Ladies - Do you seem to only attract weirdos??



  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    YES!! I SEEM to Attract the pedophiles. I have a 17 year old daughter, and she is Beautiful. I stay away from Creepers. No Thank you. I would rather be alone than put my little girl in Danger.

    Guys date you with the intention of getting the daughter? Well 17 isn't pedo category, it's even legal in most states as age of consent is 16, now if she was 9...
  • VegRuthie
    VegRuthie Posts: 20
    I prefer to be weird than normal..... Why including nerds on all of this? ( nerds are cool) ..... I am the "weirdo" in my relationship, not so much now... I used to be into comics, megacon, a loner who could quote Doctor who, I used to dress with what my bf mom used to call Frankenstein shoes and used to feel super cool that way. I've changed with time trying to be more like him and his friends and guess what? My bf the other day said that he miss the old Ruthie. I waited more than a year for a nerdy " weird " guy like me and there was this average guy into sports from college who tried for more than 4 months to take me out on a date and now we couldn't be happier. With that said.... You mentioned meeting some of them online; Well, the online world is the perfect place for the shy, the socially awkward, that guy with that strange fetish. Been there before.... I could write a funny blog of the amount of interesting people I met on ok cupidd
  • Luxleo
    Luxleo Posts: 21
    Hmm....many people would classify my boyfriend as both "nerdy" and a "weirdo"...Lol, but I freakin love him to death! I'm also weird, so it just works. :P

    But my friends always tell me I go for the nerdy type of guy... *shrugs* I guess. :)
  • 98777
    98777 Posts: 108 Member
    F*** being normal.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I've always attracted nerdy guys, but I love them. They're fun, smart, and usually really fun to be with. Plus, they don't think I'm weird for dressing up like a Klingon at Halloween.
  • Kreepie11
    Kreepie11 Posts: 76
    It's probably your aura. My sister, who's a fantastic person, used to have a wall in front of her. She just gave out the vibe "F*** YOU, YOU DON'T KNOW ME." After some careful consideration, she changed. Haha. Now there are many types of guys around her. It could be your attitude, your confidence, your demeanor, anything.

    ^^ Honestly, this is probably it. I was all ready to go "me too, me too!" because of some of the guys I've dated. Yes, world, I'm calling them weird. They know they're weird. Most of them are still good guys, so it doesn't really matter. Most guys I've dated were crazy clingy, socially awkward, and usually had some kind of mental health issue (mainly depression). I *know* I give off that vibe, because I don't trust people, so if you're doing something even kinda close to this, it's probably that.

    Also, can someone please explain to me why someone would think it's fine to say something like "Hi sexy what's up" when you first meet someone? Not on a dating site, or at a bar, just in normal life or a site like this. Pet peeve. It's creepy.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member

    :laugh: This picture seems appropriate for this thread.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Do you want to see my copper wire collection?
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    Kinda sad that nerds are included on your list. But I'm a nerd so I'm biased, oh well!

    ... xD Kinda feel like that's a bit childish to do (once you hit adulthood I feel like it's just kind of an unspoken understanding that you're someone's gf/bf after a few dates, no clarification needed unless there's honestly some confusion). *shrug*


    I disagree. When I was just dating in my adult life, I always wanted to be 100% clear on what the terms of the relationship were. I had a couple guys who insisted that we were a monogamous couple after a couple of dates, even after I'd made it clear that wasn't my intention. It has always bothered me when guys assumed I was "only theirs" without even asking me about it, even in HS. :laugh:

    Seems like an example of the part when I said "unless there's honestly some confusion". :P But in this case it seems like they didn't get it even after you clarified. xD Since I started dating as an adult I've only had an issue with one guy and it was the opposite - we had been going on a few dates a week and hanging out regularly and I thought we were a thing but then I started seeing him around campus hugging and kissing another girl so we chatted and he seemed shocked I thought we were monogamous. You just have to be clear with your intentions, and if being clear doesn't cut it then you have a decision to make whether or not you compromise and see how it works out or move on. :)

    Wait, what? I feel like unless there was a conversation about being in a monogamous relationship, NO ONE should assume. I mean, I'm not going to tell a guy that I just met that I've gone on two dates with another guy and have another planned. I may even kiss them both (I know, I'm such a *kitten*). That's what dating is about... is it not?

    ETA: I haven't met a guy that after two dates I have decided I've met THE ONE. I'm not putting all of my metaphorical eggs in one basket until I'm sure that I want him fertilizing them.

    I think the real question should be: Do a lot of people buy you pizza? :-)
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    Do you want to see my copper wire collection?

    no no no..... its do you want to see my chloroform collection.... you got to get it right.... geez.... how are you ever gonna be a proper weirdo/creeper???
  • neutralmilkhotel83
    When did using public transportation make someone weird? :(

  • neutralmilkhotel83
    Side note: If you're only attracting the bottom of the barrel, its because you're not attracting anyone else. Sorry... not sorry.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Do you want to see my copper wire collection?

    no no no..... its do you want to see my chloroform collection.... you got to get it right.... geez.... how are you ever gonna be a proper weirdo/creeper???

    Overstepped, bro.

  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    My opinion?

    You will search out what you're (consciously, or subconsciously) looking for.

    If you want to find something other that 'weirdos', look at your behaviors and make changes accordingly.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    YES!! I SEEM to Attract the pedophiles. I have a 17 year old daughter, and she is Beautiful. I stay away from Creepers. No Thank you. I would rather be alone than put my little girl in Danger.

    Guys date you with the intention of getting the daughter? Well 17 isn't pedo category, it's even legal in most states as age of consent is 16, now if she was 9...

    .... the fact that you're justifying this is beyond creepy.
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    I love my geeky, socially awkward husband. I didn't think that was necessarily what I wanted until I met him.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Socially Awkward Crew checkin in
  • neutralmilkhotel83
    YES!! I SEEM to Attract the pedophiles. I have a 17 year old daughter, and she is Beautiful. I stay away from Creepers. No Thank you. I would rather be alone than put my little girl in Danger.

    Guys date you with the intention of getting the daughter? Well 17 isn't pedo category, it's even legal in most states as age of consent is 16, now if she was 9...

    .... the fact that you're justifying this is beyond creepy.

    QFT. Some people scare me.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    YES!! I SEEM to Attract the pedophiles. I have a 17 year old daughter, and she is Beautiful. I stay away from Creepers. No Thank you. I would rather be alone than put my little girl in Danger.

    Don't introduce guys to your kids right away?
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    YES!! I SEEM to Attract the pedophiles. I have a 17 year old daughter, and she is Beautiful. I stay away from Creepers. No Thank you. I would rather be alone than put my little girl in Danger.

    Guys date you with the intention of getting the daughter? Well 17 isn't pedo category, it's even legal in most states as age of consent is 16, now if she was 9...

    .... the fact that you're justifying this is beyond creepy.
    No, just being logical