The number one problem in loosing weight is the food! I love food so much. If someone ask me oh you want a chip I'm gonna say yes. How do you control yourself with food???


  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I also love food and my nutrition isn't always the best. I make sure to eat a lot of lean meats, veggies, fruits, etc... but the problem is that I also like to eat other stuff that's not good for me. I tend to work out typically 5-6 days a week with pretty intense workouts.. for me, that has helped keep my weight in check.

    One thing that helps me is to try to be "good" Monday-Thursday and then splurge a bit more on the weekends. This can be a bit of a slippery slope, though... splurging too much on the weekends can definitely set you back. It's all about finding a good balance, IMO. My basic strategy is to just try to burn off the extra calories through exercise :)
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    I've seen it said over and over in the threads, and I have to agree - you're not going to change until you want it badly enough.

    Yes, food can be a delicious and comforting thing (don't I know it!). But until you start loving yourself more than you love food, you probably won't be able to say no to the chips.

    Work on changing your mindset. Set small goals and work towards them. Reward yourself (not with food) for small successes. You can do it!
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    I love food too! I eat the kinds of foods I like; it's a just a matter of limiting yourself! The other night, I weighed out two servings of double fudge brownie ice cream (1 cup). Sure, it wasn't much but I wanted ice cream so I had it, and it fit into my goals.

    You can love food and still lose weight. :flowerforyou:
  • Corsetopia
    Corsetopia Posts: 307 Member
    Simple. If someone asks you if you want a chip, have a chip. Just don't have the whole bag.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I love food too and I continue to eat all kinds of it, maintain a deficit, and lose weight..

    last night I had linguine with red clam sauce and a serving of ice cream for dessert and I was still about 200 calories under my goal for the day..

    You can eat the foods you want and lose weight ..

    My diary is open.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    The number one problem in loosing weight is the food! I love food so much. If someone ask me oh you want a chip I'm gonna say yes. How do you control yourself with food???

    do you want the chip of do you want to lose weight?!

    you can still love food and eat what yo ulike, just a bit less of it...
  • mediamogulsteve
    mediamogulsteve Posts: 115 Member
    For me, I find that eating small(er) portions of the foods I like helps keep binging to a minimum. I have also found that planning my day out in advance is very helpful. For instance, I have 1/2 a cup of ice cream at night. Knowing that I get a "treat" at the end of the day helps me plan my meals and snacks the rest of the day.

    I think that in general when someone says that they'll "never" eat a certain type of food again set themselves up for failure. So, have a serving of chips, track it, and adjust for it so that it's within your daily calorie goal.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I love food too. I still eat the food I like, just not as much of it. Whether you eat one chip or the whole bag, you'll eventually reach the end of the bag and be out of chips. How you feel when you stop is up to you.
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    It takes practice and commitment and even then sometimes you'll slip up. Life long journey. Don't quit.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    I learned that I can still enjoy the foods i really like while still maintaining a caloric deficit. Let nutrient dense food make up the bulk of your calories each day. lets say 80 to 90%. With the remaining 10-20%, enjoy some stuff you like. Make sure it fits your macros so you don't go over. Bam! Now you enjoy the best of both worlds without hurting your goals. It is really the only way most people will maintain a healthy lifestyle. Cutting out all the foods you enjoy forever will never last. Unless you are getting on a stage you don't need to go to the extreme. Besides, lets be honest. One chip isn't why most people are over weight.

    #IIFYM - Flexible dieting
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    What is loosing weight?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    For me, I find that eating small(er) portions of the foods I like helps keep binging to a minimum. I have also found that planning my day out in advance is very helpful. For instance, I have 1/2 a cup of ice cream at night. Knowing that I get a "treat" at the end of the day helps me plan my meals and snacks the rest of the day.

    I think that in general when someone says that they'll "never" eat a certain type of food again set themselves up for failure. So, have a serving of chips, track it, and adjust for it so that it's within your daily calorie goal.

    Pretty much this. I'm a major foodie and the reason most of my past weight loss attempts failed was due to deprivation and restrictions. Thinking I couldn't have dessert or pizza or whatever just made me want that more and after a few weeks of going without I decided it wasn't worth the sacrifice and gave in. Thing is, you can still lose weight eating what you like as long as it's within your calorie/macro goal so it's not so much a matter of doing without as it is about keeping your portions under control.

    Whether it's a treat once a day or once a week or even once a month - having that planned indulgence to look forward to can help you avoid temptations. Planning and packing snacks/meals can also help a lot. Say I've got chicken thawed in the fridge and plan on making a tasty low cal dish for dinner. If Hubs says "let's order pizza", I can explain that there's food to be cooked that we can't waste and put him off for a day or two and plan for a pizza night.

    It can also help to tweak recipes a bit. Use leaner meats, less carby foods (pasta, rice potatoes), and bulk with veggies instead. Your dishes will still taste great but be a bit healthier with lower fat and calories.

    Good luck!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    traditionally dieting consists of two parts

    avoiding cetain foods


    eating less

    I always felt like if i had some ice cream, then i'd lose control and go buckwild. I'm much happier allowing myself a little ice cream or candy every day.

    It doesn't stop me from binging now and then, but it i is more sustainable then avoiding foods you love and much more pleasant
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    The number one problem in loosing weight is the food! I love food so much. If someone ask me oh you want a chip I'm gonna say yes. How do you control yourself with food???
    By logging everything and planning ahead if possible. I try not to deny myself foods I love, meaning if I want ice cream or pizza, that's what I'm going to have, but I'm also realistic. I realize that if I want to have, say, 4 slices of Papa John's Pizza, that means I need to either: A) Drastically cut my calories before so I can still stay within my calorie allotment or B) boost my exercise to give myself more calories to work with that day or C) the ideal choice...a combination of both.

    I am working to eat proper portions but there are certain things I realize are "triggers" for me so I try not to have them in the house. If I want ice cream, I go out and get a single scoop cone. This helps to me to eat a "serving size" rather than, say, a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's. :laugh:

    Pretzels...I actually count 'em out. Ditto potato chips.

    I've also found it helps to get in the habit of eating less but more OFTEN. Keeping my blood sugar at a more even level by eating between meal small snacks helps me to avoid stuffing myself at meals because I feel starved.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I act like my calorie count on MFP is *THE LAW*

    So I stay within it at least 29 days out of every 30.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I also love food. I love to grow it, read about it, cook it, preserve it, and of course, eat it.

    I could never lose weight or maintain a healthy weight without exercise because I'd be miserable eating so few calories. Exercise is key for me because it allows me to eat foods I like, prepared the way I like, without having teeny tiny portions.

    Also, I find that eating light most of the day so I can have one really big meal helps me. No tiny plates. No saying "no" to seconds or dessert. If I want beer or wine with the meal, I have it.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Grow up and be responsible for your actions.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Develop the habit of making better choices and just taking a bite instead of eating the entire thing (if it's unhealthy food) :)
  • LeahNMe
    LeahNMe Posts: 73 Member
    Food is an awesome thing! I have learned to watch portion sizes and IMHO things like my Tostito Rounds one serving size is like 24 chips! For me that is way too much, I cut it in half, have my two tablespoons of guacamole and by the time I am finished with that as a general rule I am finished and satisfied enough not to binge on them. It's a mind set. Before I was counting every calorie, 12 chips with dip did not seem like much at all, now it's more than I want at one time. (Not to say I won't go back in an hour and have the other 12) LOL as long as it all works into my calorie count for the day.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    let you in on a shocking secrete- most people love food. and I'd wager that most of the population here are foodies.

    we just like not being fat better than we like our red velvet- so we have our red velvet in moderation. That is all.