now I'm too skinny?? wtf!!



  • jchadden42
    jchadden42 Posts: 189
    Most people don't realize what a healthy weight looks like - we are so accustomed to seeing overweight, obese, and morbidly obese people walking around that we've forgotten what healthy looks like. Assuming you are eating healthfully and not over-restricting, it sounds like you are doing the right things. Your doctor will let you know if you are losing too much weight.

    P.S. I don't see any reason why you can't get a flatter stomach if you are willing to eat and work for it!

    My friend and I have been having this conversation lately. I was leaving they gym where I work out, and the receptionist said, "You looked really good when you first started coming here. Now, you look nearly anorexic. You need to make sure you're eating!"
    I run and swim and eat about 2500 calories a day. I'm 5'5" and weigh about 125. I'm not skinny. I'm fit. People have forgotten what fit looks like.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I used to weigh 145 and for being 5'0 that was overweight. Family members would say I'm getting fat ans was even asked by a family friend if I was pregnant, twice! So since then, I took action. I counted my calories and excersised. It has been 7 months now, I have lost 30 pounds and now weigh 115. I'm still eating at a small deficit because ni still need to get rid of some belly fat and am doing stronglifts. Anyways, I went to my nephews birthday party and was told by many that I'm too skinny now and if I continue with what I'm doing I could get sick and possibly get a disease of some sort. That freaked me out, yet the same time I felt awkward. I feel better with how I look and I'm still trying to become toned, so what should I do? Plus an aunt and friend said no matter what I will not get a flat belly for me to just stop it.

    That is why you need to do this for yourself. There is no pleasing others.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Most people don't realize what a healthy weight looks like - we are so accustomed to seeing overweight, obese, and morbidly obese people walking around that we've forgotten what healthy looks like. Assuming you are eating healthfully and not over-restricting, it sounds like you are doing the right things. Your doctor will let you know if you are losing too much weight.

    P.S. I don't see any reason why you can't get a flatter stomach if you are willing to eat and work for it!

    My friend and I have been having this conversation lately. I was leaving they gym where I work out, and the receptionist said, "You looked really good when you first started coming here. Now, you look nearly anorexic. You need to make sure you're eating!"
    I run and swim and eat about 2500 calories a day. I'm 5'5" and weigh about 125. I'm not skinny. I'm fit. People have forgotten what fit looks like.

    I agree about the average person's perception of "skinny" being so skewed. i think we are just so used to seeing supersized people that normal and fit is perceived as skinny.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    they are all jealous because they are fat arses. same thing in my family.....
  • BHR80
    BHR80 Posts: 2
    It is jealousy.

    People like to put you down when you are overweight and pull you down when you are doing well.

    Sad thing is a lot of the time it is family.

    You have done great! Enjoy your life and live it feeling good in yourself and not worry about others.
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Most people don't realize what a healthy weight looks like - we are so accustomed to seeing overweight, obese, and morbidly obese people walking around that we've forgotten what healthy looks like.

    ^^ Yep, this. We have forgotten what a healthy weight looks like. Being on the thin side is better for our overall health; reduce chance of cancer, heart disease, etc. Plus they are used to you looking a certain way and you may actually appear too thin in their eyes even if you are not.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I used to weigh 145 and for being 5'0 that was overweight. Family members would say I'm getting fat ans was even asked by a family friend if I was pregnant, twice! So since then, I took action. I counted my calories and excersised. It has been 7 months now, I have lost 30 pounds and now weigh 115. I'm still eating at a small deficit because ni still need to get rid of some belly fat and am doing stronglifts. Anyways, I went to my nephews birthday party and was told by many that I'm too skinny now and if I continue with what I'm doing I could get sick and possibly get a disease of some sort. That freaked me out, yet the same time I felt awkward. I feel better with how I look and I'm still trying to become toned, so what should I do? Plus an aunt and friend said no matter what I will not get a flat belly for me to just stop it.

    Most people have no idea how diet and exercise, or eating disorders work. Or what healthy weight looks like. But that doesn't stop them from giving their opinion! People are stupid that way. :)

    Also they knew you when you were big. Now you're not, so the change is dramatic. Their perception is skewed. A stranger might think you look normal, but to family you now look tiny.

    It sounds like you've got things well in hand. Carry on.
  • icravecontrol
    icravecontrol Posts: 15 Member
    People told me the same thing after I lost 100 lbs, even thought I still weighed 200 bs!! Obviously I was NOT too thin, and am still very overweight at 226 lbs (no, profile pic is not me). Like others said, they're just jealous *kitten*. They tried to stop me from losing anymore weight, and I let their opinions affect me to the point where I started maintenance and here I am 5 years later with 20 lbs gained back, and hating being overweight just like in the beginning. So my point is, do what makes YOU feel good, and what makes you feel healthy & happy!

    Forget the rest. :) Awesome job by the way! xo
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    I agree with those who say that our society today has a skewed view of healthy weight. I'm 5'4" and 145 lbs. I'm at the very top of BMI 'normal' and would like to lose another 10 lbs to give me a little wiggle-room (as well as lose a little more fat). I mentioned at work the other day that I wanted to lose just a little more and I got the "too skinny now" comment. No big deal. We're all friends and I'm sure they are just concerned. They remember me 89 lbs ago. Best advice I can give is just to let the comments roll off of you. You have no control over what others say. And being bummed about it only bothers you - not them. Best thing I've learned in life is "just let it go".
  • kimf79
    kimf79 Posts: 59 Member
    Honestly you're all good. At 5'0 and 115lbs sounds like you are at a healthy weight. Pay them no mind and just pay attention to how you feel. Congrats on the weight loss!
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    Don't worry about it. Plus, if YOU feel you're too skinny when you're done cutting, you can always eat at a surplus later and bulk gain muscle.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    no way. do not listen to any of them. I will say it for them: congratualtions on all the hard work you put in. you are more than a number but you have grabbed back hold of your health. I worked hard way back after I had my third kid and got down to 122. I had lost 80lbs and what did anyone keep telling me?? you are too skinny. gain some weight. are you done yet? I never got the encouragement or congratulations I felt I deserved. I ended up getting tired of the stuff and the dieting and everything else and here I am fourteen years later trying to lose weight again. Don't let other people ruin your happiness just because they cant do it. or wont do it. just work on maintaining what you are at and getting more toned. drink lots of water and eat right. then you will have that natural healthy glow and wont look sick.. as some people pointed out to me so many times. if you start feeling down again, just come on here. you will get the support you need and deserve. congrats :flowerforyou:
  • Libertysfate
    Libertysfate Posts: 452 Member
    I used to weigh 145 and for being 5'0 that was overweight. Family members would say I'm getting fat ans was even asked by a family friend if I was pregnant, twice! So since then, I took action. I counted my calories and excersised. It has been 7 months now, I have lost 30 pounds and now weigh 115. I'm still eating at a small deficit because ni still need to get rid of some belly fat and am doing stronglifts. Anyways, I went to my nephews birthday party and was told by many that I'm too skinny now and if I continue with what I'm doing I could get sick and possibly get a disease of some sort. That freaked me out, yet the same time I felt awkward. I feel better with how I look and I'm still trying to become toned, so what should I do? Plus an aunt and friend said no matter what I will not get a flat belly for me to just stop it.

    jealous people are *kitten*...just ignore them.

    I'm 5'2" went from 155lbs to just shy of 110 lbs. I feel amazing, but there will always be haters and back handed compliments.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    "Goldilocks syndrome" - Others love (family included) to help you rise to mediocrity. You deserve more than this allow yourself to take it
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I know how you feel .. I have been having a difficult time accepting the new me. I am so used to being overweight and such that I cannot adjust to the fact that I am just fine and just much thinner now.

    And .. yes they are probably jealous and such. Ignore them and just love the new you.
  • gk03ub
    gk03ub Posts: 99 Member
    one word: jealousy.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I don't know...You look pretty thin in your profile pic. :wink: I'm 5' tall, too, and would love to weigh even 125 lbs. again.
  • noorali9026040
    noorali9026040 Posts: 4 Member
    don't ever listen to anyone
    be what you wanted to be ...
    its your body not them ....
    and people always talk like that
    they will never be satisfy on anythings ...
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