Drinking Water



  • omg i struggle so much...even more now that i'm trying to drink 12 glasses a day! Honestly, I just have to make myself do it. I'm better at doing it when I'm on work because I make sure I drink one 32 oz nalgene bottle before each break. When I'm at home however, I tend to not drink much so I have to work on that.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have the hardest time drinking 8 glasses of water everyday. Does anyone have any tips on making it easier? I probably average about 5 glasses a day.

    Best tip: don't worry about it. The "8 Glasses a Day" directive is just urban folklore.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    It's 8 glasses that are 8 ounces,

    Good luck, I hope that helps.

    This user is definitely right. 8 ounces (or 1 cup) is not a lot at all. Most glasses are at least 2. Think of it like 4 glasses :)
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I have the hardest time drinking 8 glasses of water everyday. Does anyone have any tips on making it easier? I probably average about 5 glasses a day.

    Best tip: don't worry about it. The "8 Glasses a Day" directive is just urban folklore.

    I don't know if I'd go as far as to call it folklore. Maybe the exact number is just an estimate. If you aren't drinking a ton of alcohol or caffeine, you should really drink water until your urine is clear.
  • tranz4md1
    tranz4md1 Posts: 37 Member
    I keep a 32 oz cup with me (one from a gas station used for fountain drinks). I drink a full 32 oz cup eith each meal.in essence I drink 4 of my 8 cups at one meal. I also take a 16 oz bottle of water with me for workouts. I love it cold. And I drink some of my water before my 1st bite of food and during the meals and finish it up to complete my meals. This really helps me eat smaller portions and makes me fill full for quite some time. And my skin is definitely benefiting from it.

    I hope this works for u. But I have always had a drinking problem (lol) I drink water all the time.. I actually drink it5 more now that I have finally kicked my soda habit (which is a victory all in itself). Happy drinking. U can do it.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have the hardest time drinking 8 glasses of water everyday. Does anyone have any tips on making it easier? I probably average about 5 glasses a day.

    Best tip: don't worry about it. The "8 Glasses a Day" directive is just urban folklore.

    I don't know if I'd go as far as to call it folklore. Maybe the exact number is just an estimate. If you aren't drinking a ton of alcohol or caffeine, you should really drink water until your urine is clear.

    Again, there is no scientific basis for that recommendation--the most recent research has pretty much discounted most of those ideas. It certainly doesn't hurt (to a point) to drink a lot of water, if that's what you like to do, but there are no specific amounts that are applicable to everyone--everyone's needs are a little different.
  • b4babyweight
    b4babyweight Posts: 4 Member
    I make it a thing to down two glasses beofre each meal (brek lunch and din) its hard to chug it down sometimes but it works for me lol!! plus I drink a bottle of water before bed so i dont snack!
  • I actually take 4 kroger bottled waters and line them up in the fridgeevery morning, they are 16.9 oz, one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and take 1 to the gym that I usually drink all of and refill there at the water cooler.
  • I always drink my water after a meal because I don't want my food diluted too bad so I can digest it quicker and easier and feel better when I go to the gym
  • I have the hardest time drinking 8 glasses of water everyday. Does anyone have any tips on making it easier? I probably average about 5 glasses a day.

    Best tip: don't worry about it. The "8 Glasses a Day" directive is just urban folklore.

    I don't know if I'd go as far as to call it folklore. Maybe the exact number is just an estimate. If you aren't drinking a ton of alcohol or caffeine, you should really drink water until your urine is clear.

    I too drink until urine is clear, and to keep it clear some days it's more than others considering what I have eaten...I happen to like water though and I drink it whenever I'm thirsty :)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have a bottle of water that measures 3 cups and a bottle of pure green tea that measure 2 cups (yes i add my all natural green tea as water)...i put both bottles on my desk and make sure they're gone by the end of the work day. If i'm sick of water i usually put lemon in it to add some flavor, you could also add watermelon. At supper I measure out 2 cups of water and make sure it's gone by the time i'm done eating (water also helps you eat less if you have a problem over eating at supper)...I work out at night and usually down 2 or 3 cups too because i'm sweating bombs...but the 5 cups on my desk is key, i notice on weekends i'm not as diligent.
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