Any Optifast users out there?



  • I am on day 2 of Optifast. I just want to drop the weight quickly, then slowly transition back to food. Is it possible to adjust the calorie count on myfitnesspal to reflect that you are doing Optifast? It tells you how many calories you are supposed to take in based on your weight/height but that is not how Optifast works.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am on day 2 of Optifast. I just want to drop the weight quickly, then slowly transition back to food. Is it possible to adjust the calorie count on myfitnesspal to reflect that you are doing Optifast? It tells you how many calories you are supposed to take in based on your weight/height but that is not how Optifast works.
    If you did it the MFP way, you couldn't follow the optifast plan.

    ....and with just 28 lbs as a goal, I cannot fathom why you're taking such an extreme approach.
  • Hi guys,
    I am looking for some people who are on Opitfast for some support. Im a 27yr old female currently weighting 196lbs, I need to lose 77lbs on request of my Cardiologist. I was born with a heart condition that caused a narrowing of my aortic valve. While this was repaired I have to be extremely careful.
    Today I received some news, after doing a 24hr blood pressure test I have been diagnosed with hypertension. I also have polycystic ovaries so I have struggled with my weight for the last 7-8 years and it has gradually gotten worse.
    It has been recommended to me by my mum who is a preassessment nurse to try this programe. Optifast is what they put overweight patients on who are needing to lose weight prior to surgery.
    My mum has offered to do this with me as support as she has gained some weight after giving up smoking.
    I'm a little scared because I don't have the best track record when it comes to self control and I am definitely a foodie. My partner while extremely supportive, used to be a chef and as anyone who knows a chef will tell you, they are all about taste not about whats low fat, low carb.
    Although my mum is going to do this with me, I really want to give myself the best possible chance at having some self control and getting through even a week (my diets tend to last about 2 days before I cave), I would like to friend some people who can be supportive and honest about their experience with this diet.
    I am not looking to be told this is a fad etc, I have medical reasons for doing this and rather than have people point out all the things they feel are wrong with this I would like people to do what MFP is all about and be supportive.
    Thanks and please feel free to friend me if you are on the same journey. :)
  • .
  • Hi everyone, Just started optifast today on optifast 800 so far I'm
    ...because it's a starvation diet.

    I have read a few of your posts on this board and I wish you would stop being such a negative Nancy. This board is for people who are using Optifast, which you clearly are not.
    MFP is supposed to be a supportive place for people who want to lose weight. Please let people make their own decisions about what is best for them and take your negative comments elsewhere.
    Although you may not agree with this diet or think it would work for you, it is a diet that hospitals use to get patients to a healthy weight for surgery.
    It is not recommend that anyone do this without medical advice they even advise you on their website to seek medical advice. However this is a diet that works in conjunction with learning about food, it has the advantage of breaking your addiction to carbs before you go it alone.
    Anyway good luck with whatever weightloss path you are on but please don't try and discourage others when it's hard enough to lose weight when you have all the support in the world
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Hi everyone, Just started optifast today on optifast 800 so far I'm
    ...because it's a starvation diet.

    I have read a few of your posts on this board and I wish you would stop being such a negative Nancy. This board is for people who are using Optifast, which you clearly are not.
    MFP is supposed to be a supportive place for people who want to lose weight. Please let people make their own decisions about what is best for them and take your negative comments elsewhere.
    Although you may not agree with this diet or think it would work for you, it is a diet that hospitals use to get patients to a healthy weight for surgery.
    It is not recommend that anyone do this without medical advice they even advise you on their website to seek medical advice. However this is a diet that works in conjunction with learning about food, it has the advantage of breaking your addiction to carbs before you go it alone.
    Anyway good luck with whatever weightloss path you are on but please don't try and discourage others when it's hard enough to lose weight when you have all the support in the world

    But why are you doing it without medical advice then? When your doc told you to lose 77 lbs, did s/he also tell you how to do it, is Optifast what s/he recommended? In that case s/he should also be able to tell you how to manage hunger that will inevitably arise on a starvation diet. Or your mum would know.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Hi everyone, Just started optifast today on optifast 800 so far I'm
    ...because it's a starvation diet.

