March 2014 Challenge 120 miles walk/run/bike



  • airdiva1
    airdiva1 Posts: 198 Member
    4.5 miles today. Had my 9 year old nephew walk 1/2 mile with me!
    60.5 + 4.5 = 65 miles!
  • rabidgummibear
    rabidgummibear Posts: 26 Member
    1: 5.95 miles (fitbit)
    2: 4.14 miles (fitbit)
    3: 1.77 miles (fitbit)
    4: 1.5 miles (bike) 4.73 miles (fitbit)
    5. 5.30 miles (fitbit)
    6: 5 miles (bike) 2.74(fitbit)
    7: 3.11 miles (fitbit)
    8: 2.95 miles (fitbit)
    9: 1.43 miles (fitbit)
    10: 4 miles (bike) 4.79 miles (fitbit)
    11: 3.18 miles (fitbit)
    12: 6.18 miles (fitbit)
    13: 4.73 miles (fitbit)
    14: 8.46 miles (fitbit) 4 miles (bike)
    15: 2.6 miles (fitbit)
    16: 2.9 miles (fitbit)
    17: 2.39 miles (fitbit)
    18: 4.6 miles (fitbit)
    total: 87.13 miles - 32.87 left
  • Super_Amy
    Super_Amy Posts: 97 Member
    4.0 miles on treadmill.

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member
    I'm behind on logging as well...Oh well it happens...

    Monday 1 Mile walking and 4 miles bike...
    Tuesday 2 miles walking and 4 miles bike..
    Wednesday 1 mile walking....O Bike....

    THIS FAR.................WALKING ....................... 55 MILES

    Exercise Bike......................................................38.0 MILES
  • rabidgummibear
    rabidgummibear Posts: 26 Member
    1: 5.95 miles (fitbit)
    2: 4.14 miles (fitbit)
    3: 1.77 miles (fitbit)
    4: 1.5 miles (bike) 4.73 miles (fitbit)
    5. 5.30 miles (fitbit)
    6: 5 miles (bike) 2.74(fitbit)
    7: 3.11 miles (fitbit)
    8: 2.95 miles (fitbit)
    9: 1.43 miles (fitbit)
    10: 4 miles (bike) 4.79 miles (fitbit)
    11: 3.18 miles (fitbit)
    12: 6.18 miles (fitbit)
    13: 4.73 miles (fitbit)
    14: 8.46 miles (fitbit) 4 miles (bike)
    15: 2.6 miles (fitbit)
    16: 2.9 miles (fitbit)
    17: 2.39 miles (fitbit)
    18: 4.6 miles (fitbit)
    19: 4.59 miles (fitbit)
    20: 2 miles (bike)

    total: 93.72 miles - 26.28 left
  • Super_Amy
    Super_Amy Posts: 97 Member
    6 miles elliptical

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member
    Wednesday walk outside 2 Miles...

    Thursday walk outside 1.5 Miles...
    Thursday Bike Ride.........7 Miles....

    TODAY walk outside.....3.5 Miles....
    Bike today 6 Miles....

    THIS FAR.................WALKING .......................62 MILES

    Exercise Bike......................................................51.0 MILES

    EVERYONE IS DOING GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Super_Amy
    Super_Amy Posts: 97 Member
    5.75 treadmill

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member
    5 miles outside walk today....GORGEOUS SUNNY DAY!!!!


  • DaddyBeejay
    3/17 22.5 road miles
    3/21 25.5 road miles

    yeah 134 miles SO FAR !!
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    Late to the party but here now.

    3/1 - 6
    3/3 - 7
    3/4 - 8.5
    3/5 - 12
    3/7 - 12.5
    3/8 - 22.5
    3/10 - 10.8
    3/11 - 15.2
    3/15 - 8
    3/17 - 10.2
    3/20 - 15.3
    3/22 - 17

    145 total
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member
    Wednesday walk outside 2 Miles...

    Thursday walk outside 1.5 Miles...
    Thursday Bike Ride.........7 Miles....

