Jogging Stroller Questions - Opinions PLEASE! :-)



  • jkd132
    jkd132 Posts: 10
    Another vote for the BOB Revolution. Chariots are also awesome but very pricey. Used ones sometimes can be cheaper.
  • annietinnin
    annietinnin Posts: 1 Member
    I absolutely love my BOB. My baby is 8 months and I've been using it since he was 3 weeks with the infant attachment. Today was actually the first day he rode in it like a big boy. It's the only stroller I have or need. So worth the money! Look for a used one! I'm actually looking for a used double as I will have 2 babies 13 months apart in August. I'm keeping my single though...sorry!
  • momma2azoo
    momma2azoo Posts: 50 Member
    1. You're gonna run.
    2. Swivel front wheel gonna hit a groove.
    3. Swivel front wheel gonna turn slightly sideways.
    4. Your momentum gonna keep you moving straight.
    5. You gonna go over the top of the stroller.
    6. You gonna die. (okay, maybe not die. But it's gonna suck. Hard.)

    Hasn't happened yet in all these years but I'll keep an eye out lol

    Hasn't been an issue for me either and I have hundreds of miles on my BOB. I live in a small down with old, uneven roads. I'd never be able to run if I were forced to constantly lift and wrestle a fixed front wheel stroller to maneuver the roads. My runs are a serpentine back and forth to the more level spots on the road and moving over for the occasional car (we don't have sidewalks in most of the town, but we do have slow 25 mph speed limits). The maneuverability of the BOB is one of its assets. I've never had the wheel 'suddenly' wing sideways and halt inertia. If it went sideways, the stroller would turn and head a different direction. The wheel doesn't randomly flip sideways and stop the stroller. Even our 100+ year old uneven sidewalks aren't an issue (well, not an issue for the stroller, they present their own challenge when running). Now, turning and taking off in a different direction is the safety issue with a stroller that doesn't have the front wheel fixed. If you have a nice, straight path locking the wheel lets you worry less about the stroller veering off path and you can zone out a bit and concentrate more on your running which is nice. Not an option for me, so I keep a tight hold on the stroller and pay attention to the road at all times. I have to anyway or I'd end up in a pothole or trip over a bump. My roads are oh so lovely.

    Kinda curious if some of the advise givers actually run with a stroller.

    OP, don't buy a cheap stroller. Buy a good one used if you can't budge your hubby on budget. They're worth the money. I bought my BOB when my youngest was born almost 2 1/2 years ago because I knew I wanted to get back to running eventually. I have 5 kiddos and have gone the cheaper route with strollers and they don't last. If you plan on really putting in the miles, one quality stroller will be cheaper in the long run than having to buy 2 or 3 cheaper ones as you wear them out. I'm not kidding about the hundreds of miles on my BOB and it is still going just as strong as when I first bought it. It has also handled the weight of my growing daughter with ease. It's really no harder to push her now than when she was smaller. It has been an excellent investment for me.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    1. You're gonna run.
    2. Swivel front wheel gonna hit a groove.
    3. Swivel front wheel gonna turn slightly sideways.
    4. Your momentum gonna keep you moving straight.
    5. You gonna go over the top of the stroller.
    6. You gonna die. (okay, maybe not die. But it's gonna suck. Hard.)

    Hasn't happened yet in all these years but I'll keep an eye out lol

    Hasn't been an issue for me either and I have hundreds of miles on my BOB. I live in a small down with old, uneven roads. I'd never be able to run if I were forced to constantly lift and wrestle a fixed front wheel stroller to maneuver the roads. My runs are a serpentine back and forth to the more level spots on the road and moving over for the occasional car (we don't have sidewalks in most of the town, but we do have slow 25 mph speed limits). The maneuverability of the BOB is one of its assets. I've never had the wheel 'suddenly' wing sideways and halt inertia. If it went sideways, the stroller would turn and head a different direction. The wheel doesn't randomly flip sideways and stop the stroller. Even our 100+ year old uneven sidewalks aren't an issue (well, not an issue for the stroller, they present their own challenge when running). Now, turning and taking off in a different direction is the safety issue with a stroller that doesn't have the front wheel fixed. If you have a nice, straight path locking the wheel lets you worry less about the stroller veering off path and you can zone out a bit and concentrate more on your running which is nice. Not an option for me, so I keep a tight hold on the stroller and pay attention to the road at all times. I have to anyway or I'd end up in a pothole or trip over a bump. My roads are oh so lovely.

    Kinda curious if some of the advise givers actually run with a stroller.

    OP, don't buy a cheap stroller. Buy a good one used if you can't budge your hubby on budget. They're worth the money. I bought my BOB when my youngest was born almost 2 1/2 years ago because I knew I wanted to get back to running eventually. I have 5 kiddos and have gone the cheaper route with strollers and they don't last. If you plan on really putting in the miles, one quality stroller will be cheaper in the long run than having to buy 2 or 3 cheaper ones as you wear them out. I'm not kidding about the hundreds of miles on my BOB and it is still going just as strong as when I first bought it. It has also handled the weight of my growing daughter with ease. It's really no harder to push her now than when she was smaller. It has been an excellent investment for me.

    LOL! The BOB has a locking front wheel for the very reason explained above. If you're actually running (and not walking fast), then use it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I absolutely love my BOB. My baby is 8 months and I've been using it since he was 3 weeks with the infant attachment. Today was actually the first day he rode in it like a big boy. It's the only stroller I have or need. So worth the money! Look for a used one! I'm actually looking for a used double as I will have 2 babies 13 months apart in August. I'm keeping my single though...sorry!

    Mine are 21 months apart. I'll pray for you

    J/k. It's going to awesome to watch them grow up together.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Nvm. Sometimes I forget that I don't care. Carry on
  • 103reasons
    103reasons Posts: 41 Member
    I agree with the BOB Revolution recommendations. You can usually find some on Craigslist for your budget or less. friend one mine had a Jeep one, though, that a built in speaker so she could play music without headphones. I thought was a pretty cool feature! Good luck!!
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    I have a expedition I think by safety1st.., it has a locking front wheel. Holds kids up to 70lbs and I'm 5'8 and works great for me. I love mine and it was also like 150
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    I run almost daily and for at least a year-year and a half that was pushing a stroller for a minimum of 75% of those runs. I suppose locking your door is optional too?
  • CathOh
    CathOh Posts: 72 Member
    The front wheel should definitely be in a locked position when running or if on loose, rocky, gravely terrain. You can unlock it if you're doing your grocery shopping with it or just walking around town.

    Rather than lifting the back wheels off the ground to turn or adjust the stroller, push down on the handle and lift the front wheel. The stroller will turn on a dime this way.

    I've used my stroller/ bike trailer since my daughter was 8 months old until last summer when she was 5 years old. I'm hoping she'll still sit in it from time to time this year while I squeeze in a run that's longer than I think she can ride her bike for or when attached to my bike for longer treks than I'm willing to take her on the tag-a-long bike. It also has a harness in it - it's there for her safety and I wouldn't want anything less than that (especially when i'm using it as a bike trailer). If your son is not all that interested in sitting in the stroller, maybe give him some books to read, toys to play with or a portable DVD player to watch.