30lbs by St Patricks Day! NEW Motivation Group 12/2010



  • Fruits and veggies for the day!

    Lettuce/Tomato (I'll count as one, since on a sandwich)
    Green Beans

    Some onion in the meatloaf as well, but not enough to constitute a serving ;)

    WTG guys, keep it up for tomorrow!!!

  • I just recently bought a treadmill and am waiting for the guys to come install it. I told myself that I want to learn to run. I think I would really enjoy it and the first goal I want it to be able to run a 5K. Then eventually a half marathon and then a full. Does anyone have any tips for a first time runner? I'm terrified but know that I can do it.

    I'm so excited to be part of this support group. My GW is to be 150 or so. Add me as a friend too!!!

    Hi Cassy - best advice I can give for a runner is to get some good supportive shoes!!! And maybe try the C25K program - I've heard it works wonders :)
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    Oh,my I sucked at this today! My days off work are always the bad days! Thankfully, I was busy all day, so it wasn't a hungry day. :drinker: ...but, unfortunately, I wasn't even close to my five, and I usually do okay with this!

    Overslept, and had to run out the door to meet a friend for Christmas shopping. We went to lunch, and I decided to have something I had been craving -- italian beef, with marinara on sweet bread and half of an order of fries. I stopped by my mother's house and ate dinner with them. She made italian green beans - I'd never even HEARD of them before, and I work at a grocery store! They were interesting, sweeter than normal green beans, almost like a sugar snap pea.

    So, I had green beans today. :grumble: ...and mashed potatoes, if that counts. :laugh:

    I hope everyone else had a much more successful first day of the challenge!
  • Hey ladies (and gentlemen welcome too of course!) - don't forget to invite people from your friend lists; we want a great group of supportive people here!

    If everyone could post their SW, ultimate GW, and any current struggles or obstacles they'd like help with, that'd be great.

    Name/age/how long you've been with MFP/all that jazz too of course :)

    Hey I'm in!! And I only have two friends so far but I will ask them :)
    My SW was 187 and my CW is 179.9. My ultimate GW is 130 but my current GW is 145. I have had the MFP app on my phone since feb but actually just started getting online (which is WAY better than just the app) and getting serious about dieting. My name is Davonna and I'm 22!
  • My one struggle I am having is that the pounds have just not been coming off, granted I have really only been following MFP for about 1.5 weeks...but I at least thought some would melt off by now, maybe even 1lbs but nothing so far...I just lowered my Cal intake to 1200, but I am trying to figure this all out. Any suggestions I am more than willing to hear them. I do exercise for about 30-40min 5 days a week...doing Turbo Kick.

    I have some broccoli (steamnfresh frozen kind)
    apple for breakfast.

    Thats all for now, I will try to incorporate more later this afternoon.
  • Oh,my I sucked at this today! My days off work are always the bad days! Thankfully, I was busy all day, so it wasn't a hungry day. :drinker: ...but, unfortunately, I wasn't even close to my five, and I usually do okay with this!

    Overslept, and had to run out the door to meet a friend for Christmas shopping. We went to lunch, and I decided to have something I had been craving -- italian beef, with marinara on sweet bread and half of an order of fries. I stopped by my mother's house and ate dinner with them. She made italian green beans - I'd never even HEARD of them before, and I work at a grocery store! They were interesting, sweeter than normal green beans, almost like a sugar snap pea.

    So, I had green beans today. :grumble: ...and mashed potatoes, if that counts. :laugh:

    I hope everyone else had a much more successful first day of the challenge!

    We all have those days - they make for good motivation to get on track :D It does sound like a fun day though! And hey ;-) marinara is full tomatoes :D
  • Woohoo, we're on day two of the fruit/veggie challenge! Hope you guys have some yummy ones lined up!

    Is anyone planning on trying a new fruit or veggie this week? I'd love some ideas, haha.
  • I am doing an 8k St patty's day weekend for the 2nd year in a row and I want to do it in under an hour this year and I would love to have lost 30lbs by then too! I live on a mountain and getting outside to jog just isn't happening til April up here, so I jog inside and am working on making it a daily thing.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and see us all a bit smaller by spring!

    Hi Emily! Fabulous that you've got an 8k lined up! Have you tried the couch to 5k program? I've heard good things about it, but am waiting until my daughter is a bit older (right now I workout in the evenings when my husband is home, or in 10-15minute spurts throughout the day, haha, she doesn't have patience yet for more than that :) )
  • Hello

    I would love to join. I am a 28 year old from Portland, Oregon.
    I have been on MFP for a little over a month. I am looking to loose some weight and start a better healthier lifestyle before starting a family.

    SW: 239
    CW: 225
    GW: 137

    but my goal weight for this group is 195. My birthday is the day before St Patricks Day. So meeting my goal would be a win win win for me. I will have to think of something great for a present.

    I avidly eat carrots and broccollii.

