Any lost 50lbs+ with NO LOOSE skin success stories?



  • CrusaderSam
    CrusaderSam Posts: 180 Member
    Hey OP you see my thread about lose skin yet? If not here it is yeah thats me. I hope you take a good long look at it and it scares the poop out of you. I did everything "right" and you know I still got very bad sagging skin. Right now all it is for you, is a scary thought. You need to stop thinking about it because in the end it wont matter what you do. What does matter is changing your life to become a health person and not numbers on a scale or some extra skin. This has got to be something you do for the rest of your life, not just some fad you give up once you get to goal. I did read what you said OP and you know what, I don't believe you for one second. Life doesn't always work out in our favor, and you need to be able to deal with that, with something other then food. Once you get your head sorted out success will follow no matter what your goals or what happens in life, even lose skin.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Yikes! Yes, the thought of loose/sagging skin is scary as all get out to me and NO, I'm not going to allow the potential of sagging skin stop me from accomplishing my mission of losing 50+ pounds! That said...I'd never ever thought about and certainly never considered the dreaded loose skin when losing weight. I know I've been told here on Mfp by many many many MANY people saying not to lose weight quickly for a bunch of reasons...never hearing about loose skin until recently reading about it here on mFp. I've read where MANY people are experiencing loose skin--and I read a few people who have not. Also, because of reading these tales of sagging/loose dreams of losing the weight quickly with schemes and gimmicks/fads are now FOREVER gone outta my poor mind--it's slow and steady for me from now on!

    I'd LOVE to hear any 50lb+ weight loss stories where you got little or no sagging and loose skin...especially if you are over the age of 40-50. Even if you're not older though, if you could tell us how much you lost, how long it took, how old you are and how much if any sagging or loose skin you have now that's the weight is gone...that'd be GREAT!

    Thanks in advance for your reply!

    I am 66 and lost 50 pounds in ten month with no lose skin and moderate exercise starting out with 10 and now 45 minutes of walking. I have been wondering if maybe apart from genetics the fact that I have eaten a diet based on whole foods all my life is a factor in this and the fact that I was never overweight until after menopause. I want to lose another 40 pounds and to be honest suspect I might get some flabby skin under my arms, but so far I am good.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    well i don't have any loose skin but i exercise and drink lots of water. i also have a lot more to go but i don't have any so far:flowerforyou:
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member

    It took me about a year, and I was dancing and exercising constantly
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    thanks....i'd just rather not have to cover up more now than i ever did when i was fat. bathing suits are a thing of the past, i can never wear short sleeves again....and i can pretty well forget ever gettin' hitched, cuz there's no way i'm ever letting anyone see this nightmare, so unless a giant wad of cash falls in my lap so i can pay to have it fixed, i guess that's that. lol.

    {{{{{{{{{ :heart: Hugs :heart: }}}}}}}}}}}} Ya know, I'd NEVER heard of loose skin (or looked at threads that talked about it) until last REALLY scared me, because I'm the type that loves the idea of "gimmicks, schemes, fads & get it off fast" way of thinking ever since I started (even though I haven't been successful of dropping lots of weight quickly)...I always really wanted to, until reading about loose/sagging skin. Now...when I'm tempted to try something I've heard of (I was thinking about the "don't eat after 6:00p.m. thing just today) or when I get discouraged at not losing quickly (like I didn't lose anything last week), I'm thinking about loose skin and it helps me not to be disappointed anymore.

    Listen beloved, I can not say I understand how you feel or what you're going thru, because I can't...but I can say that you will be in my thoughts and prayers from this day forth and I'm believing that you are not only going to get the monies you need to fix this--but that also a handsome man of super good character, filled with wisdom and righteous, and fun/good sense of humor and who loves life--the man of your dreams is going to find you, love you not for how you look--but for who you are and who knows--maybe he'll be richer than blue valley butter and able to pay for your surgery too. Before you say "fat chance" at that ever happening, I've seen with my own eyes such miracles and blessings such as this and greater all my life. It's going to happen for you--I just know it! Dare to believe it with me...if you dare and I actually double dog dare you to believe this with me for yourself
    {{{{ :flowerforyou: Hugs again :flowerforyou: }}}}

    well I hope so.
  • Hi - I am in my 60's and in the last 8 months lost 51 lb so far no excess skin as exercise faithfully walking and swimming and lose the weight slow but steady - wish you same success!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    OP, I like your attitude! This thread is full of positivity! :flowerforyou:
  • mercurywinks
    mercurywinks Posts: 104 Member
    I lost over 50 pounds once, I made sure to drink LOTS of water to help with my skins elasticity and took up yoga and swimming! No loose skin!
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    BUT it's important to note that I have gone through a few periods during the last 9 months when my body APPEARED to have "loose skin". The pictures you generally see of loose skin are often people who don't know what skin actually looks like, and are mistaken sagging skin filled with fat for 100% skin. For example my inner thighs had that classic "loose skin" look; baggy, wrinkled, and sagging. But guess what? The more fat I cut, the more the skin has just rebounded. When the fat became less compacted it started to give that saggy appearance, but as the fat kept being diminished, the skin just retracts. If I had just, like many people, said "well I've lost 130lbs and I'm at a decent weight range, this stuff must be loose skin". No. NEVER underestimate just how much fat the human body can carry, regardless of your scale weight. It is so common for people to not realize how much fat the body can still keep around even when your weight is in a "normal" range.

