

  • ibjent
    ibjent Posts: 23 Member
    I have not had a carbonated drink (coke zero was my vice) since Dec. 31. Part of my NYR, I also gave up artificial sweeteners as much as possible... nearly impossible to find mints and gum that isn't SF. I feel great! I drink water, coffee and unsweetened tea. Powered through the headaches the first couple of days. I don't regret it!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    I was 2-3 cans of coke/rootbeer a day kinda guy

    then decided it just doesn't work for me anymore so i stopped.

    Luckily that worked for me.

    Now i have it occassionaly as a treat, and I will admit nothing NOTHING tastes better then ice cold coke from a glass bottle.....

    Except Beer, but who would ever give up beer?
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    What do you mix with alcohol if you dont use soda??

    Crystal Light Lemonade and Vodka
    Booze + Soda (soda water has 0 cals - tonic has cals)
    Almost any booze on the rocks, or straight, or shots. I drink Tequilla straight.

    Or get away from the mixed drinks and hard liquor all together - drink wine, light beer, etc.

    Water as a mix works but on the rocks is usually the way to go, especially for Rum (dark - since no other rum need apply) and Scotch.
  • SluggishSwimmer
    SluggishSwimmer Posts: 17 Member
    I'm still in the process of kicking it... I don't buy it at the gas station when I fill up the car anymore, or use it as a 'reward' for grocery shopping, which is a major improvement for me, but my SO still drinks soda so it's always in the house. I'll do pretty good for a few days, get a massive headache, cave, and have a can since it's available. :-/
  • drinkle853
    I kicked pop and I kick chips too. I feel way better for doing so. keeper up
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    My fix was Coca-Cola. I drank it for many years against the doctor's advice. I guess I just started drinking more water with sugar-free drink mixes like Crystal Light because it was way less calories and easy to go over my calorie goal if I have even one Coke a day. It really wasn't even a conscious decision, which really surprises me. I've been "clean" almost 2 months.
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    What do you mix with alcohol if you dont use soda??

    Vodka with cranberry juice. Yum!
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    I quit soda about 2 years ago. It has been one of the easiest life changes, honestly. I used to drink diet soda every day in the afternoon for a "pick me up." All it did was intensify my sweet cravings!

    Now - I drink mainly water or unsweet tea. If I feel like I need the fizz, I'll grab a Perrier and squeeze some lemon into it. For caffeine, I stick to a cup of coffee most mornings, usually with a little almond milk.
  • ali59oc
    ali59oc Posts: 130 Member
    I quite drinking any kind of soda 15 years ago! Diet sodas tasted awful and I wanted to try and cut down on sugar, so out it went. Don't ever miss it, either. I drink loads of water, green tea (for my caffeine fix), crystal lite, and shots.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    I love soda....but I stopped drinking it because I would rather eat my calories than drink them....AND the last time I had a can of pepsi I looked at the label and saw the sugar content and then figured out how many teaspoons were in it and it just about floored me....and grossed me out....that was the last time I had soda....

    but I still love it. it's delicious....but I love food more.
  • jwhackers84
    jwhackers84 Posts: 43 Member
    I am a total diet coke fiend. I LOVE it. But we all know it's not good for us, so I've tried to remove it from my diet. I haven't kicked the addiction completely but it's a LOT better than it was! I switched from drinking diet coke, to diet rite, which is sweetened with splenda rather than aspartame, which makes me feel a smidge better about it. And I am down to about 3 cans a week now. Which is a LOT better than the 2 liters a day I could drink before, I would say. It's all about just cutting back slowly for me. Also I know I don't drink nearly as much water as when I drink sodas and coffees (I've cut way back on coffee too. Used to be 3+ cups a day and now I don't drink it daily. I drink green tea in the mornings, and have the occasional cup of decaf in the evenings with my husband). Getting in lots of water is one of my personal goals, so cutting back on the sodas help me reach that goal!
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member

    but I stopped drinking it because I would rather eat my calories than drink them....

    yes; give me more food please
  • agman90
    agman90 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm just starting to try to kick my 2-litre + habit of Diet Dr. Pepper. again. I've stopped before......for months at a time, just to start drinking it again.

    I realized that I need that fizz to feel the burn a little, so I tried the flavored waters that are carbonated to transition to the regular flavored water or crystal light. Eventually I got to iced tea and water.

    Good job to everyone that has kicked this habit, and good luck to those of us that are in the midst of this journey! :)
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    In June 2012, I was drinking 4-5 16 oz bottles of Coke and Pepsi a day. One day I realized that it was too much. I dropped it down to 2-3/day. I joined MFP in Jan 2013. In Feb 2013 I was home on stay-cation and decided to stop the Coke and Pepsi for a while and see how it goes. I hadn't planned on giving it up totally, but 13 months later I haven't had any. I was drinking 1 16 oz Diet Sprite /day this past year but on the one year anniversary of my giving up full calorie sodas, I stopped it. I was reading a lot about aspartame and while I don't think I've had any issues with it like some, I just decided to stop it. So far, so good. I've tried different flavored seltzers that just have natural citrus flavoring and seltzers and found a few I like. I also have a Soda Stream and make my own using their "essences" line, which again, is just natural flavoring. I've been doing 16 oz of flavored seltzers for dinner. And surprisingly, I rarely miss real soda. I'm not one with the best willpower in anything. I drink coffee in the morning and water all day, plus the occasional protein powder with almond milk.

    Now I'm thirsty ... :drinker:
  • darleneasher328
    darleneasher328 Posts: 17 Member
    I have been with out my Pepsi for 7 weeks now!! I feel great. Best thing I have done.
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    Where are the diet Mountain Dew drinkers?! I'm trying to kick it. I like 2 cups of coffee in the mornings and water the rest of the day. :wink:
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    Kicked the habit 100% about 6 mos ago when I went from 1 Root Beer a week to nothing, switching it up for Pink Lemonade and now it's water 100%

    I figured out that Coke, Dr. Pepper, and Root Beer (my addictions) were the root cause of ALL and I mean ALL of my stomach issues I was having...gave up first my 12oz Coke, 1-10oz Dr Pepper, and 2-20oz Dr. Pepper's on the weekend down to the one on Friday night with Pizza night or even having a Dr Pepper on the weekend, and now I am all water and coffee. I've picked up 2nd cup of coffee a day habit that I am trying to keep at bay.

    Haven't had any Soda at all in 6 months and honestly while I still get cravings I know the consequences on my tummy so I avoid it all together
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I've been a diet Pepsi addict for over 20 yrs, since my teens. I was usually drinking 5-6 cans or 2 convenience store bottles plus maybe a large diet coke at a restaurant too. Every. Day. Many days I went without drinking water or any thing else. I'm not a coffee drinker so Pepsi was my caffeine source. I started cutting back in January and am down to one can per day. Today I didn't open a can until after dinner. I could have skipped it I guess but mentally I knew I hadn't had the one I was allowed for the day. My next goal is to cut down to 2 cans per week. It's helped that I'm eating better, keeps me more satisfied and so I don't need the taste of soda, which decreases the carb cravings and overeating/binges. By cutting the soda I think I'm cutting the cycle of drink, eat, drink, eat.
  • SB4Hope
    SB4Hope Posts: 23 Member
    I still have to have my Diet. Mt. Dew at work in the afternoon. Now if I have something at home, I will carry a bottle of water with me also. That way, I pick up the water bottle instead of the diet pop bottle first. Since water quenches thirst better any way, it seems to work pretty well. After the water, I am not thirsty for the Diet soda.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I did. I grew up on an endless supply of kool aid, juice huggies, and soda. When dieting I switched over to diet versions of sodas.

    In my early 20s I started low carbing. I found myself just drinking so much diet soda, and after awhile it just didn't taste good anymore. I committed to drinking water. It was tough at first, but I got hunkered down, committed, and got through the transition.

    10 years later, and water is what I drink at least 90% of the time. It's second nature. I never, ever crave soda, and rarely do I anything else. At this point coffee, juice, soda, tea, and alcohol are all rare guest stars.