How can I force myself to like cardio?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    ......Any tips for making it enjoyable?

    watch other people do it while you lounge around and eat a slice of pizza and down the cold beverage of your choosing.
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    Ive been lifting (which I LOVE) and only doing cardio about once or twice a week (which I absolutely HATE!) Asthma is what makes it hard for me :/ Any tips for making it enjoyable?

    Can you go back and get your asthma meds adjusted? If you're having asthma symptoms while doing cardio..... that's not good and you might need to switch medications to get it better under control. You can't out-cardio your asthma I'm afraid. I'm an asthmatic ultrarunner. i can't so much as walk fast down the block if my asthma's not under control, but when it is, I can run for ~ 16 hours.

    That said, swimming when it isn't under control.
  • LaurieMick1531
    LaurieMick1531 Posts: 3 Member
    i love to read so i get an audio book- put the headphones on and start running. a few chapters later your done
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    I personally love to dance! I started a West Coast Swing class last year and dance at least once a week. I wore my hrm for an hour of dancing a few weeks ago and it showed that I burned 530 calories.
  • WandaMM1
    WandaMM1 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm not a fan of cardio either, but I do it. I don't like the cardio but I like the results.I don't know if you like this kind of thing, but you could try to get an audiobook and ONLY listen to it when you do cardio. Make that the rule. Come across some interesting chapters and cliffhangers and you'll be running marathons in no time!

    As for the asthma thing, I don't know much about it so I won't try to answer that one.

    I do this exact thing and it works like a charm. If the book is good, I can actually look forward to the next time I can do cardio so I can continue to the story.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I'm an ex-smoker, so I have slight breathing problems. I jog outside, ghetto-blasting my pandora radio. you don't have to do a mile in less than ten minutes to get that heart rate up. "dance away the inches" has a bunch of fun videos that get you moving, too. try all sorts of different stuff. stick with what you enjoy. :)

    best of luck!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I don't do a lot of cardio....I focus on lifting.
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    Law and Order SVU ruined outdoor running for me :laugh:

    I made a play list that I love for the treadmill, it depends on what mood I am in tho. I find being angry helps and I have a special playlist and stuff I can draw on to make myself really cross :mad:

    it's cheaper than therapy.

    I miss dancing, the clubs that I like do not play music I can dance to and nobody will come to clubs that play music I want to dance to :cry:

    I am not very helpful because I kinda like cardio (my lecturer has a rather interesting take on this but it would involve an over share and actually finding the research he keeps using)
  • melr01
    melr01 Posts: 70 Member
    I use my inhaler before doing any cardio. I started off slow and took it easy and slowly on the advice of a trainer, doctor and allergist (my allergies are what cause my asthma) it is getting better and better. I hated cardio. I actually hated all exercise but now I love it. Or should I say I love the feeling I get when I am done. I'm in a competition with myself. I try to do better every time whether it be distance or speed or incline or even time. For now I am using a treadmill or a bike but when the snow melts (and stays melted) I will try outside.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Music helps me on cardio days....a lot. :happy:
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    I play badminton with a group of friends, we have such a laugh it doesn't feel like exercise.
  • mereditheve
    mereditheve Posts: 142 Member
    I've had temporary asthma (resulting from colds/flus), so I know how you feel.

    A lot of people have recommended going outside to run rather than using the treadmill. Honestly, this was always worse for me when I had asthma -- the dry/cold air made it more difficult and knowing that I was going to be miles away from home if I did have trouble breathing just added to the stress.

    Take baby steps in doing cardio. Sometimes I run as fast as I can for just 10 minutes, then walk slowly and rehydrate, then increase my speed again. It seems to help. It sounds cliche, but I think the more you are able to do, the more you'll start to enjoy it.
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    I would try to find ways to make it fun so you look forward to it. Find a gym partner that will go on jogs with you or hang out with you while your on the elliptical or bike. Use some music to jam up your workout or bring an exciting book that you can read while you are doing elliptical. If your asthma is getting to you really bad, I'd suggest doing more elliptical and bike cardio workouts which are lower impact and usually don't make you breathe as hard as running does. There is absolutely nothing wrong with strength training more than cardio either. You won't bulk as long as you are eating at a deficit and they say lifting heavy has some wonderful toning and fat burning aspects versus cardio. I like to do both endurance and heavy strength training. I usually do both on different days from each other.

    I'm a cardio and strength junkie and I actually hate the days I need to take off as rest days because I feel like I'm being terribly lazy. It also serves as a great stress reducer for me.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    I've never really liked or enjoyed athletics, cardio, weights, sports, what have you. I enjoy reading immensely so; my solution is to read and walk at the same time. I've trained to be more or less aware of my surroundings and I only walk in safe areas, that is, parks instead of next to busy roads. I walk for an hour and I've also read a couple of chapters and I feel great. That is the only way I'm not bored with an exercise.

    I also walk with my wife, it gives us a chance to talk without interruption which is very helpful in any relationship.
  • Slim_strategy
    Obvious answer = something you enjoy doing
    suggestions : shopping :D
    BIKING (I like biking because it's fun and you get to explore your city/town/village wherever)
    fitness blender :D
    Just dance! (or other fitness video games)
    Ipod + walking

    I used to hate cardio, but now it just makes me happy , i'm weird.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Ive been lifting (which I LOVE) and only doing cardio about once or twice a week (which I absolutely HATE!) Asthma is what makes it hard for me :/ Any tips for making it enjoyable?

    If you don't like cardio, then don't do it. However, since you like/love lifting, try a complex - barbell, dumbbell, plate, whatever. It's a form of conditioning similar to cardio, but generally shorter in length. I don't know how well your asthma would do with a complex, but maybe the shorter time span might help?

    Depending upon your current strength level, Tumminello's Weight Plate Metabolic Circuit (from the t-nation link) might work best for you, using something less than a 45 lb plate to start off with. I've done a few of these, but with my 20 lb barbell at home plus some light plates, as I got better.
  • wagnaard
    wagnaard Posts: 3 Member
  • aagnew01
    aagnew01 Posts: 33 Member
    You can do Zumba classes or something like that..... 55 minute class burns anywhere from 400-600 calories.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    Have you tried putting your treadmill in front of your refrigerator! HAHAHA!

    Brilliant! I'd lose a ton of weight if I did this. :p

    Seriously though, I have exercised induced asthma as well. I use an inhaler before I work out. I find that classes make cardio very fun. You could always do something in between such as martial arts.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I dance and walk. I feel the same way as you about all other forms of cardio.