Why pay for Weight Watchers Online?!



  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    Agreed!! I'm also a former WW member, and have lost more weight and learned SO much more here than I ever did on WW. And I attempted WW many many times throughout the years, all to no avail. I feel like MFP has me on a much better track! Love it here.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I agree. I never tried WW. Mainly I couldn't bring myself to pay to lose weight. I always ask people when they say they joined WW online why do they want to when this site is free. Also, other people have told me this is a better site.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    Here we go again....another WW sucks thread lol

    WW sucks since they invented points plus. I counted points in the past with their legacy program and it helped me maintain my weight for YEARS. So their old program does work and there's a lot you can also learn from them. But from a business perspective they have messed it up.
  • an0nemus
    an0nemus Posts: 149 Member
    I see a lot of people who struggled with WW finding success here. Where I work WW holds weekly classes for employees. I've never been a part of one. But I see the people who go, they never look like it's working. And every week I walk past their meetings, 80lbs lighter thanks to MFP.

    Plus don't they tell you not to count fruit or vegetables? Those calories can add up...

    I wanted to reply back to this....

    WW does work..its worked for me mulitple times :)

    The short coming is with the mind set 'its a diet".

    I went from 245 to 170 on WW (and then off of it and went back to 230).

    I mostly was tired of the female centric approach, and your experience was really driven by the leader.
  • Tagwild12345
    Tagwild12345 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes I love this site too. It's got me back to where I want to be. Did weight watchers but not online. The eat free fruit would now if logged on here take up most of my daily allowance. My mum and friend also joined and have had weight loss.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    I belonged to WW FOR 6 months. I also agree I learned nothing but staying in my point range. I have learned so much here because of the message boards and all of you. I much rather take the money for weekly meetings and put towards my food bill for eating healthier. So glad I found this site. I didn't , my doc told me and said he is telling all his patients about it. Love the database . Thanks........
  • WellPickles
    WellPickles Posts: 7 Member
    Back when I was in college I worked at a food kiosk at the mall (Candied almonds, yum!). One of the early morning 'mall walkers' would stop and chat often, she was in her 60s if I were to guess.

    She was very sweet, and quite overweight. She would often tell me stories about weight watchers, and how much she loved the program, and had been a member for over 15 years. She really wanted me to go to the meetings as well. In that 15 years time she had lost a whopping.... 22 pounds.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    I did Weight Watchers last year and the meetings were not for me. I'm an introvert and love being able to not have to be bothered with other people in my space...sounds horrible but its true. It IS spendy and maybe the meetings are for some people but it takes time and more commitment than I had. I like being able to get in a workout rather than spending an hour getting to a meeting and sitting through one and I can log easily anywhere/anytime with MFP. Also, I did come here thinking that fresh fruits and veggies were my "freebies" not the case at all and kind of sets a person up for failure.
  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    MFP > everything
    i like some of WW recipes and products in grocery stores though
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I love this site...it's like DIY weight management and fitness. No dues, no packaged food to buy, no meetings. Just everyone here helps keep you accountable and gives you a lift now and then. Priceless.
  • Beelee2014
    Beelee2014 Posts: 11 Member
    I agree totally. I like it here and I get the support, people help me out a lot. They keep me inform and answer questions quickly. The tracking daily is less stressful and the large database of foods and it is easier to log daily. I really am glad Dr. Caroline told me about this site. Big hug to you Doc!
  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    my parents did WW for years back in the early 90's. My siblings and I would go to the meetings with them and color and read to keep ourselves busy. It worked for them, for a while, than it didn't. Now they are more on board with watching how much they consume and what they are consuming. They are both on this "lifestyle change" with me and it's helping them in the long run as well as myself!
  • najena
    najena Posts: 4 Member
    I do both. I like to see if my calorie and points match up they usually do because the vegetables I eat are so low in calories and the fruit I just figure one point for.
  • teemama2
    teemama2 Posts: 72 Member
    MFP as well as my fitbit app help to keep me in line more than Curves of WW ever have. I agee with above comment though to not get too excited about the five week prediction.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I see a lot of people who struggled with WW finding success here. Where I work WW holds weekly classes for employees. I've never been a part of one. But I see the people who go, they never look like it's working. And every week I walk past their meetings, 80lbs lighter thanks to MFP.

    Plus don't they tell you not to count fruit or vegetables? Those calories can add up...

    I wanted to reply back to this....

    WW does work..its worked for me mulitple times :)

    The short coming is with the mind set 'its a diet".

    I went from 245 to 170 on WW (and then off of it and went back to 230).

    I mostly was tired of the female centric approach, and your experience was really driven by the leader.

    You have basically confirmed that it doesn't work for the long term.
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    This free site blows Weight Watchers out of the water. I've already lost weight using the tracking, and it's been a week.

    I love how:

    1.) Literally EVERY brand is on here which makes tracking so easy

    2.) It tells you your healthy sugar, sodium levels etc. Amazing feature that weight watchers doesn't offer.

    3.) It also tells you if you've had too few calories, and to eat more to avoid going in to starvation mode.

    4.) And this is the winner right here *drum roll*
    > It shows you how much you'll weight in 5 weeks. This for me is the motivation kicker. I absolutely love it. Smart idea.

    'myfitnesspal' you've kicked Weight Watchers butt! I hope you continue to stay free! Thank you, you've helped me feel better about myself and have helped me get back on track.

    Good luck to everyone! I hope we are all able to succeed.


    One love! :flowerforyou:

    YUP! ^^^^^ :)
  • time4kim2014
    time4kim2014 Posts: 85 Member
    My shock came when I went to buy some expensive WW bread. WW designates healthier foods as 'power foods'. Their white bread was considered a power food, whereas the 100 percent whole wheat bread was not. That really messed up my mind trying to figure that one out!
  • gcbma
    gcbma Posts: 112 Member
    I adore this site!! I tried WW and other fad diets. Never lost more than 20 lbs with those. I didn't find them easy to follow and were quite frankly a pain in the butt. I've made more process with MFP than anything else. I am never going to quit!
  • cshulga
    cshulga Posts: 17
    Same! At one point, Fibre One bars were only 2 points, so I ate like 4 of them lol I know that was irresponsible on my part, but still. I mostly ate empty calorie foods, 100 cal foods. It can be pretty unhealthy.
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    Me too. She needs to learn to say "because" correctly. It's pronounced bee-cause NOT buh -cuz