    I have read a few of your posts on this board and I wish you would stop being such a negative Nancy. This board is for people who are using Optifast, which you clearly are not.
    MFP is supposed to be a supportive place for people who want to lose weight. Please let people make their own decisions about what is best for them and take your negative comments elsewhere.
    Although you may not agree with this diet or think it would work for you, it is a diet that hospitals use to get patients to a healthy weight for surgery.
    It is not recommend that anyone do this without medical advice they even advise you on their website to seek medical advice. However this is a diet that works in conjunction with learning about food, it has the advantage of breaking your addiction to carbs before you go it alone.
    Anyway good luck with whatever weightloss path you are on but please don't try and discourage others when it's hard enough to lose weight when you have all the support in the world
    so let me understand, 800 calories per day is something that should just be accepted? I'm negative for calling it a starvation diet? I'm sorry you're mad that other people have success without having to pay a lot of money to not eat, but that doesn't make me negative. As for my post history, feel free to read back a few pages. I bash stupid ideas, not the people that follow them. Not that I have any experience in losing weight or anything, but that's fine too.
  • PHF58
    PHF58 Posts: 23 Member
    Jay Jay Jennifer: I have asked for help from the the board moderators about the negative commentators (because it can come across as quite condemning) on this board and they say the only way to truly avoid that input is to create a private group. I did not start one but it might be helpful for you. There are judgers and non-judgers all around MyFitnessPal.
  • NorthernCalGal
    NorthernCalGal Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone,

    For those who are wondering about long-term Optifast success stories, my husband's good friend (best man at our wedding 30 years ago) had gained quite a lot of weight over the last 10 years (he has a son who was diagnosed as autistic which I think took a toll on him). Anyway, he started Optifast in July 2013 and has lost 165 lbs -- he is still in the maintenance group and following all the rules of the program -- and he looks great! He's basically at goal weight and maintaining.

    I think, like anything, this program works if you work it. I would only suggest doing Optifast if you are medically monitored and participate in the support group and classes. I have lost 28 lbs in 7 1/2 weeks and plan on staying in the program for the full year and a half they offer it. I am a 52 year old woman and have less to lose than he did so I am losing slower than he did -- but I am losing! I tried many other programs but was not motivated to stay on them -- the accountability and support from the same group every week is keeping me on track :)
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey guys! I've lost 27 pounds in 3 months using MFP, and it hasn't cost me a single penny! I also barely exercise! ... Oh, wait.
  • NorthernCalGal
    NorthernCalGal Posts: 12 Member
    Congratulations to those of you who have lost using other strategies -- I tried to and was unsuccessful for many years. Finally, with Optifast, I am successful. To each his own.

    I seriously don't understand why people who do not use Optifast are posting on a board that says "Any Optifast users out there?" What are you doing here? Go spread your hate elsewhere - this board is for positive people :love:
  • Kjo is there a reason you don't exercise? Surely that would form part of any health plan? From research it also seems the key to maintenance.

    You are on a program gram called MyFITNESSpal and you come in here to boast you don't exercise?

    What is your point exactly?
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    Kjo is there a reason you don't exercise? Surely that would form part of any health plan? From research it also seems the key to maintenance.

    You are on a program gram called MyFITNESSpal and you come in here to boast you don't exercise?

    What is your point exactly?

    I do exercise but not as much to say it's a routine.

    My point was that there's a lot of people who say they use Optifast because they can't exercise due to injuries, bla bla bla and therefore can't lose weight any other way. Well news to all! Yes, you can.

    Also it's not the key to maintenance. The key to maintenance, as the word implies, is doing something you can actually maintain all your life. The way I currently eat and how I incorporate exercises every now and then is something I can maintain. Can Optifast be maintained forever? Maybe. But it doesn't sound like a good idea only eating that thing for the rest of your life. Especially if it's so low in calories (800? That would be bragging in - it's crazy low). It's super unhealthy! Anyway, to each their own. But I don't think MFP is the ideal place for people using a product that provides such a low amount of calories into people's diet because starvation is certainly not the point MFP wants to make.
  • The reason I said exercise is the key it maintenance is that they are studying people who have lost weight and kept it off long term and pretty much all of them exercise for an hour each day. It seems exercise is less critical in weight loss but almost vital in weight maintenance. If you look around those site you will see that as true for many of the success stories.

    You seem very confused about what Optifast actually is. For most people it is a health plan supervised by doctors and other professions such as psychologists and dietitians.

    It is designed for people who are obese. Many have co-morbidities. It is not designed for people with 10 kilos to lose.

    Full meal replacement is only there at the beginning and it allows many people to get off sufficient weight to begin exercise, to quickly lower significant health markers such blood sugars and for many a "holiday" from food while they examine their relationship with food. It is also a quick way to remove carb cravings. Some are placed on the plan by their doctors pre surgery.

    The Optifast plan is about maintenance for life on normal every day food. Nowhere is it suggested that Optifast meal replacements should continue long term. They are usually phased out gradually after 12 weeks.

    VLCD are seen as a responsible and effective response to the issue of obesity. For many the only other alternative is surgery.

    Its great you have found a way that works for you. Perhaps find it in your heart to support those who walk another path.
  • seamom
    seamom Posts: 18 Member
    Great supportive comments. . .I have to say it is hard to be on the low calorie diet of shakes, meal bars and packaged soup, however, I am super motivated and have never had more energy. I am able to get out there and exercise and am setting down healthy habits that will see me maintain this weight loss. I have lost 23 pounds and have about 35 to go. I am being realistic. I am being honest with myself in trying to deal with the food addictions I have developed over the past decade. It is time to take charge and Optifast and medical monitoring are allowing me to have that opportunity (and I am taking it). I am saying to myself when confronted with food, that I am choosing NOT to have the offered cookie (never one btw) and I am choosing NOT to go off program. I am enjoying the fact that my blood pressure has come down and I am able to move more. So, keep up the good words, work in the wonderful world.

  • After seven weeks I am more than 20 pounds down, blood sugars have fallen into normal range, mysterious leg pain at night has completely gone ( my favourite change), my feet and ankles are no longer swelling up on hot days and I am way more energetic.

    I went back to resistance training a few weeks ago and loving the post work out highs.

    My body is changing not only in size but shape. The weight is mostly disappearing from around the middle so I am changing from apple to hour glass. Have thrown out some too big clothes from my wardrobe and bought some more fitted clothing. My husband is appreciating the new me.

    Lots of comments of how well I look.

    Feeling good. Such relief at finding something that works after doing supposedly the right things for years with little result. I want my pre insulin resistant, pre weight gain body back please! I miss it.
  • servicedograiser
    servicedograiser Posts: 38 Member
  • servicedograiser
    servicedograiser Posts: 38 Member
    I read people saying they are on optifast 800, some say 60 or 70. What do these numbers mean? My optifast packets do not have a number on them. I intend to take 4 a day to have 640 calories.

    Optifast 800 avail from amazon has 160 cal per packet including 20 g of sugar. that would be 640 cal for 4 packets.

    Optifast 60/70 ore the ones that hospital based programs like Kaiser use. 60 for smaller women and 70 for men and taller women (as I recall) I believe they have less sugar and you eat 6-7 times a day
  • servicedograiser
    servicedograiser Posts: 38 Member
    I'm sure that Optifast & Medifast are 2 diffferent things but Medifast sent me to the emergency room. It was not safe or healthy for me. Just sharing my experience. This was how I found out that I had an intolerance to soy & Medifast is soy based. I can take soy in small doses but this is ALL soy. Be careful when dealing with things like this. You are better off eating real food & learning how to eat instead of doing this type of "diet". I found out the hard way & would never want anyone else. to.
    I hope for your health you are reading all the labels on your REAL food foo. I am sensitive to soy (hypothyroid) and cannot tolerate it except tor soy lethin. Soy is in many many prepared foods and fitness shakes too! no teriyaki chicken for you!
  • Attending a Optifast Seminar in less than 2 weeks. looking forward to some positive encourgement :smile: