X Weight Watcher Members



  • psibaby
    psibaby Posts: 88 Member
    I joined WW this past weekend and started back up again with MFP. I prefer to log my food intake electronically and I have to pay to do that with WW so here I am at MFP. calculating my intake for free. I am hoping that paying for WW on a monthly basis will help me stay with it. In the past I would skip a meeting and then not go back because I didn't have the money to pay for the skipped meetings. I am looking forward to the weekly weigh-in (I'm trying not to weigh myself at home) and the meetings. If anyone knows an easy way to convert the info I collect here into points, I am all ears :)
  • Reddirtblacktopqueen
    Reddirtblacktopqueen Posts: 79 Member
    I too am an x-WW. I lost the weight and reached lifetime status. I slowly quit going to meetings and therefore gained the weight plus some back. Very, very discouraging. I do not blame WW. It was my choices to what I was eating and not exercising. I have been on MFP for 20 days now and I truly love it. Tracking is easy especially with the barcode scanner. The motivation and support from others is wonderful!! I am losing at about the rate I did with WW.

    Please add me if you would like. We can all use the support. :wink:
  • pattycakes80
    pattycakes80 Posts: 118 Member
    ex-WW member here. and i had amazing success. dropped about 60 pounds in 6 months. sadly, i gained it back and then some. not WW fault, i just wasn't ready.

    when i felt i was seriously ready to commit back in june 2013, i planned on starting WW again but decided to give MFP a chance before paying for WW. because i paid for WW, i always went, week after week, even if i had a bad week. and i seriously feel like someone else weighing me in was a huge motivation factor. but again, i am on a budge so i decided to buy a scale, designate every wednesday as weigh-in day and give MFP a chance. at first i was terrified that i would not hold myself accountable and avoid the scale if i felt i had a bad week, but the motivation was there and less than a year later i am down around 100 pounds. i still would weigh myself the few times i gained, and i tracked it.

    i love the information i gained from WW, and i think it is an amazing program, but if you find a decent support system on MFP and are truly in the correct frame of mind to work for your health, you get similar results free of cost.
  • Jill_with_a_G
    Jill_with_a_G Posts: 58 Member
    X-WW here too! WW worked for me until I hit lifetime and maintenance. They don't really have a support system in place. Their main focus appears to be weight loss. That's why I love MFP. It's support regardless of what stage of health you are in. Loss, Maintenance or Gain. There is a group, a board, or friends that are where you are or have been there that can provide the support network you need.
  • Andreaviolet89
    Andreaviolet89 Posts: 290 Member
    There are pros and cons. With WW I do really feel like having to weigh in with someone put me on the spot and helped me stay on track. I also liked that at the meetings you could meet local people who were doing the same thing as you were. The support was great. However, the price did start to add up AND WW seemed to focus just on calories and not too much on what you were eating. With mfp there are macros to meet so it helps you to eat more variety in my opinion. Also its free.
  • missfixit4u
    missfixit4u Posts: 10 Member
    Great info :happy: I've tracked today and it looks like I am going to have a pretty skimpy supper! Feels good tho to be accountable again! I like the online tracking here way better than WW. I find it is very informative as to how much salt, fat fibre is in everything!! I am a salt-aholic, oh what the heck a food-aholic about covers it. Now for my first walk around the block since last summer, main excuse was the cold & the snow! Well I do have boots and warm clothing :wink:
  • EP55346
    EP55346 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm currently doing WW and also using MFP. I like the tracking a lot better on MFP. Going to the WW meeting every week keeps me accountable. I love the leader..she is a great motivator!
    I joined WW about a month ago and have lost about 10 pounds. I lost about 60 a year or so ago with just tracking on MFP. I maintained over the year but couldn't get motivated enough to get the last 40 off. That is why I joined WW. So far so good :-)