Xbox Fitness



  • moonturk
    moonturk Posts: 14 Member
    My wife is looking to add more friends as well. Any woman in the 36-45 range, please feel free to add her.

    GT: KneeTurc
  • Eloira
    Eloira Posts: 82 Member
    I've fell in love with it recently, some things annoy me such as the floor exercises xD doesn't pick me up most of the time xD

    Feel free to add me
  • AlexStar6
    AlexStar6 Posts: 3 Member
    Took me a little while to work up the steam do be able to do them (I've got a lot to lose) but I've been using Xbox Fitness a lot lately and I'm really loving the MOSSA Fight workouts.
  • I just added a lot of you, add me too : UltraViolence74

    I do Mossa, Insanity a lot but also try whatever I'm in the mood for.

    I'm also trying to get the Friends Challenge achievement... so add me :)

  • Vrykolia
    Vrykolia Posts: 9 Member
    I have started doing the 10 min solutions, 2 of them in a row, as a supplement to going to the gym a couple times a week. Liking it so far. Working up to trying the Mossa workout. Pretty fun to see achievements and badges. Good motivation for a gamer. Haha.

    GT: vrykolia
    Feel free to add
  • Hi

    I've been using Xbox fitness 4-5 times a week since January and I'm absolutely loving it. Insanity is my favourite even if I am tomato red and shattered at the end of each workout and I tried Mossa fight 1 for the first time this morning and loved that too.

    I'm currently working towards the Mount Everest achievement and am at 53%! Anyone done it yet?

    Gt: Frances Jane 88
  • cheryl1pozz
    cheryl1pozz Posts: 1 Member
    My wife is looking to add more friends as well. Any woman in the 36-45 range, please feel free to add her.

    GT: KneeTurc

    Iv just started this will add ur wife

    Feel free to add me

    Gt: dorsalDust55501
  • Vrykolia
    Vrykolia Posts: 9 Member
    Just did MOSSA Groove, it's just like Zumba. Pretty fun.
  • jeraldt
    jeraldt Posts: 1
    I just started the Mossa fight. I think it is going to be a really cool workout. If anyone wants to add me, my gamertag is JeraldT.

    "Let's move"
  • jadedarr
    jadedarr Posts: 6 Member
    Yay. So glad to find others that are doing this!

    My tag:
    Hel1o Sweetie
  • HealthyBrandi
    HealthyBrandi Posts: 45 Member
    I like to compete, so you can add me on as acestar7109911.
  • hoebag87
    hoebag87 Posts: 3
    Are the MOSSA workouts free or do you need to buy them? Also if I wanted to do insanity do i need to pay for the entire course?

    I've just started this and I've done 2 of the 10 minute solutions workouts.

    Gametag: hoebag87 please add me. When I get have people to 'compete' with I find I work a lot harder.
  • Jenniflowerr89
    Jenniflowerr89 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys. I've been using x box fitness and enjoy it but would like ffriends to compete with. I usually do the 10 min workouts, but sometimes do the insanity if I feel I can do it :) if anyone would like a new friend then add me at digestedmilk91 :) be good to actually have someone to compete with.
  • Auntpixie
    Auntpixie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all!! I just found the xbox fitness & the motivation to try it out. I plan to do mossa power tomorrow. My GT is DeliriousLotus. I would love to have friends and friendly competition please :)
  • debmac2563
    debmac2563 Posts: 9 Member
    I seem to be a bit older than most of you. I have just finsihed week one of Jillian Michaels ripped in 30. I also love the Mossa Workouts! Im new to this but would really like to get a bit interactive with some friends.

    My GT is debmac2563 I am 50 but happy to give anyone a run :) it may motivate me :laugh:
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    We just got the Xbox One and I checked out Xbox Fitness. I'm going to try some of the workouts to supplement when I don't or can't make it to the gym.

    Feel free to add me, "Logan Macleod"
  • Xbox fitness was my primary motivation for buying an Xbox One. I mostly do the Mossa workouts along with Just Dance 2014 for cardio.

    I'd love to have some people to compete with so please feel free to add me. My GT is shiroronin
  • squirlymedic
    squirlymedic Posts: 1 Member
    I use it a lot i love mossa!!!! Gamer tag squirlymedic
  • carolinatx
    carolinatx Posts: 58 Member
    I've done some Jillian michaels and a couple of the 10 min workouts (which I didn't care for much) and did the P90 plyo yesterday and Mossa Fight today - love them both and can't wait to do more Mossa! But I've noticed that the calorie tracker and heart monitor aren't accurate at all, sometimes the heart rate is, but calories - not even close. I found a place for p90x estimated calorie burn, but haven't found one for Mossa yet. I guess it would be comparable to plyo or cardio x from p90... I was certainly getting a much better workout than the 119 calories it said I burned ;)

    Here's the estimator for p90 if anyone is interested:
  • carolinatx
    carolinatx Posts: 58 Member
    For those that have only found the 10 min options, move along the top at the beginning and go to 'longer than 20 min' options - that's where you'll find most of the Jillian and the p90 and mossa ones. There are 2 free p90, a handful of free Jillian and several Mossa, not sure the numbers.