

  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Last day of level 3 tomorrow! I can't believe I made it!!!

    Scale was down (minimally, but still) this morning. Final results to be posted tomorrow.

    Keep going. If I can make it through, all of you can too!
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    Last day of level 3 tomorrow! I can't believe I made it!!!

    Scale was down (minimally, but still) this morning. Final results to be posted tomorrow.

    Keep going. If I can make it through, all of you can too!

    Incredible!! I can't wait to be where you are.

    Just did my first day of Level 2. It was rough but I got through the whole video without quitting -- though I did have to take a few breaks, which is something I didn't have to do in Level 1. I'm a little discouraged, but hopeful. But those V-shaped arm things are BRUTAL… eye level? Who is she kidding?!

    I'm also having trouble gripping on the lunge and plank moves. Don't know if my floor is just too slippery or if I need new shoes. I wonder if anyone has a quick fix in the meantime? May try duct tape on the balls of my tennis shoes (old trick from my dancing days…).
  • juicymisslucy
    juicymisslucy Posts: 72 Member
    Level 1 - day 10 tomorrow. Moving on to level 2 on Monday :) After the shred I will be doing No More Trouble Zones, has anyone tried that? Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Bananna411
    Im doing 30 day shred but have been on it for a little over a month now. I'm going at my own pace because of bad knees and don't want to injure myself. I absolutely LOVE it tho! Been on level 2 for 2 weeks and am about to move on to Level 3.
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member

    Starting Level 2 Tonight - eek!

    I've always just done the half push ups - they're enough for me lol! Have really noticed a big difference in my endurance now that I've completed the first Level.

    Good luck all!x

    How was it?! I start Level 2 tonight too!


    At first I thought "Huh, this isn't too bad", then came those pendulem lunges.....

    My balance and co-ordination was shocking lol! I turned the air blue a few times... :D

    Attempting day 2 tonight.

    Have a great day all!x
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Finished the shred this morning!!!

    Weight: -12 pounds!!!
    Arms: -.5" / .75"
    Chest: -2" (boo!)
    Belly: -1.25"
    Hips: -2.25"
    Thighs: -2" /-1.75" (woohoo!)
    Calves: -.5" / .75"

    I did it over 6 weeks... Mon-Fri at 5:30 am. So happy with the results! Keep going ladies!!!
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    Finished the shred this morning!!!

    Weight: -12 pounds!!!
    Arms: -.5" / .75"
    Chest: -2" (boo!)
    Belly: -1.25"
    Hips: -2.25"
    Thighs: -2" /-1.75" (woohoo!)
    Calves: -.5" / .75"

    I did it over 6 weeks... Mon-Fri at 5:30 am. So happy with the results! Keep going ladies!!!

    Huge congrats! That's amazing!! What are you going to do now? :)
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member

    Starting Level 2 Tonight - eek!

    I've always just done the half push ups - they're enough for me lol! Have really noticed a big difference in my endurance now that I've completed the first Level.

    Good luck all!x

    How was it?! I start Level 2 tonight too!


    At first I thought "Huh, this isn't too bad", then came those pendulem lunges.....

    My balance and co-ordination was shocking lol! I turned the air blue a few times... :D

    Attempting day 2 tonight.

    Have a great day all!x

    I thought the same thing at the beginning of the Level 2! I was like, okay, I think I can handle this... and then... NOPE! haha. I feel like in Level 1, the circuits went hardest to easiest, and it's the opposite for Level 2... starts out easier and then gets harder. I'm sure this is different for everyone though since we all have different strengths and weaknesses. But by the end of Level 2 I was cursing!!
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Level 2 was the hardest for me for sure. Level 3 is intense, but so rewarding when you finish!

    I'm moving in to No More Trouble Zones on Monday. Going to do 3 days a week and 2 days of cardio.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    *WOOT! Finished today as well. Lost a total of 8 lbs which puts me at a healthy bmi and no longer overweight. Lost a total of 9 inches overall, mostly from my hips and thighs. All my size 8-10 size pants are huge on me now and literally fall off as I walk. Most of all I feel stronger and have more confidence (not to mention the hubby is a little jealous). I'm torn on what to do next I love JM's system and find the workouts go fast and feel great but also considering doing something different for variety.

    Keep on going everyone its well worth it, its no secret 30DS is one of the most popular dvd workouts out there and its because it really does work to strengthen your body and help you lose weight/inches.
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Great work! Glad you had awesome results too!
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    Congrats to all you ladies that have finished, proud of you and VERY impressed with your results! I just finished Level 1 Day 4 after one rest day. Woo Hoo! \o/ Don't know if it's getting easier or I'm just pushing myself harder, but I'm sweating my buns off today more than the first three days. hehe Keep going everybody, you're all awesome! :) *Believe In You* :flowerforyou:
  • olive_26
    olive_26 Posts: 14 Member
    Level 1 day 9 today, can't believe I'll be done with level 1 tomorrow! I watched the level 2 workout yesterday and am pretty scared to say the least, I'm not very coordinated and I'm sure I'll fall over at least once. Did anyone else have trouble keeping their balance??
  • skyeonfire
    skyeonfire Posts: 18 Member
    I started today and definitely looking for some buddies for encouragement. I have been doing the hip hop abs only three days a week for the last couple weeks and have lost about 6 inches in my mid section but was looking for more of a full body workout.

    I admit, I had to take a couple short breaks for about a minute a piece LOL! I feel really...shaky after too. IDK why but it certainly had me sweating! I didn't do the full jumping jacks yet, I know she says don't wimp out but I just couldn't do them so I did the side step version I've seen other people do and also the jumping rope part was hard. I know some ladies may understand but tata's get in the way haha! Sorry if TMI ;)
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
    I've been naughty and not Shredded for two days..oops! Well get back on track today though.

    Have a good one all!x
  • swissmish
    swissmish Posts: 183 Member
    haha...I am the same as you. I do it, not on a regular basis. I as well some buddies to hold me accountable and to get me on it everyday. Please feel free to add me.
  • maryrussosimeone1
    maryrussosimeone1 Posts: 9 Member
    I just started the 30 day Shred this morning! I did it last year with diet and other cardio and lost 23 pounds. Unfortunately I gained 15 pounds back! Need inspiration and motivation!! Need to be stricter with my diet. I need to cut out extra calories from processed foods. Going to the store today and load up on some healthy fruit! If you would like to friend me on here it would be great! I need someone to kick my butt when I am lazy!! Hope your day is going well and your exercise for the day is behind you! Enjoy!
  • Cath_Taylor
    Cath_Taylor Posts: 104 Member
    Okay I'm on day 8 of level 1 and it is definitely easier. My H started it with me yesterday and initially thought it was easy as (a) it was only 20 mins long and (b) he didn't even break a sweat yesterday. Today he's done day 2 and is hobbling about the house :D

    I'm still finding the push ups hard going so I'm gonna stay on level one until I get those down, so it's gonna take me longer than 30 days.
  • skyeonfire
    skyeonfire Posts: 18 Member
    Well, I had to take a break. I had a pretty bad reaction to the new movements and have a bad case of DOMS (didn't think that was real!). So much so that I have not been able to walk and had to go the ER because the pain was so severe I just couldn't deal. Its slowly subsiding and the doctors said that I should continue with it, that the reason the DOMS was so bad was because my body just isn't used to it but that is the whole point to build tissue so we'll see! I REALLY want to do this though so I will figure out a way to make it work.
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
    Morning Shredders!

    Day 3 of Level 2 tonight - yesterday didn't seem as bad as day 1 - phew!

    I've given up with those bloody pendulum lunges though lol!

    Have a great day all!x