I hope no one was watching....

Ever done something (tripped on open ground) and got that warm flush of being embarrassed that someone else saw you?

Today as I was pushing through the pull door at the hotel, I flattened myself into the glass only to have my yogurt explode on impact all over my leather coat......and then the flush came over me...

i also sent a brown noser reply to a co-worker that had sucked up to his boss in an email, only to hear him shout out to me from his office, "why did you reply to all?" - - and then the flush came over me...

What about you? Do you laugh about it now?


  • The_1_Who_Knocks
    The_1_Who_Knocks Posts: 343 Member
    Ever done something (tripped on open ground) and got that warm flush of being embarrassed that someone else saw you?

    When I was about 12 years old, I was at my cousin's All-Star baseball tournament, and I was standing outside the center field fence watching the game. This kid hit a high fly ball to right center that I was sure was going to be a home run as soon as he hit it and I took off running toward right center to get that ball. On about my second step I got completely close lined by a steel wire that was holding up a light post. It hurt like hell, and I was embarrassed as could be.

    I hope everybody was watching that ball in the air. It wasn't even a homerun, it was caught for an out.
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    Well, I pretty much do stupid *kitten* all the time...it's mostly the things I say. My coworkers keep a book of all the stupid *kitten* I say and love to throw it back in my face...

    examples...the other day, I told the entire conference room that I was straddling the pole between my legs........as in I was sitting near the end and the leg to the table was in my way.

    orrrr......to everyone I said, "my pooter is broken". .. as in my computer is broken.

    orrrr....i told my coworker he should pound me yesterday....don't even know what we were talking about

    I trip, fall, run into stuff, drop stuff, and do silly mess everyday...I've almost gotten immune to the embarassment. :-)
  • neutralmilkhotel83
    No, I don't make mistakes. When I trip, the ground apologizes for getting in my way.

    Chuck Norris calls me "sir."
  • neutralmilkhotel83
    Well, I pretty much do stupid *kitten* all the time...it's mostly the things I say. My coworkers keep a book of all the stupid *kitten* I say and love to throw it back in my face...

    examples...the other day, I told the entire conference room that I was straddling the pole between my legs........as in I was sitting near the end and the leg to the table was in my way.

    orrrr......to everyone I said, "my pooter is broken". .. as in my computer is broken.

    orrrr....i told my coworker he should pound me yesterday....don't even know what we were talking about

    I trip, fall, run into stuff, drop stuff, and do silly mess everyday...I've almost gotten immune to the embarassment. :-)

  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    On a daily basis. But my last big one was when I was running on the treadmill at the gym. I had it set to 10.0 & I was all out sprinting when my shoe lace came untied & I tripped over it, I somehow caught myself from falling by grabbing on the sides. But, there were a few ugly seconds there where I was just flailing around like a crazy person & I just pray nobody saw it :indifferent:
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    Well, I pretty much do stupid *kitten* all the time...it's mostly the things I say. My coworkers keep a book of all the stupid *kitten* I say and love to throw it back in my face...

    examples...the other day, I told the entire conference room that I was straddling the pole between my legs........as in I was sitting near the end and the leg to the table was in my way.

    orrrr......to everyone I said, "my pooter is broken". .. as in my computer is broken.

    orrrr....i told my coworker he should pound me yesterday....don't even know what we were talking about

    I trip, fall, run into stuff, drop stuff, and do silly mess everyday...I've almost gotten immune to the embarassment. :-)


    That pretty much sums it up... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • childofbodom123
    childofbodom123 Posts: 175 Member
    I once dug a hole in the sand at the beach, about 4ft deep maybe 5ft deep .... a little while later, playing frisbee ... I run and jump, catch the frisbee but forgot about the hole I dug ... Fell down the hole head first, beach full of people taking pictures of just my legs poking out the sand

    Still get nightmares
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    I guess mine all have to do with horrible falls LOL. A couple of months ago I was leaving my house and the floor of the garage is made of tiles, has an incline, and to top it off it was all wet because it was raining and I was wearing Crocs. I kissed the floor but was back up in a second LOL, I looked everywhere to see if someone saw me but I think (and hope) no one did LOL.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I kinda laughed at you, OP. I'm sorry.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I was playing basketball in seventh grade. I stole the ball from the opposing team and started heading toward our basket - no one anywhere around me. Visions of glory were running through my head... And then I tripped on nothing and fell flat on my face. And EVERYONE saw that.
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    Years ago, I got a new Alienware laptop and did the vital installs (world of warcraft and such) and imported my favorites. I brought it to work one day and my boss's boss's boss (I was a lowly shipping and receiving lead, he was the director of supply chain management) asked about my new laptop so I pulled it out and showed it to him (he's a big tech guy too). He asked about powering it up so I did (I had avoided powering it on because I knew what was on there).

