Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 16



  • Oh I weigh myself with a dumbell and then weigh myself because my scale has a memory function that is super annoying.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I have a challenging week coming up with a holiday work party (mexican food) and nyc (carmines delicious italian!) anybody else wanna challenge themselves with me to not weigh yourself until next monday? It might do us some good ;) Sometimes it feels better to see a bigger number on monday... than little changes all week!

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Oh I weigh myself with a dumbell and then weigh myself because my scale has a memory function that is super annoying.

    Mine does too! thanks for the suggestion!
  • I can't believe the scale thing has me so depressed and out of sorts!! I need to get a grip!!!

    *hugs* It's completely normal to be disappointed about it.

    It's just funny because physically I didn't gain 8lbs in a day, but I'm still allowing myself to act like I did. It has me second guessing the weight I HAVE lost, and looking at myself in the mirror saying, well maybe I've been tricking myself into seeing changes in my body that aren't there.

    Can someone help me turn off my mind?? :huh:

    RACHEL!!!! Look at your comparison photos!! you look AMAZING!!!! Of course you didn't gain 8lbs in a day. Stupid scales!!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I feel the same way! Like I know I haven't gained 7lbs over the weekend but I still feel like crap about it! We need to start a support group: "People who let their scales make them feel like ****" Lol.

    Doctor went okay. Got some new meds. Pristiq for anxiety/depression and to help me lose weight and some pain meds for when I get migraines. I usually have two or three terrible ones a month and have been known to end up at the hospital for them due to dehydration. Hoping that the new ones work. She said if anything she can give me a mood stabilizer with the Pristiq if I start to feel crazy. I also have to start checking my blood sugar. Not being I'm diabetic but because I'm so severely hypoglycemic. My blood sugar in her office was 46, yikes. So new test strips for my old meter. Woo.

    I also went ahead and got my flu shot, tetanus shot and blood work done. Now both of my arms are sore. I'm really tired and feeling a bit weak. But I'm still going to do my 30 minutes of jogging/running. Trying to make myself feel like I'm doing something positive towards this weight loss goal.

    /end rambling.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I've fallen and I can't get up....stupid holidays.....
  • peachyolives
    peachyolives Posts: 46 Member
    I was out of town in Las Vegas over the I didn't want to weigh-in right away after eating all those buffets. I had a nightmare about gaining five pounds last night - so I had to check today! I'm down 3 pounds!

    167 pounds for me.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Grabs Katie's hand and pulls her back up!

    You are not alone chiquita! We all stumble and fall but as long as we get back up and keep trying that is the main thing.

    It sure is the time of year that puts our willpower and strength to the test! If we don't indulge a little or have a drink or a taste well for me I know that it will lead to an all out binge!

    We can do this, we've all come to far on this journey to turn back!

  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Grabs Katie's hand and pulls her back up!

    You are not alone chiquita! We all stumble and fall but as long as we get back up and keep trying that is the main thing.

    It sure is the time of year that puts our willpower and strength to the test! If we don't indulge a little or have a drink or a taste well for me I know that it will lead to an all out binge!

    We can do this, we've all come to far on this journey to turn back!


    I have resorted to doing lunges and squats on my bathroom breaks at work. No time for exercise at the end of the day. I'm so miserably tired....

  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    ALL I WANT IS A COOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd even settle for a brownie! :(
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I've not been on here much this last week. Been a bit despondent since I'm doing all my exercise and have only been losing half a pound a week. Plus this week I have put on 1 lb! So I decided to take my measurements again this week and since Nov I've lost an inch around my chest, and inch around my thighs and 1.5 inches from my arms! So something is happening thank god!! :smile:
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I just finished making sugar cookies for my brother in law and his platoon of Marine in Afghanistan. An hour later and I haven't touched them. Mainly because I hate sugar cookies. I also finished wrapping all the presents in the house. Although I'm waiting on one to get here and the other I have to go buy. I swear, he's so damn spoiled.

    I have a monster sized headache and wish baby would take a nap so I could. :frown:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I kicked some *kitten* today at the gym..I wish this free pass would go for another week.. but I'm enjoying it while I can! It feels great to 'run' and not be outside freezing, even though I much prefer walking/running outside. My 5k is coming up quick, not sure I'll be about to break my original time of 44min but I'm gonna try my hardest!

    So, with New Years does everyone celebrate? Throw a party, go to a party, nothing? And do you ever make resolutions?

    We throw a party and I don't plan on logging my food, well, mostly drinks that day, gonna just let it since it's just one day.. We sit around and play card games and such. Good times! And as for resolutions, I've never made any in the past, but I will make just some in general goals: I'm going to participate in 3 5k's in 2011 ( already registered for 2, 1 in Jan and 1 in Mar), spend more time with my brothers by being active like bowling, walking, etc, and trying more foods that I never have before to broaden my selection more ...

    Hope you all are having a good week :)
  • Lizzybluts
    Lizzybluts Posts: 18 Member
    It's amazing how our minds can trick us into believing something we know can't possibly be true. After my 3rd baby (33 years ago) I lost 100# and wore a size 2 (small for a 5'7" frame)

    The following month after reaching my goal weight, I signed up for a workshop on losing weight! I felt like I fit in with all the other women who were very overweight because in my mind that is what I saw when I looked in the mirror.

    Like you said, when I put the small sizes on I told myself it was a fluke, the size wasn't accurate. What is so sad is that I never really enjoyed the years that followed of being in shape and thin. I lived as if I was the person I saw in my mind, always feeling disappointed in myself if I ate something and actually enjoyed it.

    Thank you for posting this. You helped me by stirring the memory and now with a new awareness to focus on what I have done, not always looking at what more I need to do. Just to appreciate...and enjoy....the present moment. :flowerforyou:

  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    I need to stop weighing myself almost everyday! Sometimes it’s encouraging and others (like this morning) it’s just simply depressing! I’ve been doing not so great on the food front (eating high sodium food) but have managed to stay in my calorie goals because I’ve been working out every night. I know this is the reason for the almost 2 lbs gain, but I was so exited this Monday to see the scale hit the 150 mark finally that its so discouraging to see it back up. Arghh… I guess I’ll have to watch my water intake and food choices over the rest of the week to make sure I don’t gain come weigh in on Monday!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Got an e-mail this morning that said:

    Hi Ashley,

    You are one of the Founding 100 volunteers of IMAlive from To Write Love On Her Arms.

    Can you say stoked?! :D
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I got the itch again.... here is one of the Christmas presents my bf got me. The tattoo had been drawn up for like 8 months, but everytime I'd be about to get it outlined, something would pop up and I wouldn't be able to afford it. So FINALLY it's there.

    It's kinda a bio-organic ....thingy...with flowers popping out on top. Hard to explain but once I get some more sessions done, it'll be a little easier to see.

    Back view.

    Top view.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Lovely! :flowerforyou:
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Rach- That is awesome!

    Bru- I am flying to Boston for New Years. I have a good friend from college there. I went last year and had a blast. I've made 3 huge resolutions for next year. I'm giving up sweets and fried food for the whole year. I'm going to complete two rounds of ChaLean Extreme by the end of July. And I am going to run a half marathon in October in less than 2hrs and 15 min.

    Ashley- What is "IMAlive from To Write Love On Her Arms"?
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Who's jealous of all these new tats? >this girl< :heart: Can't wait to see the finished project!
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