My feet hurt so bad when I work out.....ideas



  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    Sounds like me... Arches falling .. They told me only special made insoles will help, but they irritate me feet so I can't wear them so I tough it out. I often get insane cramping in the middle of the night basically paralyzes me it hurts so bad!
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    I'm not a dr. it sounds like maybe has something to do with your arches. My arches started falling and it was unbelievably painful, I could barely walk! Some great arch supports would help that...

    I'd definately see what the doc has to say! Good luck!
  • Kelleyrh5
    Kelleyrh5 Posts: 119 Member
    I totally understand. I have been dealing with foot pain for several years, and just found out this past year that i have Morton's Neuroma and planter faciatis. With Morton's it is a not that develops in the nerve of your foot at the pad up between the toes. It is getting so bad that the only thing that i can do besides weight training is the eliptical and only for about 30 minutes at a time. Due to have foot surgery in the next several months. I also have extremely high arches, and that is no fun either. Go to the doc/podiatrist and make sure they exray you feet. Good luck, oh and i have found that new balance works for me but have to replace them about every 6 mos.
  • pauliegirl615
    I have the same issue and have tried many different shoes...Nike running, Nike shocks, New Bal, Asics, Brooks, Cheeks, and Reebok. My feet just hurt when doing my T25 or any aerobics and also running on treadmill. I just fight thru it :(
  • hannaawh
    hannaawh Posts: 51
    Maybe your feet are uneven or you have flat feet! I used to have that exact pain when I played soccer until I got new soles for my shoes from my doc. I'm sure yours can help you too!