Does anyone use any weight loss supplements?



  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    Exercise for me is the best way to lose weight... while i don't run... i do walk.. and i mean i walk a lot... i will admit i don't have weak knees or ankles... I just hate running.. so why do something i will not keep doing... (I don't make excuses)

    I use vitamins like i said because I got them free... however, does it make a difference or do I feel a differently.. i must admit ...NO..

    but what do i know...
  • RaucousExFactor
    I used to. They were the Apex Thermogenics and I also used to use the Phase-2 Carb Blockers (Apex Fat Burner).

    They were good, but I lost way too much weight which I am trying to gain back at this moment. But it's hard, because once you lose a substantial amount of weight, chemically your mind gets altogether changed where you develop a sort of paranoid eating disorder. I am trying to preclude that at all costs.

  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    @raucousexfact: I am like you... i am worried now about gaining my weight back... even though i hear it is all about life changes... i still feel paranold...

  • wehave4
    wehave4 Posts: 97 Member
    No to any weight loss supplement pills. Just take a multi-vitamin everyday and keep using MFP. The VitaFusion MultiVites Gummies are multi-vitamins I take and they are yummy.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    i dont really know if it counts
    but ive been using Biotin atm, it seems to be helping loads with weight loss. Which is a bonus as I only bought it for hair and nail growth! haha

    Glad to know this! I just started taking it because of hair loss (thyroid, weight loss, PCOS probably all three not helping) so I'm glad to see it does this as well!
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    I've done some research into weight loss supplements...not really worth the money is the conclusion I've found.

    I use protein powder regularly, as well as a green food supplement. I don't think of these as weight loss supplements, however. They are dietary supplements.

    I take fish oil capsules, vitamin D, and a B-complex vitamin. My doctor suggested I try these in conjunction with my medication for depression. It seems to help, but I can't say for sure.

    I eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, manage my stress and anxiety levels, get plenty of rest. This seems to be the best strategy for weight loss out there.
  • diannecolors
    l have been dabbling with bitter orange, is there anyone out there who knows if it works or its just another marketing hype
  • xplosion80
    xplosion80 Posts: 51 Member
    I tried Garcenia Cambogia after seeing Dr. Oz show.
    Then I decided to stop wasting my Money.

    Concentrated on calory control and 60 minute cardio. Lost 17 pounds so far in 3 months.
    I occassionally take the protein shakes. But dont want to make it a routine, thus making sure it does not form a habbit.

    Tracking calories using MFP has been very helpful.

    BTW, I am 35 M 5'6"
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    In my opinion, the only ones that are effective are the ones prescribed and closely monitored by a physician.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    this is my weight loss supplement

    You can really lift that? :bigsmile:

    I can... My max deadlift is 335. :happy:
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    I went to sport check and they were useless. I went to the running room and they were awesome. The watched me walk. Checked my arches, and recommended a bunch of different shoes. It was like running on air!

    Def. need me some air shoes lol

    Funny I had the exact opposite experience, Running Room put me in a stability shoe after watching me walk and I ended up constantly turning my ankles, I went to Sport Chek explained what my issues was that I walk on the outside of my feet and turn my ankle easily and they said there is no way I should be wearing a stability shoe and they were right ever since I stopped and wear the Adidas Response (about 6 years) I maybe sprain an ankle once a year.
  • hatsumi141
    hatsumi141 Posts: 62 Member
    Funny I had the exact opposite experience, Running Room put me in a stability shoe after watching me walk and I ended up constantly turning my ankles, I went to Sport Chek explained what my issues was that I walk on the outside of my feet and turn my ankle easily and they said there is no way I should be wearing a stability shoe and they were right ever since I stopped and wear the Adidas Response (about 6 years) I maybe sprain an ankle once a year.

    lol addidas are my nightmare monsters lol, but im glad you found a good one. I'm used to spraining my like 2-3 times :(. That's not including the little pops that I can walk off here and there)
  • Xaudelle
    Xaudelle Posts: 122 Member
    Today's muscle-sparing weight loss supplement is 930 calories of "Lemon Swirl Cheesecake" :).

    Pics or it didn't happen.