    TODAY walk outside.....3.5 Miles....
    Bike today 6 Miles....

    THIS FAR.................WALKING .......................62 MILES

    Exercise Bike......................................................51.0 MILES

    EVERYONE IS DOING GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    TODAY since it is a church day and a Rest day i will get no exercise...

    I actually ADDED 34 minutes of EXERCISE BIKE late last night. of SEVEN Miles...

    That makes my Exercise Bike TOTAL THUS FAR 58 MILES
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member
    Late to the party but here now.

    3/1 - 6
    3/3 - 7
    3/4 - 8.5
    3/5 - 12
    3/7 - 12.5
    3/8 - 22.5
    3/10 - 10.8
    3/11 - 15.2
    3/15 - 8
    3/17 - 10.2
    3/20 - 15.3
    3/22 - 17

    145 total

    HEY you've already passed some of us up and you just got here! lol......WELCOME AND KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member

    WALKING TOTAL 65.5 miles

    EXERCISE 58 miles
  • technorodent
    Hello all! Just saw this thread and decided to post. Unsure of how to add a Google map of the trail I'm taking (it's called the Homestead Trail, and it goes through open space on the top of a series of Bluffs on the eastern side of Colorado Springs). I will try to put the map in a later post, once I figure that out. Otherwise, looks like I've made the grade. I'm trying to get into shape to climb what are called 14'ers here in Colorado--mountain peaks above 14,000 feet. My big goal is to walk up to the top of Pikes Peak here in Colorado Springs sometime in July--that's 24 miles round trip (though you can catch a train up/down if you like) and 7,000' elevation increase. The stats below show my improvements for the month of March. If I'm feeling up to it on Wednesday or Thursday, I'll bump my daily hike up to 9 or 10 miles per day. Here's the stats:

    03/01/14 0.00
    03/02/14 0.00
    03/03/14 6.24
    03/04/14 0.00
    03/05/14 3.80
    03/06/14 4.93
    03/07/14 5.97
    03/08/14 6.51
    03/09/14 6.51
    03/10/14 6.51
    03/11/14 3.25
    03/12/14 7.00
    03/13/14 7.00
    03/14/14 7.33
    03/15/14 2.71
    03/16/14 6.78
    03/17/14 6.89
    03/18/14 2.17
    03/19/14 8.68
    03/20/14 8.68
    03/21/14 8.68
    03/22/14 8.68
    03/23/14 8.68
    127.00 miles to date!

    P.S. There is a discrepancy on the 6.51 and similar 6-mile walks due to the HRM/Pedometer I was using. I started using My Track on Android, which accounts for altitude gain/loss and uses GPS--it claimed the 6.+ track was actually 7 miles. Go figure. The 3, 4, and 5-mile hikes were different (and easier) routes.
  • airdiva1
    airdiva1 Posts: 198 Member
    4 miles today!
    4 + 65 miles = 69 miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member
    technorodent WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: You are doing so good! We (husband and I ) have been too Colorado..GORGEOUS is all I can say BUT I would not want too be there in the winter! lol It is bad enough winter in Tennessee...

    EVERYONE is doing SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and THANKS for joining me. I hated walking/biking/etc by myself.... I WILL START A NEW THREAD at end of THIS MONTH for APRIL.....HANG IN THERE :flowerforyou:
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    3/1 - 6
    3/3 - 7
    3/4 - 8.5
    3/5 - 12
    3/7 - 12.5
    3/8 - 22.5
    3/10 - 10.8
    3/11 - 15.2
    3/15 - 8
    3/17 - 10.2
    3/20 - 15.3
    3/22 - 17
    3/24 - 20

    165 total
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member
    Outside walk..............3 MILES today..........
    Exercise Bike.............5 MILES today............


    WALKING............68.5 MILES...........

    EXERCISE BIKE............63 MILES........
  • Super_Amy
    Super_Amy Posts: 97 Member
    5.5 miles on the treadmill today!
