BIGGEST thing you have learned since tracking calories?



  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Weigh as much as you can with a digital scale, even if it's a pre-packaged individual serving. For example, my quest bars are supposed to weigh60g, but they usually weigh 66-68g.
  • Weigh as much as you can with a digital scale, even if it's a pre-packaged individual serving. For example, my quest bars are supposed to weigh60g, but they usually weigh 66-68g.

    Iv'e heard good things about those bars! Are they any good?
  • tiger4nikki
    tiger4nikki Posts: 112 Member
    The biggest thing I have learned is how MANY calories are in so many foods that I love, LOL!
  • caellen518
    caellen518 Posts: 14 Member
    I've learned that I am the worst kind of grazer. That "just five won't hurt..." kind of person who never realized that 5 a day, every day equaled out to lbs gained.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    That eating the proper amount of calories for my stats and activity level is key - not too much, but not too little either. Food is fuel, and my properly fueled body happily sheds fat. :drinker:
  • JackieRL55
    JackieRL55 Posts: 144 Member
    I also learned portion control as well as how much I was snacking...which was A LOT. I also learned that just because something is healthy doesn't mean you can eat 20 servings.

    Portions has to be the biggest though. My portions, in retrospect, were obscene!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    If left to my own devices, I would always eat 15%carbs/75%fat/10%protein. I love the pie chart! It really helps me keep my fat consumption under control.
  • After a low carb diet which is quite limiting in choices, its wonderful being able to go shopping for food, knowing i can eat the things on the shelves and not deprive myself, as long as i portion control. So easy to se how many calories i have left and adjusting,the type of food to fit the daily allowance. So easy! When i have not filled my quota i can splurge without guilt to get to target calories. A bedtime treat. This is great a sustainable way to lose weight. Treats at the end of the day if Ive stuck to the plan,not deprivation
  • srMN1
    srMN1 Posts: 4
    I've learned that I can eat a lot of food and still be at a deficit. It is about making the right choices at the right time.

    Also, MODERATION! is my slogan.

    I am never giving up alcohol, pizza, chinese food ... I am just NOT eating as much or as often.

    This about sums it up.
  • snapehbp
    snapehbp Posts: 64
    Portion sizes, especially pasta!! I was clearly grossly over estimating a serving size with pasta... It was a huge shock!
  • Oh how true, My portion are too big too! I'm 5'8 but I eat like I'm much taller. I would love to lose about twenty pounds.....And get my weight under 200 lbs.....
  • Go!
  • MelisaBegins
    MelisaBegins Posts: 161 Member
    I have learned that I am not alone!
  • acorneredbaby
    acorneredbaby Posts: 13 Member
    Serving sizes and I realized that things that fit those serving sizes are filling as they are and I don't need to eat 2 or 3 serving sizes (that I once thought was just one) to be full AND rack up a bunch of calories.
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    this thread is great.

    I have learned I don't need to eat 5 times a day to keep my metabolism going and it's impossible to eat 5 meals a day and come in at under 1200-1400 calories anyway.

    Also those 20 calories lollies (sweets) that I just have a "few" of, sure do add up.
  • this thread is great.

    I have learned I don't need to eat 5 times a day to keep my metabolism going and it's impossible to eat 5 meals a day and come in at under 1200-1400 calories anyway.

    Also those 20 calories lollies (sweets) that I just have a "few" of, sure do add up.

    It really is a myth that you have to eat 5-6 meals a day for weight loss. As long as you meet your calories deficit you will loose the pounds. Stick to what you like. I am at 1340 calories/day and it would be hard making 5-6 decent meals out of that. So I eat 3 main meals and one snack, so i totally agree with you. Check out my diary if you'd like.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    The caloric difference between regular and lowfat versions of many foods is very small.
    The fat is often replaced with sugar and filler crap!

    +10. I finally started comparing labels instead of blindly assuming that low-fat versions of stuff were automatically better for me - in most cases I end up deciding that the 5-15 calories per serving I'd save, aren't worth the taste sacrifice! Also in some cases the low fat things actually have MORE calories!!! One example I found recently was Campbell's Healthy Request Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup - the "regular" Healthy Request CoC Soup is 60 calories in a 1/2 cup serving, but in the 98% Fat Free version, it's 70 calories in a 1/2 cup serving!!
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    I'm pretty sure that's unprepared. If you mix with water,
    should be about 2 1/2 cups. (Actually, 2 11/16 prepared...)
    There's only 10 3/4 ounces in a can so you can count
    on a serving (like with most soups) as being a cup. If
    you use milk, yes you'd have to add the extra calories, etc..

    Most prepared cans IE; Progresso are 2 serving sizes.
    Before MFP, a can of soup used to be lunch. I was so
    far off the charts on sodium it wasn't even funny. Now
    I'm off 2 different blood pressure meds! Pickles for
    snacks, store bought salsa, bread, cheese, etc. are
    all high in sodium. I now cook fresh beets, and toss
    with some balsamic vinegar, a little kosher salt, and
    fresh cracked black pepper. It cures my pickle cravings!

    I no longer keep soup in the house, except some tomato
    and chicken for the kids. They don't have high blood pressure,
    nor do they eat it every day! Maybe once (twice?) a month.

    Oh and if you like cheese, switch to Swiss. It has the least
    amount of sodium. An ounce of cheese isn't a lot, so I add
    avocado, and tomatoe to my grilled cheese. So good!

    Anyway, I find if I keep my sodium in check everything else
    (calories, fats, carbs) just kind of falls in to line. I've learned
    to eat in moderation. Now I have goals. Almost 2 years 4
    months in to this, and it works.
  • KarissaA
    KarissaA Posts: 29 Member
    I've learned spices (garlic powder, onion powder, etc) have calories.

    I've also learned that 1-2 m&ms can be satisfying.
  • chrisram88
    chrisram88 Posts: 43 Member
    i learned proportions! I can satisfy my stomach the same as when i use to eat 2 plates!