Anyone tried the Nutribullet blender ?



  • I just purchased it also. What did you do to lose the 30lbs other than drink one of these for breakfast? It blended up everything really good. The only issue I had is that it had no taste at all. But i guess no taste could be better than a nasty taste lol

    OK so for that, less water, filling to the max fill line waters it down and removes the flavor. Also more fruits and low fat yogat can help a lot.
  • I've had my Nutri Bullet for 5 months and one of the blades is already falling apart. I had been putting ice in the blender and it was fine for a few months. A word to the wise SAVE THAT RECEIPT because they do not honor their 1 year warrantee without it. (Trust me you'll need it!) I do not recommend this blender to anyone and am dissatisfied with their customer service. I have heard great things about the Ninja and the Vitamix so I'd rather save up for one of those than pay for a part that is supposed to be under warrantee.
  • I have and love it so much I use it everyday. Here is a great link to get a good idea of what it can do and a comparison of other big name brands>click here
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    My husband bought a nutribullet and I have hated HATED the taste of everything he's made thus far. However, I've learned that we can teach ourselves new things, so I'm forcing myself.

    OMG .. that hating part is not the fault of the NutriBullet. It is what you are putting in it ... your blender would make the exact same taste. You have to learn what things taste good for you .. ie probably more fruits than veggies.

    I once tried broccoli in my NutriBullet .. and it was TERRIBLE. I learned that I just will never do that again. For making good tasting smoothies, the NutriBullet will definitely do a good job but it is all about what you put in it.

    - Kevin -
  • The new model, the Nutribullet 900 PRO version. Going for about $149 at BB&B at the moment. You can get a BB&B 20% off coupon that will work if your interested.

    The "Edit":

    I was trying to respond to someone who posted something about what was "the best" gizmo like this for about $150.

    Anyway, while I'm "here" again, Some years ago I bought a Breville KickAss juicer in preparation for having all of my upper teeth removed and a denture put in.

    The Breville works GREAT! But I discovered after buying expensive fruits and vegetables (I live in Alaska) it took about half an hour for me to assemble the device on my counter top, cut up the goodies, juice them, drink the small glass of wonderfulness, and then CLEAN the thing, and put it away.

    Bottom line? I have a three ear old KickAss Breville juicer for sale. Not a mark on it, it's hardly been used.

    But I did learn some things that should help a bunch of people who've posted in this thread. After you select you healthy veggies etc. things like Kale, you remember to throw in an apple or something similar. The result is a juice that is really good for you and doesn't remind you of licking the bottom of a trash can left behind a Chinese restaurant.

    Not hard to do, making a HEALTHY drink taste GOOD.

    I know I'm a newcomer and how do I think I am etc. for posting stuff like this but I gotta start somewhere. Last week I weighed 279, I bet today I weigh over 285. I'm going to a barbaric (Interestingly the website has "bariatric" underlined as misspelled and would like to replace it "barbaric") with surgeon who is "medically supervising" my diet. But what I need is a 300 pound MEAN nurse to stand by my bedside an wallop the Hell out of me every time I wake up and reach in my bedside drawer for Honey Ham sticks and a handful of spice drops.

    I'm killing myself by eating and all I have to do to save my life is just not put some things in my mouth and put others in. I bet a terminal cancer patient could do that to save their life. But I sure find myself failing at it.

    Anyway one of the nurses at the Barbaric Surgeons office mentioned this website and I looked it over and was impressed so I signed up.

    I have lost over 50 pounds four times in my life. Each time it took MONTHS to FINALLY begin some kind of diet and exercise program, and each time I lost weight and got to put on smaller clothes and have people say "MY GOODNESS DON'T YOU LOOK WONDERFUL!". And then something would distract me. The last time it was my "bad" knee REALLY going out. Even percocets and steroid injections left me hurting. So I rewarded myself by eating garbage.

    But I have LEARNED something. To lose weight I need to make a "lifestyle" change. To keep it off I think I'm going to have to figure out how to make the change permanent. It's gotta be something that IS "me". ANd for that t happen it's gotta be something I enjoy and like or I JUST WON'T STICK WITH IT.

    That was three years ago, and now I have a really painful back condition. Once again I am on percocet but THIS time it's pretty much permanent. I've had 16 knee operations, 5 or 6 on an ankle, and a few others here and there but to get the kind of back surgery I need (That doesn't have the greatest promise of actually stopping the pain) I either allow a surgeon to leave me with a foot long incision and muscles and tendons chopped through. (As a diabetic that would take a LONG time, if ever to heal, or pay $30,000 (A heavily discounted rate from a group in La Jolla I think) for a "minimally invasive operation that leaves a 1.5 inch incision. Turns out there are no Spinal Orthos here who take Medicare. Or travel to another State to have the surgery. My income is mostly disability with a little money from a part time job. And embarrassing as it is, I don't have the bucks for airfare and the hotel.Plus there are other problems like who will write the post-op RX's, no local will.

    ANYWAY I suspect I'm gonna get one of these nutribullet whizbangs myself.

    Please, please forgive this garbled post. I've been wanting to make one for a while and it just sort of all came out at one...

    I think there are a LOT of really GOOD people who post here and are people I'd like to emulate.

  • im starting to get rust water in my drinks :brokenheart:
  • I have the ninja master prep- it was about 45 on amazon and it makes my smoothies daily, cheap and great deal. I have been using for 8 months. love it! good luck. I didn't get nutri bullet as it always needs replacement parts.
  • Hi. I ordered my nutribullet off of HSN. They had a deal of the machine, a bag of superfoods, and a couple books for $99 with free shipping and easy pay. I wanted to have it for my husband who can blend up a drink for early mornings and get a jump start on his nutrition for the day.

    I have not tried it yet, but I do have a ninja system that I used for Dr. Oz detox 3-day plan. The smoothies from the ninja were pretty thick, even though I let it blend/crush for a while. I even added more fluid to thin it out. Sorry, but not thrilled with chewing a smoothie.

    Being gluten intolerant, I was looking to use this also to make my own flours instead of buying rice/tapioca/quinoa and other flours from the store. I have a coffee grinder, but it is such a small compartment, it would take forever to get 3C rice flour.

    I also do not eat meat of any kind, so I eat mostly fruits/vegetables/grains and soy milk, nuts, seeds. I love most fruits and vegetables, and have particularly come to cook and enjoy collard greens. It's going to take some time to find out what will work for both the hubby and myself, but I am looking forward to seeing if this works. Plus, I have until the end of January to send it back to hsn if we don't like it.

    Hope that this helps a bit. it does have really good reviews on google search.
  • I also recommend the Ninja. Mine was $99 and it came with a 44oz cup and a 72 oz cup. It blends everything from food to ice. Makes snow of ice cubes in just 10 pulses. There is a $160 one that comes with a dozen attachments and diff sized cups too.

    My nutribullet burnt out because I blend frozen fruit and it couldn't take it
  • I bought a NutriBullet a few weeks ago.

    So far I have had a great experience with it, there is no lumps and bumps, just nice smooth drinks.

    If you guys want to read my in-depth review on the product, you can do so here: link&utm_campaign=nutribulletre


    Hopefully it may help you guys.

    Just drinking my evening green shake right now :)

    Eben Greens
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I have the Nutribullet, and I highly recommend it. If you're going to make smoothies of any kind, it's work making the investment in something like the Nutribullet or something of very similar quality.
  • sandign
    sandign Posts: 56
    I just ordered the Nutribullet. I also have a Magic Buttlet. I love it also but wanted more power. I lov making soup with the Magic Buttlet. Just stick my broccol, carrots, garlic, kale and whatever i have that I want to add in the cup, add about a half cup of nonfat chicken stock, nuke it for about 2 minutes and then blend it for about 1-2 miutes. It's hot and steamy and then I nornally add a little almond milk. Makes a great soup. I don't always make it really smooth because I like to eat something with texture once in a while.

    You can mix up your veggies and make lots of soups this way. Of course, regualr smoothies are great too. I certainly eat more green veggies than I ever did before.
  • danrh
    danrh Posts: 1
    I just got mine the other night. I went to taco bell and got a nacho cheese chalupa, hard shell taco supreme, and a steak taco. OMG it's heaven! Tonight, its Big Mac night....
  • hopeless_rhomantic
    hopeless_rhomantic Posts: 42 Member
    Walmart has the nurtribullet for 99. I use it to make my breakfast every morning. Half Greens. Half Fruit. Water to the fill line. It really gives me a boost!!
  • Day Three with the Nutribullet and I love it. I am following the diet in the nutritional guide and I feel thinner and healthier. I am consuming many more fruits and veggies and am loving it! Down one pound so far but I think I will be down three at my weekly weigh-in!
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    have ninja and i have the oster shake blended system , we use the single shake system more often , it came with 4 cups 2 blades etc.
  • For some reason, no mention of the "Phase 2" Nutri-Bullet Pro seems to be noticed. It is $150 @ Bed, Bath & Beyond. Go to their site and sign up for a 20% discount coupon. Comes to $120 if you are not a math whiz.
    The new Nutri-Bullet Pro has a 900 watt motor vs. the 600 watt model. The mixing cup holds 32 ounces. You can make a serving for yourself and your sweetie in one shot. Or, singles, make an extra serving and refrigerate it in the storage container that comes with it.
    It is a powerhouse. If you are making a lifestyle change, this one will grind wheatgrass, kale and all that other tough stuff without working up a sweat.
  • mx52001
    mx52001 Posts: 1
    Hi All...I have a Nutribullet, and am loving it and I am using it in conjunction with the myFitnesspal. Can anyone tell me if there is a dedicated site for calorie counting for the recipes in the Nutribullet Natural Healing Foods book. Calories counts can be found for most blends on myFitnesspal, but I can't seem to find calorie counts for the Dinners anywhere for instance. (The Protein Pot is an example...tastes delicious by the way!)
  • rlynnehawk
    rlynnehawk Posts: 71 Member
    I've got it, but I also have the deluxe Ninja set. I like the Ninja a lot better. It was less than 150.00 at Sam's Club.
  • I love my Nutribullet, but there's one thing I struggle with. Bananas. I have tried them with various combinations of fruits and veggies, but anytime I throw a banana up into the mix, the drink has the same distinct smell and taste as baby vomit. You know that smell! The drinks I've made with banana have been the only ones I simply cannot finish. Maybe the bananas I'm using aren't ripe enough? Any suggestions? Ugh! :sick: