Do you see any change in my body?



  • sarahslosingit2014
    sarahslosingit2014 Posts: 13 Member
    It's not significant yet, but I agree your arms look smaller.

    I feel you - I started at over 240 and am now at 218 and the main difference *I* see is all my clothes are falling off, especially jeans. I bet your clothes are starting to fit looser, too.

    I have yet to have anyone say they could tell I've been losing weight. It's okay. We'll both get there! Definitely keep it up - don't get discouraged! You're doing great!!
  • To be honest, I haven't seen a difference in my clothes which makes me upset. :frown:
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    Not really, but that's ok. I bet you'll start noticing in big way after 50+ lbs.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't, but it could be in your thighs or something we're not seeing. Just keep it up, you WILL see a big change.
  • doubt it's in my thighs :(
  • Your clothes changed colors.
  • Your clothes changed colors.

  • winyin
    winyin Posts: 29 Member
    I think your stomach is smaller and I think you are very brave.
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    Your arms are smaller. You will end up with nice looking arms if that is one of the first place you're losing! It took forever for inches to come off my arms. Nothing else really stands out, but it takes time. Personally I had a hard time seeing changes until I was less than 200. Just keep at it!
  • Agathist
    Agathist Posts: 13 Member
    I'm pretty much the same as you - I started at 250 and am now 223 but I don't feel any different. I have been working out like a demon, I've taken up running so I know my body shape has changed but I don't need any new clothes yet, and I'm having a bad day today where I wonder if it's worth all the sweat and wanting to eat what I can't have. I know that by next week I'll feel better and will have dropped another pound or two, it just difficult sometimes! :smile:
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Yes. The shape of your body is the same but I CAN see a differnece. Are you exercising? You need to exercise, and right away. Get the muscles working WHILE you lose the weight.

    Keep it up!!!!

    I promise you, if you do total body exercise, the "chichos" and everything else on your body is going to change, tighten and look snappy!!!!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I'm not wearing two sports bras. haha. It's the same one in a different color. I see now that it was just caught underneath which is why it shows more back roll inthe second picture *shudders* And I chose to wear what I'm wearing because I'd like to have my ultimate after picture in a sports bra anyways so I wanted to keep a pattern. Toned tummy is my goal!

    By the way, if you work out proberly, you're whole body will be toned. You don't just want to work on one part (anyway, you can't. If you do ab work only, your ab muscles will be tight but you won't be able to see them. Work the WHOLE body.)
  • morehealthymatt
    morehealthymatt Posts: 208 Member
    Every journey begins with a single step. Consider this your first step. You're not going to win a marathon in 10 minutes.

    Also, it's more important what you think. Your self esteem shouldn't be tied opinions on mfp messge boards.
  • Hard to say from the pictures, but the numbers don't lie. Eat right and exercise, you'll get there IF you don't give up.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    I do see a little change, not a great amount but there is some. May I ask if you're seeing a difference in the way your clothing fits?

    I think that getting frustrated and learning to deal with that frustration is part of the process. This is a huge big deal, nothing to treat lightly.

    One does not do what we're attempting to do unless that person is ready for lengthy, drastic, phyiscal change.

    Your courage is an example to all of us. You've shown some normally hidden body parts and bared your soul, too. You've asked us for a little bit of approval and some encouragement. Well, you've got it from me and from many other people here as well. Keep up the good work! You will succeed!
  • mboromom
    mboromom Posts: 85 Member
    Your stomach is less bloated looking in the second set of pictures..In the first set, it was round. I'n the second set it looks like you are deflating quite well. Whatever you are doing, definitely keep up the great work. We don't put on weight overnight and we wont lose it overnight but you are off to a great start!! Congrats on your loss, that's major!!
  • s1rens0ng
    s1rens0ng Posts: 127 Member
    Not a whole lot of change yet, but you are very close to seeing some. Don't quit pushing!!!

    this is true ^^^ , you will see a difference soon keep going , give up now you will regret it.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    No I don't, but you lost 18 pounds so its working. Keep at it and you will get there. Remember it took a long time to put on that weight don't stress over doing it quickly. It's not a race, you just want to succeed no matter how long it takes. :flowerforyou:
  • snapehbp
    snapehbp Posts: 64
    I definitely notice it in your arms, and like others have said, perhaps your face has slimmed down? Keep up the hard work!!
  • I do see change in your body, you may not but I guarantee if you start strength training and hitting weights, you will see a difference. I'm basically saying you need to start toning before you lose too much. I'm 245 today and I do cardio everyday and weights and my body has lost 3 inches. Tone tone TONE!!!