Any Menopause weight loss success stories?



  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    LOVING this thread!

    I'm almost 48 and going through perimenopause - I've lost almost 30 lbs.

    I have to credit a lot of my success to lifting weights - I've exercised for years but always avoided lifting weights - MFP always hyped it, so I figured 'OK - I'll do it'!

    I feel better AND look better than I did in my 20's - AND have a lot more energy!

    I log daily; I work out 6 times a week, an hour a day; weights 3 times a week/30 minute sessions.

    I've gotten to the point that I really enjoy my workouts - I consider it 'ME' time; and I'm worth an hour a day (at least.......)! I rotate between my elliptical, bike, and treadmill.

    Power on, ladies!! We may get older, but we also get BETTER!
  • Bump
  • heatherenzed
    heatherenzed Posts: 1 Member
  • christinacarlyn
    christinacarlyn Posts: 1 Member
    I have been trying. To lose 12lns. For 3 months and have only lost 2 lbs. I am 49 and have gone. Through menopause. I work out 5 - 6 days a week. I have been staying under my calorie count. I am very frustrated. Any suggestions?
  • judylutz
    judylutz Posts: 32 Member
    I am 52 and my doctor is shocked I haven't shown any signs of menopause. I keep my hormones level with nutrition and weight loss has been easy (when I don't cheat.) Gone from size 16 to 6 with nutrition -
  • paprad
    paprad Posts: 321 Member
  • mjegg
    mjegg Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you for posting this information. It explains so much!
  • dogluvr3
    dogluvr3 Posts: 11
    I have posted on this topic so many times it makes me nauseated. I've been fighting menopausal weight gain for two years. It just keeps coming.

    Unlike many here, I have been in excellent shape my whole life. I started weight training at age 19, before it got to be mainstream for women to do it, and have never stopped. Over the years I've added running, yoga, Pilates, biking, kickboxing, boot camp...if it's fitness related, I've done it.

    I was in the absolute best shape of my life at 48 when BAM. I had a period from hell that lasted two and a half months, nonstop. Horrible. The very next month I started to gain weight. Then more. Then more. The harder I fought it with cutting back calories and exercising more, the more weight I gained.

    I've always been fit. Always been muscular and small. In the past two years I've gone from 110 (my usual weight) and a size 0 to 130 and a size 6. Fighting it every step of the way. There is NOTHING I haven't tried. And the sad thing is, my whole lifestyle was the healthiest it could be to begin with. Adding weights in the gym did nothing. I watched helplessly as my muscles disappeared and it "seemed" that cellulite and fat took their place.

    I am now flabby, four inches bigger in the waist, three inches bigger in the bust, hips, and thighs, despite a clean diet and regular workouts.

    I've been put on thyroid meds with no effect. I finally resorted to bioidentical hormone replacement a month ago. So far all I've noticed is sore breasts and even larger rear and thighs than I've ever had (never were my problem areas before).

    So....yeah. Exercise and clean eating does NOT work for everyone in menopause. If you check out my profile, you'll see my "BEFORE" pictures. LOL
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm 58 and have lost just over 100 pounds in about a year. I stick to my 1200 calorie plan and do not eat back my exercise calories. I work out about an hour six days a week plus walking with the dogs. My diet is low salt, low fat and low enjoyment. I no longer eat fried foods and don't eat much bread. When I do I make my own without salt. I do occasionally eat ice cream and chocolate for treats. I eat a lot of chicken breast and sweet potatoes. But I really enjoy how I feel at this smaller size, so I don't mind the limited food choices. Only 55 more pounds to go.
  • Paleo
  • I am 52 and my doctor is shocked I haven't shown any signs of menopause. I keep my hormones level with nutrition and weight loss has been easy (when I don't cheat.) Gone from size 16 to 6 with nutrition -

    It certainly could be what you eat and it could also be genetic. Awesome that you lost weight like that it gives me hope.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    This is a good thread, and even though it started over a year ago, has some good information in it, so thank you to all the contributors. Unfortunately it's something that all of us have to go through at some stage or other.

    I'm 45 and just back from the doctor this morning who has taken a heap of blood for tests and her number 1 suspicion is that I've started menopause. Bummer.

    My plan of attack is to keep a 1600 calorie daily average over the week and keep an eye on my macros. Also going gluten free as I have other issues to address. Lets hope that helps with the waistline.

    As far as the sleeplessness and hot flushes are concerned... I hope they pass quickly!! I'm sick of feeling exhausted and carrying a small towel in my bag all the time.
  • ckp0818
    ckp0818 Posts: 7 Member
  • dtjay7
    dtjay7 Posts: 1
    I am just starting this path towards health. I have been so unhappy with all the weight that I have gained in the few years since menopause. I took antidepressants and that actually made it worse. They were horrible for me. Reading all of the posts in this thread really is encouraging. Thank you everyone for sharing your progress.
  • I am reading all the comments and am so glad I am not in this struggle alone. I have fought my weight my entire life. Lost and gained, and repeated again. But I had finally got a grip on it, lost 150 pounds, felt great, ate good and clean, and devoted to exercise. Then about three years ago the weight started coming back on- for no reason other than menopause. I have gained around 25 pounds (mostly in the belly area) and have tried every way to try and start my metabolism into kicking in again but nothing has worked. Still exercising 5 times a week, lifting weights with alternating days of aerobic. I'm changing my exercise programs periodically so my body does not become used to one routine. Not on any meds so can't blame it on that. I am just miserable and am probably over obsessed with the fact I feel horrible with the added pounds. It's constantly on my mind and one can't help but be reminded of it when you look in the mirror and also have to buy larger clothes (which I was determined not to do ever again) Especially coming from working so hard to get the weight off in the first place. This truly is an awful, helpless and depressing feeling. I'm determined to get through this phase in life a winner. If anyone has any suggestions or advice as to how they broke through this, please share.
  • smacna
    smacna Posts: 2
    I am gaining weight and I need to lose at 30 lbs by July. I am going through menopause. My goal is to stick to 1200 calories daily and exercise at least 4-5 times a week for 60 minutes. Besides losing weight for me, my son is getting married in July and this is motivating me to start today! My stomach is growing along with my thighs and I need to take charge. Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks for this wonderful forum. Jeanne:flowerforyou:
  • smacna
    smacna Posts: 2
    Hang in there!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Any Menopause weight loss success stories? How'd you do it?

    It's harder, but it's not impossible. Many women have success with weight loss, weight maintenance and physical fitness during peri and post menopause. The key is staying within a healthy caloric deficit CONSISTENTLY!

    Calorie deficit - log everything consistently and accurately
    Eat reasonably healthy - AVOID fad 'diets' or diets that tell you to give up an entire food group
    Protein - make sure you're getting enough
    Strength training - weights that challenge your muscles or body weight training
    Exercise - strength & cardio
    And I can't emphasize it enough - CONSISTENTCY.
  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member
    I have been here since Jan. 14 and I have lost a pound a week consistently and I am 52 and post menopausal.

    My calorie goal was around 1350 to start with, now 1290 as I have lost weight. I stick to that goal and I exercise about 5 days a week, cardio and some light weight. I do run walking and I just started going back to aerobic classes, also do some elliptical and some light weights. I want to do more heavy weights.

    I don't usually eat back all my exercise calories.

    I pretty much eat what I want, haven't ruled out any foods entirely, but I eat reasonably healthy.

    I think consistency is really important.
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