No carbs after 2:00......SERIOUSLY?!?!?!



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Too bad chronic ketoacidosis is not ideal for the body. Not to mention your brain cells can only use glucose for energy. IMHO, it's just all about balance. Carbs are NOT "bad." There are just WAY too many factors to consider when it comes to weight loss, and there is no 1 "right" solution or rule, except maybe calories in/calories out. I've been losing weight this week by being able to factor in beer at 1am. Just gotta find what works for you!

    You are confusing Ketosis and ketoacidosis..............2 totally different scenarios here.

    Ketosis is perfectly normal and healthy.

    Ketoacidosis is not healthy and a severe health concern. This usually only happens to severe diabetics who don't have their insulin levels under control and are not controlling their carbs..........

    Please read and research, major misinformation!!!

    I'm talking about the pathological state of ketoacidosis which can occur from prolonged ketosis. I don't know if you can consider ketosis "healthy" seeing as liver glycogen is depleted, and the brain can't use fatty acids. I'll admit I don't know much about the low-carb diets, but from my understanding (I majored in bio and chem, btw) the "goal" is to have the body in a chronic state of ketosis...thus, ketoacidosis can develop. Sorry, just my 2 cents...I just advocate everything in moderation! :smile:

    You can not develop ketoacidosis from being in ketosis for long term. Actually when the body goes into a state of ketosis then Gluconeogenesis starts taking place, which is perfectly normal.

    The body can function JUST FINE without any carb intake what so ever. I was a Pre-med student when I first started college so I have had plenty of chemistry, biology and microbiology classes. Coupled with the fact that I am now studying Naturopathic Wellness and medicine through whole foods nutrition I understand how ketosis works and again I will reiterate the fact that you will not develop ketoacidosis from simply being in ketosis long term.

    In 2003, I was in a state of ketosis for a year and lost 100 pounds - perfectly normal...........As a matter of fact, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and was able to get off my medications and reverse the Diabetes where my A1C and blood sugars are perfectly in the normal range.

    Carbohydrate - glucose in the blood and stored glycogen in cells - is used for both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. In aerobic metabolism, glucose molecules are split into two molecules of lactic acid, releasing a small amount of energy, and then - simplifying a bit - the lactic acid is fed into the citric acid cycle in mitochondria, where it is oxidized, releasing more energy. Anaerobic levels of exercise requires more power - more energy per unit time - than the mitochondria can handle, so a lot more glucose is split, with the excess lactic acid being shipped off to the liver to be joined back together into glucose.

    Aerobic metabolism in the muscles and most other tissues can also use fatty acids as well as glucose. Rather than processing lactic acid, acetyl groups are cleaved from fatty acids and are fed into the citric acid cycle where they are oxidized. However, the brain cannot use fatty acids directly for fuel, because fatty acid molecules are too big to cross the blood brain barrier; normally, the brain has to use glucose.

    When blood glucose levels are low, the liver starts doing two things. First, it starts producing limited amounts of glucose from protein - or rather, from amino acids circulating in the bloodstream that originally come from protein. Second, it starts producing ketones from fatty acids - ketosis. Ketones, like lactic acid and acetyl groups, can be fed into the citric acid cycle, and they can also cross the blood brain barrier, so they can support aerobic metabolism in the brain as well as in muscle and other tissue. In fact, when ketones are available, they are preferred over glucose and fatty acids as fuel for aerobic metabolism.

    Furthermore, we are ALL BIO-INDIVIDUALLY unique and what works for you may not work for me and vice versa. Please stop saying that ketosis is detrimental because there are people on this site and in the world that would benefit from a natural, unprocessed low carb plan that results in the person being in ketosis.

    One more thing, ketogenic plans are often used as treatment for epilepsy and other disorders, especially with children.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Ok, so the trainer at the gym said that I should not eat carbs after 2:00...REALLY??? I love a beer with dinner and all the other things. Can anyone help me with this..give me some suggestions???

    Looks like you are just starting out. Why not try a "normal" diet of counting calories, making healthier choices, etc. and see how well you do with losing before you do something so drastic and completely unsustainable as eating only meat after 2pm? Makes no sense in my opinion.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    that is so unrealistic!!

    my husband is diabetic so has to have carbs at all times of day/night and maintains a healthy weight, and drops weight easily without skipping carbs in the afternoon

    i also have dropped 50lbs first time round, and now another 41lbs without even looking at my carb intake, let alone stopping them from 2pm!
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Ridiculous. Get a trainer who isn't full of crap. I ran this advice past a friend who has a PhD in nutrition and kinesiology and she laughed out loud. And for the record, she is in fantastic shape herself. She runs marathons and likes a beer after work.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    that is so unrealistic!!

    my husband is diabetic so has to have carbs at all times of day/night and maintains a healthy weight, and drops weight easily without skipping carbs in the afternoon

    i also have dropped 50lbs first time round, and now another 41lbs without even looking at my carb intake, let alone stopping them from 2pm!

    Carbs and diabetes don't go together. The lower the carb intake for someone that is Type 2 Diabetic the healthier the person is going to be.

    I am assuming he is a Type 2 Diabetic???? Type 1 is a different story, but a controlled carb intake is necessary there also.
  • It really does work. I eat 1200 calories before 2:00 every day and I lose between 1/2 and alb each day. I don't know why it works but it does. It isn't easy in the beginning but worth it. I miss dinner but I like getting on the scale each morning.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    No beer after 2am? No problems.
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    Let's be honest, regardless of the science/opinion (and I speak as a research nurse) if something isn't sustainable or natural for you then it doesn't matter a toot!

    I do my best and what I can sustain, after 30yrs of feast/famine that is far more important than anything else.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Based on what? 2 PM your time or my time.

    But if you restrict food you will lose weight because you are automatically reducing the calories you eat.
    But there are easier ways of doing it.
    Most of my meals are after 2.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    "dont eat carbs after...." is such a go to answer for so called 'trainers'. Really, don't listen to it, you would probably see results providing you didn't go mental and make other bad decisions first. But you'd have seen those results if you did anything else too. Have your carbs whenever you want, stay within your calorie goal, repeat.
  • katylil
    katylil Posts: 223 Member
    At the end of the day it's calories in vs calories out. And if you go on a long run in the evening, you're going to need carbs! So take it with a pinch of salt. I limit my carbs as a general thing but I think food timing is a bit of a myth. Personal experience!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    It really does work. I eat 1200 calories before 2:00 every day and I lose between 1/2 and alb each day. I don't know why it works but it does. It isn't easy in the beginning but worth it. I miss dinner but I like getting on the scale each morning.

    So you don't eat ANYTHING after 2pm????? I would be hangry 24/7 if I did that. Some nights I don't get to eat dinner until 9:30 and I steadily lost (right now I'm in maintenance)
  • oSummerRaeo
    oSummerRaeo Posts: 39 Member
    :laugh: Eff that. There's carbs in everything
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