    I like this answer :smile:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Loose skin is a function of genetics and time, IMO. As we shrink down, some people will have a lot of skin snapping back, others won't. I've lost 80 pounds off my peak weight and it's only now that my lower abs are poking out that I'm noticing some sagging in the remaining skin off the middle. However, I'd been obese for at least a decade so my skin & stretch marks had plenty of time to get comfy. Some people here seem to be able to have little to no problem losing even more weight and not worrying about the excess skin. They may be younger though, and I think that's a factor.

    OTOH there's my wife, who went through the pregnancy of our daughter and her belly snapped right back into place with nary a stretch mark to be found - and she was 33 at the time.


    Congrats to you and your beloved wife winning with the weight loss and thanks so much for posting this encouraging reply!
  • 100+ pounds lost in 15 months - no sagging at all

    Dang, girl! You look AWESOME!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,866 Member
    In honesty, people's successes WILL NOT always reflect how your body will react. There are other variables that some may have who succeeded, that you may not.

    Your best bet is just to lose the weight. Whether or not you get loose skin is something you really can't control.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    I've lost just over fifty pounds, and I wouldn't say I have any loose skin anywhere--you can look at the photos on my profile to see what I mean.

    I liked the poster who said "Never underestimate the body's ability to have fat!" Because that makes sense to me--fat is sneaky.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Other than from child birth..none ;) - The first 30 pounds was straight cardio (light..Zumba & hip hop abs) then the remaining I strength train two days out of the five focusing on whole body and the other three cardio that requires far more endurance. I have had one natural child birth singleton and a C-section with twins...without surgery there is no fixing the kangaroo pocket LOL

    My husband has lost 67 lbs to date and only lifts heavy - no cardio - no loose skin on him at this time

    This is guys ROCK! I recently started hip hop abs (a couple of times per week) and it's pretty intense for me--it's kinda super corny and makes me feel (and I'm sure look) rather--ummm...ridiculous, but it's fun. I'm also doing weight lifting too--which is also super TOUGH too for me. Thanks for posting!
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member

    I'm not at goal yet, but have lost more than 50lb and have not had a problem with loose skin.

    I swim and lift weights, but I don't think that makes a difference to the skin really.

    I'm fairly young, am losing the weight slowly and have been overweight for about 4 years, not since my teens or anything - variables that may account for this.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    ive lost 68 so far with no loose skin. i have 57 more till go. i expect some. but as the weight loss slows it gives time to your skin and i work out every day, so im not even worried about it.
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    I have some on my stomach but you can't see it if I'm standing up straight. I have a lot on my boobs though. I lost the bulk of the weight in a 4-5 month period and the last 15 lbs or so over the last two years. I'm 32 years old.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    I lost 93 pounds in 10 months at age 46 with no lose skin. I think sticking to a fairly steady calorie count (1500) and really working hard in the gym made all the difference. I was working out 10 - 12 hours a week and lifting heavy and everything just fell into place. However, when I tried to keep up my exercise intensity on 1200 calories I never lost another pound and wound up in the hospital with severe anemia. Slow and steady is the best!!!!

    That is incredible! I have only lost 10 and I have loose skin....or soft fat on my belly. I am hoping it goes away eventually. I am working my butt off lifting heavy and doing cardio and keeping cals to about 1600. My thighs, butt, and back look so much better and relatively toned and my stomach has gotten much smaller, but there is more of a jelly bowl consistency to it now. Time will tell if it stays or goes.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    100+ pounds lost in 15 months - no sagging at all

    Dang, girl! You look AWESOME!

    Yes ma' look SUPER fabulous! You rock, period. WOOT!!! :drinker: :love: :drinker:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hey OP you see my thread about lose skin yet? If not here it is yeah thats me. I hope you take a good long look at it and it scares the poop out of you. I did everything "right" and you know I still got very bad sagging skin. Right now all it is for you, is a scary thought. You need to stop thinking about it because in the end it wont matter what you do. What does matter is changing your life to become a health person and not numbers on a scale or some extra skin. This has got to be something you do for the rest of your life, not just some fad you give up once you get to goal. I did read what you said OP and you know what, I don't believe you for one second. Life doesn't always work out in our favor, and you need to be able to deal with that, with something other then food. Once you get your head sorted out success will follow no matter what your goals or what happens in life, even lose skin.

    Thanks so much for your reply!

    YES! reading your thread is what prompted me to start this thread and reading your thread last week it did exactly what you said you'd hope it'll do to/for me..."it DEFINITELY scared the poop outta me" I've NEVER considered nor thought about the potential of loose/sagging skin before reading your thread and for some reason, I never read any threads about loose /sagging skin. The title of your thread is what prompted me to read it and :noway: WOW, what I learned from it scared me something fierce! Which again, cause me/inspired me to start this thread asking how many people have lost with NO LOOSE skin. I know everyone is different and just because some didn't have loose/sagging skin, doesn't mean that I won't--and at the very same token, just because someone does have loose/sagging skin after weight loss doesn't mean I will either. I started this thread to see, because your thread sparked my curiosity. :flowerforyou: 128 pounds loss is the stuff of heroes and sheroes that's FOR SURE and I'd be thrilled to lose 28 pounds, let alone 128's taking me forever to drop this weight, and thanks to your thread--I'll no longer grieve about it, period. It's slow and steady for me (and with a good atttude too) from now on!

    That said, You've done amazingly fabulous/phenomenal and your attitude is about the loose/sagging skin definitely that of a winner:drinker: That said...I couldn't (for the life of me) figure out how long it took you to lose the tremendous amount of 128lbs anywhere in your thread. I read where you lost 1% of your body weight per month or something like that, but couldn't figure out the actual time it took for you to drop those pounds.

    How long (in months and/or years) did you take to lose the weight?
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