How did you feel after cutting out gluten or carbs?



  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Cutting out gluten was the biggest favor I did for myself. I have health conditions that flare up with gluten and never realized the two were connected.

    I eat and feel better with lower carbs, higher protein and fats in my diet.
  • ander4mm
    ander4mm Posts: 1
    I started a Gluten free diet last year and at first I had a bit of withdrawals but it was SO worth it! I had much more energy, my brain felt less foggy and I felt incredibly better overall- not to mention the incredible weight loss as a plus!
  • apriljackss
    apriljackss Posts: 96 Member
    I have PCOS and based on my research I decided that I would try to cut out gluten to see if it improved my symptoms. I went round and round with a gastroenterologist a few years back about some intestinal issues I was having, but they could never pinpoint a cause. Either way, since going gluten free about 3 weeks ago, I've dropped 8 pounds, I feel less bloated, my clothes fit better, I don't get tired after meals anymore and I'm hoping it will help improve my chances of conceiving. I'm not trying to get pregnant yet (got engaged in November, wedding next spring) but I want my body to be as healthy as possible when I do decide I'm ready to TTC.

    Ya never know until you try so I recommend it if you think there's a chance that you have a sensitivity to it. Worst case scenario, it does nothing for you and you incorporate it back into your diet.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Oh, I also wanted to mention that I found it much harder to stick to my calorie goal when gluten free. Gluten free options tend to have more calories and specifically more fat. So be aware of that. Also I get fullest from bread/carbs, so when I try to cut those things I end up really hungry.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Cut out carbs?
  • I cut wheat out of my diet as an experiment. I was suffering from sinusitis, bad headaches, low energy, brain fog and nausea. My symptoms disappeared. I find now that even the smallest bit of wheat indulgence and the symptoms come back twice as bad.
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    I always feel better, sleep better, and have more energy after I cut out simple sugars and grains (including whole grains).

    But it takes several days of "withdrawal" to get to the point where I feel OK. If I go "off the wagon" it can be difficult to get back on.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Um, cutting out gluten is really senseless unless you are intolerant.

    I feel better eating more protein and less carbs, but I am in noway low carb. Balance and sustainable lifestyle.

    Until you try cutting it you don't know if your intolerant - If you've always eaten it where is your baseline for normal.

    I would suggest that anybody wants to try it, it would be a sensible choice. If you're one of the lucky ones that gluten makes absolutely no difference to (mild or severe) then get it back into your diet.

    If it does make a difference, well at least you know and if eating the gluten out weights the discomfort then much away.

    Good luck

    Oh, I was unaware that gluten intolerance or sensitivity couldn't be diagnosed by a doctor or had a set of recognized symptoms. And that you just have to try being GF to know.

    If you have some of the symptoms or another medical condition that can be exacerbated by gluten, by all means it makes sense to try it out. But if you don't, self-diagnosing as sensitive or intolerant because you went GF and "feel better" is head scratching. It could be other changes you make doing that period that are contribution to feeling "better" -- not just the absence of gluten.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I went processed bread/carb free for 6 weeks- and the first week I was legit sick- call it the grain flue I guess. Woke up at 4 AM with severe stomach cramps.

    I got over it. I went almost keto- you get used to it- I personally like low carb for cutting- it works better for me. But it's not easy.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Um, cutting out gluten is really senseless unless you are intolerant.

    I feel better eating more protein and less carbs, but I am in noway low carb. Balance and sustainable lifestyle.

    Until you try cutting it you don't know if your intolerant - If you've always eaten it where is your baseline for normal.

    I would suggest that anybody wants to try it, it would be a sensible choice. If you're one of the lucky ones that gluten makes absolutely no difference to (mild or severe) then get it back into your diet.

    If it does make a difference, well at least you know and if eating the gluten out weights the discomfort then much away.

    Good luck

    Oh, I was unaware that gluten intolerance or sensitivity couldn't be diagnosed by a doctor or had a set of recognized symptoms. And that you just have to try being GF to know.

    If you have some of the symptoms or another medical condition that can be exacerbated by gluten, by all means it makes sense to try it out. But if you don't, self-diagnosing as sensitive or intolerant because you went GF and "feel better" is head scratching. It could be other changes you make doing that period that are contribution to feeling "better" -- not just the absence of gluten.

    Hey, your diet your choice - you're an adult.

    Do or don't do what you want.

    Nobody is saying you have to cut or reduce anything.

    The lady in this article is doing a study of one and giving her observation.

    - Oh and recommendation - doesn't equal command, so yes I would recommend everyone give it a go - if they want to.

    Just saying :smile:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I feel amazing when cutting out the gluten and processed carbs.

    The people that I see who find it easy to do are those that eat rather simply in the first place.

    We don't mind eating eggs and bacon every day for breakfast, meat and veggies for lunch and supper...........fruit, nuts and yogurt for snacks.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    You feel pretty terrible for a few days to a week (some people call this the "atkins flu"), honestly going too low carb too fast always makes me feel really sick, so if you're going to do it take it down by 10-20g a day until you get where you want to be and eat a couple of almonds or something when you're feeling awful.

    Once your body is used to it, though... I try to aim for 30g-50g net carbs a day (which isn't a hard low carb but it helps me) and I find I feel pretty excellent, particularly in comparison to days I decide to cheat and go over on carbs which makes me feel like absolute hell. I have a lot more energy in general when I'm low carb and less gastrointestinal problems.