1300 daily calorie goal - too little? trying to lose!



  • LeahNMe
    LeahNMe Posts: 73 Member
    And you need to make sure that you're actually eating 1300 calories. If you're not currently using a food scale, you might consider getting one. Measuring cups are better than nothing, but they still aren't all that accurate for certain foods. A lot of people find that they've been eating more than they realize once they switch to the food scale.
    This is my next step ^ I have been using a measuring cup but plan on getting a scale, but even with the cup, I have realized my portion sizes were way, way off. But sometimes for the wrong side. I found out a cup of lima beans is actually way more than I eat, tho the rice was a lot less.
  • nikkinixsix
    nikkinixsix Posts: 22 Member
    I have been reading more and more about the BMR and TDEE - I did my calculations (complete wth body fat percentage) and my BMR (according to the Harris Benedict Formula) is 1704. My TDEE - because I work out 3-5 times a week is 2305.

    If I am getting this correct, I subtract 20% from my TDEE and get 1844. This is the amount I should be eating, correct? That seems very high so I think I will try to stick around 1750 total.

    You expert MFP'ers - does this sound right?

    Thanks for all of the support!! :)
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I have been reading more and more about the BMR and TDEE - I did my calculations (complete wth body fat percentage) and my BMR (according to the Harris Benedict Formula) is 1704. My TDEE - because I work out 3-5 times a week is 2305.

    If I am getting this correct, I subtract 20% from my TDEE and get 1844. This is the amount I should be eating, correct? That seems very high so I think I will try to stick around 1750 total.

    You expert MFP'ers - does this sound right?

    Thanks for all of the support!! :)

    YUP!!! :D
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    As long as you are netting 1300 then this should be fine..1.5 ponds is a little aggressive but should be manageable.

    So example if you get a burn of 200 calories you eat 1500 - 200 burned = 1300 net ..

    However, I would be wary of burns that MFP gives you so maybe only eat back twenty five percent of your exercise calories…

    or in my example you eat 1450 - 150 (.25 of 200) = 1300 net…
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thank you everyone for the quick responses!

    To answer a few of the questions: I do try to eat back half of my exercise calories and have always been active but have
    "upped my game" with the bootcamp and moving from 3X to 4X a week.

    I definitely find it hard to only eat 1300 so am glad to hear that I should increase. I have been at this regiment for just about 3 weeks and the lack of weight dropping is driving me crazy (not expecting a huge loss, but thought a few pounds right?!)

    I do measure with measuring cups and would like to get a food scale *baby steps* eventually so I don't get overwhelmed and give up.

    Keep the tips/advice coming - I am good with constructive criticism :)

    lack of weight loss is probably due to water retention, because as you said you just "upped your game" so your muscles are retaining more water/glycogen for repair….

    It takes about four to six weeks for your body to adapt to changes/new program …

    what activity level did you put into MFP when it gave you 1300???
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Perspective..I eat 1700 calories a day and lose 0.66lbs a week..and it's fat not muscle. That is my TDEE-15%

    I exercise 5x a week and do not eat my exercise calories back...Lift 3x a week, HIIT/walk 2x a week.

    I do not personally believe that 1200 calories is appropriate for very many people...you would have to be a very small woman for that....

    I do weight 99% of my solids and measure liquids.

    when eating at 1200 calories you can't get in enough protien to prevent muscle loss, nor can you exercise like I do (lifting heavy) which prevents muscle loss.

    And yes I am speaking from exp...

    The other thing to remember is that this is not a diet...it has to be the way you will eat for the rest of your life just in smaller portions. At 1200 calories you are probably eating lots of veggies, low fat this, very little fruit and a few carbs, no treats, very little wine/beer etc. No eating out...

    Are you going to give those things up for life???? Probably not so why give them up now? It makes it shifting to maitenance that much harder along with the fact you have bigger chances of binging on those things you gave up and failing...

    The key here (as others have said) is to find the maximum number of calories you can eat and still lose the weekly weight you want...for me it's between 1700-1800...which is great cause i get to eat chocolate every night, have my vodka, eat out, go on vacation and not worry about it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have been reading more and more about the BMR and TDEE - I did my calculations (complete wth body fat percentage) and my BMR (according to the Harris Benedict Formula) is 1704. My TDEE - because I work out 3-5 times a week is 2305.

    If I am getting this correct, I subtract 20% from my TDEE and get 1844. This is the amount I should be eating, correct? That seems very high so I think I will try to stick around 1750 total.

    You expert MFP'ers - does this sound right?

    Thanks for all of the support!! :)

    yes, but remember that number is just a calculation so it is not the end all be all and no online calculator is going to accurately predict your TDEE ..so you will have to play around with that number….

    make sure you have a food scale and weight/log/measure everything. Inaccurate logging is the downfall of a lot of people on MFP ...
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Just to add- 100% agree with tracking your intake.

    Remember it's easier to not eat the slice of cake than it is to burn off the 2-300 kcals once you have done it.

    I basically underestimated everything, portion size, amounts, cals, snacks everything. I was sitting wondering how I can walk about 5 miles a day, bring my own lunch, no sodas, no sugar in my tea etc and still somehow gain.

    Now I track everything- down to those treats people bring into the office. You know, it's somebody's birthday, somebody made fudge, cookies were half price etc. None of those. And also, really silly thing but I take a smaller lunchbox.

    Make sure you are eating enough- but that goes both ways; not too little and not too much!
  • changing4life
    changing4life Posts: 193 Member
    This is a great thread.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    In my experience 1700-1900 is a good caloric focus.
    Higher numbers on lift days and lower on cardio/HIIT.
    Dont change everything at once and take your time losing the fat, you'll maintain easier if you was into this now.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Just to add- 100% agree with tracking your intake.

    Remember it's easier to not eat the slice of cake than it is to burn off the 2-300 kcals once you have done it.

    I basically underestimated everything, portion size, amounts, cals, snacks everything. I was sitting wondering how I can walk about 5 miles a day, bring my own lunch, no sodas, no sugar in my tea etc and still somehow gain.

    Now I track everything- down to those treats people bring into the office. You know, it's somebody's birthday, somebody made fudge, cookies were half price etc. None of those. And also, really silly thing but I take a smaller lunchbox.

    Make sure you are eating enough- but that goes both ways; not too little and not too much!

    I agree with tracking, but i do not agree with restricting…

    if you want cake, eat it..just make room for it in your diary, plan your day around it, and maintain your deficit or stay in maintenance..

    so yes you can have some cake, ice cream, etc…just make sure you maintain your deficit...
  • This thread has been really helpful.

    I just wanted to check. Once you have your BMR (mine is 1550 so ive put my daily goal as 1600) and I work out, do i eat these exercise calories back? Or if you do it using this formula (rather than through mfp) should I not eat them back?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This thread has been really helpful.

    I just wanted to check. Once you have your BMR (mine is 1550 so ive put my daily goal as 1600) and I work out, do i eat these exercise calories back? Or if you do it using this formula (rather than through mfp) should I not eat them back?

    If you do MFPs way, yes.
    If you do it as a TDEE +/- method, no.

    So you have BMR, the amount of calories needed if comatose.
    You have TDEE or the apps amount of calories to maintain.

    A person with a BMR of 1550 who trains with high intensity 3x a week and walks a bit....

    2480 is an appx maintenance calorie.

    So in theory if you eat below that, and above BMR, you'll lose weight!
    The higher you eat toward TDEE, the less muscle you'll lose.
    The lower you eat towards BMR (unless doing proper Keto) the more muscle you'll lose.
  • "make sure you have a food scale and weight/log/measure everything. Inaccurate logging is the downfall of a lot of people on MFP"


    Check out this video regarding measuring vs. weighing…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVjWPclrWVY …you will want to buy a digital scale today!

    …and don't sell yourself short by under eating - can't stress that enough. We see it all the time here at MFP -people want fast results, don't eat enough, and within a few weeks they are crashing and burning and wondering what went wrong. Lack of energy for workouts, tired, suddenly overeating and binge eating, grouchy - keep this up and eventually the posts become about hair loss, brittle nails, complete stalls in weight loss, and a slowed metabolism to match the low intake, which leads to needing to eat less and less in order to lose weight.
  • nikkinixsix
    nikkinixsix Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks everyone! Sorry to not have replied earlier - need to make sure I check in more often on the threads :smile:

    ndj1979: When I first put in my information for my MFP profile, I checked "sedentry/desk job" under activity level, which put me down to 1200 at first. After realizing that MFP doesn't take into consideration excercise outside of your day job, I went back and changed my activity level to reflect the fact that I work out 3-5 times a week after work.

    I am definitely making sure I eat 1700-1800 calories and eating back 20-25% of my excercise calories burned - my energy level is so much better! While the scale hasn't moved (1 lb. down) I feel "tighter" and know that I am losing inches. Just waiting for the scale to start making the move down and I know this takes time.

    I really appreciate everyones feedback and tips!
  • nikkinixsix
    nikkinixsix Posts: 22 Member
    Also, would be great if I could eventually spell exercise correctly! :tongue: