Help with finding the right yogurt



  • Slim_strategy
    oooh I recently tried some Activia raspberry layer yoghurt, literally so yummy.
    but as far as the neutral slightly sweet taste, low fat natural yoghurt xD as simple as that is, I mix it with fruit and agave nectar and it tastes epic
  • itsfatum
    itsfatum Posts: 113 Member
    I'm going to be a bit forward and give you the advice you don't want to read:
    Learn to like those yogurts you make.

    Taste is something that can be molded. If you get used to any food, it will taste awesome. You are used to those industrial tastes and now natural tastes seem foreign. It's normal, so give yourself some time.

    Don't think I'm not being empathic. I used to feel the exact same way about soy, oats and fruit. Now I can't get enough of them. I always want more! It's funny because I used to really hate muesli, and now I have to cut back on eating too much because of how much I love it.

    My point is: get out of your comfort zone. Try new recipes and give all of them a go. Don't just dish them because they don't feel like this or this other thing. Every food combination is different and feels different. You just have to get used to that new feeling and you will love that recipe.
  • hush404
    hush404 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks for the multitude of ideas, everyone :) I'm going to be writing them down and trying out combinations to see if I can find something to my liking.

    @itsfatum - I don't mind hearing any suggestions. Though, I've grown into a better knowledge of what I like and what I don't. I get exactly what you're saying and I agree I can adapt and may do so if experimenting with other (above mentioned) suggestions doesn't produce a result I'm looking for, but right now, I'm not ready to throw in the towel.