    No better gift you can give yourself than to take care of yourself ;-)
  • My one struggle I am having is that the pounds have just not been coming off, granted I have really only been following MFP for about 1.5 weeks...but I at least thought some would melt off by now, maybe even 1lbs but nothing so far...I just lowered my Cal intake to 1200, but I am trying to figure this all out. Any suggestions I am more than willing to hear them. I do exercise for about 30-40min 5 days a week...doing Turbo Kick.

    I have some broccoli (steamnfresh frozen kind)
    apple for breakfast.

    Thats all for now, I will try to incorporate more later this afternoon.

    Do you take measurements or go off of how your clothes feel? I noticed when I first started working out doing toning and strength building that I initially gained a few lbs while my clothes felt better - because I gained a bit of muscle mass. In the long run though, that pays off, since the more muscle you have the more fat you burn :) Is your diet pretty good though? I thought mine was fabulous until I began tracking sodium, lol, as soon as I got a handle on that though I dropped some weight pretty quick!
  • Yesterday I had no fruit or veggies. I worked 12 hours and did not bring my lunch. Oops. I will get there today though. I had burger king for lunch and felt like crap but when I came home I did 45 min of power yoga and feel better. I am going to get some grapes and carrots right now. It actually sounds good.
  • Linda - I hope you got those veggies in! Power yoga - do you have a video you use, or is it a class or something? I've done some cardio pilates/cardio yoga and really enjoy it.

    Veggies! Where are my challenge people at ;-) ????

    Today I had
    green beans
    and pasta sauce containing tomato, mushrooms, onions, and carrots (used a jarred tomato basil sauce and added fresh veggies to it)
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    I work an odd shift so most of my day has not happened yet.

    But I packed my lunch so I know I will be having

    A Raw pear
    A Yummy Honey Crisp apple (I must say these are expensive but O my they are so good)
    Two Cups Broc
    and a sweet potato.

    I know I eat the same veggies over and over and keep thinking I need to spice it up a little. I saw a good reciepe for Brussell sprouts. I am just not sure how I feel about Brussell sprouts.
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    So, I pretty much ate the same fruits and veggies as yesterday (banana, two apples, broccoli, and carrots). I guess I better work on variety!!!

    I did great today, until dinner. My boyfriend brought home my favorite meatball calzone, and of course I had to eat the whole thing. Thank goodness I got my butt out of be this morning and ran three miles at the gym. By dinner, with my exercise calories, I still had almost 900 calories. Hate to use those exercise calories, but I guess that's why they are there...

    Oh, well, tomorrow is always another day...
  • bk360mom
    bk360mom Posts: 6 Member
    I am doing an 8k St patty's day weekend for the 2nd year in a row and I want to do it in under an hour this year and I would love to have lost 30lbs by then too! I live on a mountain and getting outside to jog just isn't happening til April up here, so I jog inside and am working on making it a daily thing.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and see us all a bit smaller by spring!

    Hi Emily! Fabulous that you've got an 8k lined up! Have you tried the couch to 5k program? I've heard good things about it, but am waiting until my daughter is a bit older (right now I workout in the evenings when my husband is home, or in 10-15minute spurts throughout the day, haha, she doesn't have patience yet for more than that :) )

    The race has a great training program that I used last year. Now, if I had kept up with my jogging, I would be able to do the advanced training this year, but I fell off the jogging wagon. The training program is designed so you finish the race, no matter whether you run or jog or walk. That really helped me feel confident when I went to the race last year. So, I'm pretty excited to go again and beat my time!
  • bk360mom
    bk360mom Posts: 6 Member
    Okay, I missed the challenge b/c I'm new here, so I'm a day late. Hmmmm...let's see..

    Today I had these veggies and fruits
    orange juice (does that count?)
    steamed broccoli
    green peppers

    It wasn't a terrible day, I was under my calories and got in 40 minutes of jogging before the 2 year old woke up crying. Feeling good about the week!
  • gabeye
    gabeye Posts: 14
    I'd love to Join in! :happy:
    I think if I lose 2 lbs/ week I'm be just short at 24 lbs lost by St. Patty's but see how far I can get.

    I just found/ joined/ and filled out my profile on the site today, December 14th.
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    A little late, but . . .

    Steamed broccoli, cauliflower, carrots
    Navel orange
    Raw Cauliflower
    Veggie Pizza

    No time for exercise. Will have to make up for that tonight!
  • For the Fruits & Veggies, I had a big salad...and a banana...

    For today, I have already eaten a Banana, but I have my food planned out already...and I am having 2cups of broccoli, and apple for snack. That will make me at a total of 3 today...which is more then any other day laugh:
  • brenott - calzones are so yummy though, no fault in that ;-)

    bk360mom - orange juice counts!

    gabeye - good to meet you, jump right in :) We start a new weekly challenge every Monday, this week is to get in 5 servings of fruits/veg every day. Post daily what fruit/veggies you had, and just join in on general conversation (the more you post, the better you do, is the general consensus I've gotten from support groups on this site)

    klwa- better late than never! Your day looks great!!

    aholtz1 - hey, if every day is better than the last, you'll get there! I have a banana and an apple every day, lol, it ensures I've got 2 right off the bat!
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