of those.) Addiction/motivation will only take you so far. You need to make it a routine. That's what makes it a sustainable change.

    The bottom line, though, OP, is that you don't have to be addicted to exercise to exercise.

    Edited to add this: If you are addicted to things like Facebook, you like your "me" time (I know the signs because I do too! :wink: ) Instead of considering exercise something that you "must" do, consider it the time that you can focus on yourself. Give yourself permission to ignore the phone (unless you want to answer it), watch a movie that you've really been wanting to see, Facebook while on the treadmill/elliptical, etc (I don't do that but I've seen others do it), just don't try to do this while in a class - the instructors get a little testy!:happy: That's why I go to the gym btw. I don't have to look at the unwashed dishes, dust bunnies under the furniture, the pets are scrabbling for attention. Then when I get home I'm able to give my full attention to the dishes, dust bunnies and pets.

  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Just try anything. So what you looked like a fool doing zumba, your in your own home so who cares!?? The point is, do something! Make it a routine, and it will be easier to stick to!!

    I had every excuse in the world as well, I was no good at anything, didn't have time, just had a baby, didn't have money, and so the excuses don't phase me one bit, cuz I know it's just BS. I weighed around 202(I refused to get on scale so don't know how much heavier I was) and I weigh 135 now. I forced myself to do it. I made myself get up and go walk. And it all became easier after it was part of my daily life.

    Now, I have no excuse. If I want something, I go and do it.and keep trying until it works.
    So the bottom line is, yes it sucks at first, but it won't always. Just keep trying, and you'll get it.
    But the longer you keep thinking of reasons on why you can't, is just time wasted.
    Either you want it bad enough, or you don't.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I get addicted to things easily. Facebook, online games, FOOD! I keep saying I would LOVE to get addicted to exercise! Has this happened to anyone?
    P.S. I HATE exercise!

    'I hate exercise' is just a euphenism for 'I am a lazy so and so and cant be bothered'.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have a few friends that lost weight from running. I think that is why I think about it

    Running doesn't make you lose weight and it doesn't burn fat, as many people believe. Weight loss comes from a calorie deficit. Less in and more out. Running just helps you use more calories allowing for a greater deficit. Any exercise does.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Yoga is bad for some people.

    :angry: LIES! hatha yoga is bad for no one! :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    luckily for me, my tendency toward addiction took firm hold of both longboarding and running.
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    I think it can help you if you start "I'm going to to walk for a 2 minutes every day after I eat my breakfast (for example)" .
    Things that we repeatedly do every day after some other action get automated in our brain...
    And after you get that habit in place, you can increase duration every day...until you do it long enough to see some changes :) And then I think you'd get addicted :)

    P.S. sorry for bad English :)
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    try something SUPER easy,
    when i first started i walked in place for 3 minutes, that literally was all i could handle , then GRADUALLY over about 2 months i worked my way up to 30 minutes on a treadmill, then a bike , till finally i walked an entire color run 5k non stop , last year

    and yeah i have a long long way to go , but i plan on keeping going,
    start with something you can do .. then work up... control what you can , you may never love exercise, but we all love results
  • shakeray1173
    Very true! Making a habit of at least SOMETHING is better than making excuses!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    In for addiction.
  • AreUjoking2
    AreUjoking2 Posts: 142
    Back in my younger days, I LOVED running. And 3 years ago, I tried to do the C25k and a workout DVD at the same time. I tore my meniscus in my knee, and it still acts up. So, I bought a bike and started riding. I still get the open road, the wind in my hair, and alone with my thoughts. It is no impact and it's fun. You may also enjoy aerobics in the pool. With my injuries and scoliosis, I find pool exercises to be fun and it's a great all over body work out. The key is to find something that you LOVE. Exercise doesn't have to be "work", it can be enjoyable.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I don't get addicted to things easily but I am addicted to running. or it feels like a hobby, I can do things like buy gadgets and clothes and things to aid with my running.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    If you want to try running, the Couch to 5k program is very helpful

    and there is a group on here:
    that is one of the greatest places on MFP.
  • shakeray1173
    Thank you! I didn't know about that group. I have looked at the program. I was just lazy
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Thank you! I didn't know about that group. I have looked at the program. I was just lazy

    Only you can find the solution for that.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Just start slow, and you'll get there. I promise it can be done. You have the strength inside of you and can do this!! It won't be the easiest thing in the world, but it surely won't be the hardest either!!I was just like you, but I'm a totally different person now and life gets so much better!! You'll be happy that you made the choice to start today! Even if you walk for 2 mins today, that's a great start!! Just keep going and don't give up!!!! :-) I'm looking forward to reading your success story in the near future!!