Couch to 5k CHALLENGE.. WHO's IN??



  • rgfor40
    rgfor40 Posts: 79 Member
    i'm in...
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    What is the APp you use while you run?!?! I"d love to use it as well!
    Good luck with your bridge to 10k!

    And a HUGE congrats on the 48lbs lost! :)

    Thanks for the congrats, it has taken time and i go up and down and regularly splurge on chocolate n alcohol, I like excess a bit too much...... about 50lbs too much in fact! lol! I am nearly there now but I sincerely think that MFP and the c25k are the keys.... I now know that when I fall off the wagon it isnt really serious coz what i have learned is that I can get back on it!!!! I simply am not going to learn to dislike chocolate, wine etc!!!!! not a chance!!!!

    I just looked for the name and cant find it, getting good at running BUT utterly rubbish at technology!!!!! I searched c25k in i tunes it has the green logo with a 5 on it!!!! it is superb you have a voice which tells you when to run, walk etc and you pick your notifications which is useful coz you can personalise it, I did try another one but I found it's repetitive music BORING so bought this one (about 1.50 pounds i think) you choose your own music so you pick songs that do it for you!!!!!! go for it!!!!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I am of the mind that it will be a miracle if I can actually accomplish this, but I'm going to give it a shot. Good luck all
    here, too! But hey. Always a first time, right??!! Heres to us miracle-workers! :wink:

    Not a miracle you just do what it says at your pace........... if I can do this you CAN too!
  • triscuitsmom08
    triscuitsmom08 Posts: 47 Member
    Im finishing up c25k right now. :) Thats my blog charting my journey if any of you care to read it. :) I never could run really before now....maybe back in high school. :laugh: But truly its an amazing journey. :flowerforyou: I encourage every one to at least try it. If you like hip hop music I used Carli's running into shape c25k podcasts

    Good luck guys, you can do it. In a few weeks you'll look back and chuckle at how bad those 90 second runs hurt :D
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I am on week 8 day 2. This is a great program! I really didn't think I'd complete this.

    If you have an I phone the App from Bluefin Software is really worth the $2.99. It keeps track of your days, gives you prompts when to start running/ walking etc. and allows you to play any music you want in the background.

    Have fun everybody, I wish you success!
  • amguyberson
    amguyberson Posts: 41 Member
    Does anyone know if there is such an app for DROID. I don't have an iphone just thought about this! lol
  • amguyberson
    amguyberson Posts: 41 Member
    I started a few weeks ago &stopped I am definitely getting back on this. Goal to my first 5K is feb or March 2011.

    Theres got to be some St Patty's Day 5ks out there right?!?! Thats my goal... My Race to the green beer 5k! lol OHHHH I Just got a fundraiser idea! lol
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    OK, I'm in. I had to think about it all day, but I need someone to push me or I'm never going to keep at it.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    OK, I'm in. I had to think about it all day, but I need someone to push me or I'm never going to keep at it.

    Okay, which 3 days a week are you planning to run?
  • Just finished up the C25K program and ran my first 5K last weeked!! The program really works, if you had told me I would be running a 5K a year ago I would have laughed in your face!! But I did it, and not only that ran it in a fairly decent time!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I started yesterday. So I am in.

    W1D1 done.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday works best for me, but I'm gonna have to make tomorrow a do-over for today, I only got half way through the intervals before I stopped and walked the rest of the way.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I would consider still giving yourself a rest day in between, however that's your choice. Listen to your body.

    I had to repeat a few weeks because I wasn't ready to continue, but I always gave my body some recovery time.

    Relax, be kind to yourself, and you'll end up enjoying this.
  • amguyberson
    amguyberson Posts: 41 Member
    Okay.. I figure if I'm going to give updates I should probably do it in my original post...

    So.. C25k W1D1 was a bust.. Due to my work schedule I was not able to make it to the gym before Zumba. I did however rock the house and shake my bootay for 60 intense minutes getting my heart rate prettty high!

    No excuse though... So Since I want Mon, Wed, Fri as my run days I'm going to officially start C25k on Monday 12/20. Until then here is what my weekend of fun looks like..

    Thursday - 1 to 2 hours of competitive Volleyball
    Friday - Working both of my jobs.. Cost Anaslyt by day (7:30am - 2pm) Bartender by night (5pm - 3am)
    Saturday - Family Christmas with my Boyfriends Family late morning early afternoon, Family Xmas with my Family Early Evening.
    Sunday - WorkOut in the morning and Friends Christmas in the early evening!
    Monday - Work 10 hrs and C25k W1D1

    Although I didn't actually perform C25k D1 I feel as though my cardio level and leg activity during Zumba may have been enough to be comparable to the c25k program. I will be doing D1 on Monday 12/20 so no worries! ;)

    WORK IT!!!
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Looks like I get some recovery time after all! Who's up for walking the same distance?
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Ivy, enjoy your run today. I'm sure you'll get farther than last time! Post after you've finished.
  • amguyberson
    amguyberson Posts: 41 Member
    Couch 2 5k Challenge - Week 1 Day 1: COMPLETE!!!

    I found it quite a stress relief to run yesterday! I did not struggle at all and I ended up running more than I walked. I know the instructions were to alternate walking 90s jogging 60s but toward the end I felt comfortable enough to run a little longer.

    Total Miles: 2

    After C25k I worked on my legs with the Nautilus Machines. That felt good!

    Week 1 Day 2: Wednesday 12/22.

    Tonight.... ZUMBA!!!!!! :)
  • W3D1 complete yesterday!! On to day 2 tomorrow. Will do some Zumba tonight. I thought that 3 minute run was gonna KILL me but I made it, lol.
  • W3D1 complete yesterday!! On to day 2 tomorrow. Will do some Zumba tonight. I thought that 3 minute run was gonna KILL me but I made it, lol.

    I'm doing W3D1 on Monday. afraid of that 3 min run as well!
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