    He looked at it did some of the usual spec stuff, and then he asked me (in front of others) "What's this Flirt For Free Icon?" and they all laughed.. I shook my head and said "I don't know, my little brother must have put that on there".

    The kicker.... I don't have a brother. Embarassing but thank goodness for my quick thinking.
  • martinking1983
    I once was on a night out with my best mate in Liverpool and we had just jumped out of the cab in the middle of town and LOTS of people were around, including a very nice looking bunch of ladies. There was a 3 to4 ft metal barrier and as my mate took the long way I decided to hop the fence... I proceeded to jump the fence not realising it was soaked, my supporting hand slipped and I ended up sliding straight over the fence and landing in a crumpled mess on the other side with blood coming out my elbow... My mate couldnt stop laughing, along with all the other onlookers... Fantastic!

    Also another time when I was DJ'ing a friend of mine (the same one in fact) was with me and we were chatting about amusing replacement surnames and without thinking I announced the next song (last one of the night) as Tina Testicles... that kept me amused for days if not weeks! :)
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    orrrr....i told my coworker he should pound me yesterday....don't even know what we were talking about

  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    I went out drinking before going to a Caps game. As we were walking to the game from the bar, we ran into a few people one of my friends knew, so we stopped to chat for a few seconds. I decided to lean against some metal railing...unfortunately it was not bolted down, so down I went.
  • Phenylethylamine_Phreak
    Phenylethylamine_Phreak Posts: 2,211 Member
    I kinda laughed at you, OP. I'm sorry.

    I laugh at myself. All good
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I was at an agility seminar with one of the best agility people in the world doing an exercise with my champion and running in between jumps on flat ground tripped over my own feet went splat face first on my stomach arms outstretched and everything. My dog started humping my back for everyone to see. When I got up I had grass stuck in between my front teeth.

    I laugh about this now.
  • Phenylethylamine_Phreak
    Phenylethylamine_Phreak Posts: 2,211 Member
    Well, I pretty much do stupid *kitten* all the time...it's mostly the things I say. My coworkers keep a book of all the stupid *kitten* I say and love to throw it back in my face...

    examples...the other day, I told the entire conference room that I was straddling the pole between my legs........as in I was sitting near the end and the leg to the table was in my way.

    orrrr......to everyone I said, "my pooter is broken". .. as in my computer is broken.

    orrrr....i told my coworker he should pound me yesterday....don't even know what we were talking about

    I trip, fall, run into stuff, drop stuff, and do silly mess everyday...I've almost gotten immune to the embarassment. :-)

    I want to hang out with you.....
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I was at an agility seminar with one of the best agility people in the world doing an exercise with my champion and running in between jumps on flat ground tripped over my own feet went splat face first on my stomach arms outstretched and everything. My dog started humping my back for everyone to see. When I got up I had grass stuck in between my front teeth.

    I laugh about this now.

    I think you win...:embarassed:
  • Phenylethylamine_Phreak
    Phenylethylamine_Phreak Posts: 2,211 Member
    I actually remember years ago benching and not noticing the weight slowly slipping off the one side causing the recoil of the bar to the other side. The noise was deafening, the humiliation enormous
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    I know ppl were watching my incident and still have cold sweats about it-
    left work and some male colleagues shouted out to me, I was across the yard so waved bye to them went on my way to the local supermarket. wandered round aimless for half hour, strode past the queuing people to an empty self service area at the front of the shop when a woman approached me from behind and stood really, really close up against me!

    I nearly jumped out of my skin, but she said "im shielding you whilst you remove your skirt which is tucked up in your knickers" oh the shame !!!! OH THE SHAME

    lads at work howling with laughter when I turned in the next day! grrrr

    also not sexy knickers oh, no, but M&S ones my great grandmother would have been proud of!