Any gastric bypass patients on here



  • pocketsvvmc
    pocketsvvmc Posts: 2 Member
    I'm having surgery this coming Monday 03/17. I've lost 28lbs so far, using the guidelines in my bariatric binder and using this app.
    I'm excited and nervous, any advice is welcome and greatly appreciate :-)
  • bevtyndall
    bevtyndall Posts: 72 Member
  • bevtyndall
    bevtyndall Posts: 72 Member
    Hello everyone. I am considering bypass surgery. I'm currently in the process and should be able to have the surgery in a few months. However, I am having some seconds thoughts. I heard gastric bypass, (which is the one my doctor recommends) is too risky. Is this true? I would love to here your thoughts. Also, I've lost about 30 pounds so far on my own but still have a long long way to go.
    Just do it yourself without surgery
  • glyndalin
    glyndalin Posts: 29 Member
    I get so frustrated with people telling me to "just do it yourself without surgery." What do they think I've been trying to do for the past 40 years? Insensitive and rude. If people are able to get it off and take it off without surgery, more power to them, but I have done the research and this is the best chance I have of resetting my metabolism and getting to a healthy wait.

    Am I nervous? Yes. Do I realize that it is just as much work as if you don't have the surgery? Yes. Do I think it's a magic bullet? No. But all the research says it will help with my particular bio-chemical issues, so I'm going for it.

    If you cannot support someone who has made this VERY DIFFICULT decision, please just don't say anything at all.
  • TheGreatYaYa
    TheGreatYaYa Posts: 215 Member
    I had gastric bypass in Dec. 2012 and it's the best decision I ever made. I had struggled for years to get the extra weight off and it just would not budge no matter what I ate and how much I exercised. After my surgery I was able to get off my diabetes medication, my CPAP, my GERD med, and my cholesterol meds.

    I lack 5 lbs. being at my goal weight. Seems like the last few lbs. are the most difficult. Anyone considering gastric bypass, feel free to friend me.
  • MsPrncss
    MsPrncss Posts: 19 Member
    I had it about 2 and 1/2 years ago. I could not be more happy with the results. I went from 265 to 115 at my lowest. I have gained some bounceback weight, currently I am 133-135ish, but some of that may be muscle as I lift pretty heavy for a girl. I am on here to log my food and track, while I am by no means overweight I think I am perfect at 125 and would like to get down there. I am also preparing for a tummy tuck (ugh you can lose weight but not the extra skin) and want to be at my ideal weight for that. A lot of people think gastric bypass is an "easy way out" but it is a tool and you can still gain the weight back, I know many that have had the surgery and end up heavier than before. Are you considering surgery or did you already have it and am trying to lose some of the bounceback weight?

    Cool congrats! what did you eat when you first had your surgery?
  • logapple
    logapple Posts: 2 Member
    I am ten years out. My starting weight was 462 and I have been at 213 since last July. I have been going to the gym seven days a week and consistently logging my food staying in the 1400 calorie range. I have gone back to my doctor to get some guidance and she said with the intense weight lifting I am doing that i need to eat even more. This has been a huge challenge but the last thirty pounds I am so desperate to lose are not moving. HELP!
  • logapple
    logapple Posts: 2 Member
    I am ten years out and have gone from 462 to 210. I would go and do it again tomorrow if it would help me lose the last thirty pounds I want to go away. It is like having another life. I am so active going to the gym seven days a week is now an addiction. I have 19 year old twins who have both changed their eating habits thanks to my changes and challenges that I went through so they won't have the challenges that I went through. You just need to know that this is a complete life change. Food will no longer be something you enjoy but something you need to live. We no longer wrap food into celebrations as we did in the past. My husband has been awesome and said he loved me at my biggest and he loves me now smaller then when we got married. You will definitely need everyone in your life supporting you especially post op. Good Luck and we are all here cheering for you.
  • sarabellaefc
    Hi everyone. I had my RNY in September 2010 and have gone from 312 to 155 in a little over 18 months. My weight was pretty stable at that point, but then I reintroduced alcohol and 20 pounds have magically reappeared. Needless to say, I'm back to teetotal and struggling to get rid of that gain.

    As much as I'd like to be grateful for having been mostly successful with this surgery, I struggle with a lot of health problems as a result of it and it makes it easy to forget how bad I felt when I was fat. All the vitamin deficiencies, iron deficiencies, calcium deficiencies, thyroid problems, hair loss, dry skin and general exhaustion (all of which came despite proper nutrition, sticking to the rules and loads of post-op support from surgeons, doctors, dieticians) has taken its toll on me and I feel as if I've aged 10 years since the surgery. Turning to alcohol to cope was the final straw, and lesson learned.

    Anyway, it has been great reading everyone's stories and nice to know there are others like me!
  • LauraShields86
    I am 16 years post op. I went from 350 to about 125 at my lowest. I did gain some weight when I as pregnant. However, my current weight is about 161 which i would like to be about 130 to 140. My goal right now is to increase my strength levels and build my endurance. I did have some issues with low iron levels and low calcium levels in 2010 and have issues with digesting iron. does any one have any suggestions to restart the weight loss?

    My biggest downfall is soda's and sugar. When I had my gastric bypass in 1998 I cut out most sugar and all soda. When I was pregnant in 2008 I was super nauseated and could keep anything down and CRAVED Coke.
  • LauraShields86
    Congrats on the surgery although it will be a difficult road. It's never as easy as it looks. Do what your doctor says and make sure you have post op visits which is very important. I was most successful when I did the 3 minute times between bites. it's a pain but it helps. Also, always eat your protein first. My taste buds changed when I first had it done.
  • aerokas
    aerokas Posts: 1 Member
    I wish I had know about this blog.... I had gastric bypass surgery in 2001 and to date have gained 75 pounds back of the 140 pounds I lost. I really hope some one out there is still interested because I have a lot to discuss in terms of my experience with gastric bypass and weight control
  • sandii_46
    Hi Everyone!

    I just joined minutes ago and started reading some of the posts. I had my gastric bypass 12 years ago. I lost 110 lbs. within the first year and kept all but 10 lbs. off for roughly 10 years. I slowly started gain 5 lbs. here and there. I have had plastic for my stomach, legs, and back. Let me tell you that is something to think though. My last surgery (3 years ago) on my back removed 18 lbs. of skin but within 10 days of the surgery I had a massive bacterial infection. It landed me 1 month in the hospital and 4 + months on a V.A.C. Something that has to this day scarred me mentally. Life issues like job loss etc. gave me an excuse to eat comfy foods. I have now gained 30 lbs. within the last year and hate it. I am a small framed person so I don't carry it well and because of the plastic surgery it's not distributed like it used to and concentrates mostly on my legs. I need and want to get those 30 lbs. off. I never reached the weight goal they set for me but was at a very comfortable weight for me. What I need is support and a way to transfer my negative thoughts to positive energy. I have distant myself from people , any ideas ?
  • deanaketzcraft
    I am a little over 5 weeks out. The things I wish someone would have told me is (after surgery) there comes a point when you may have a melt down. And wish you would not have done it and you will be very emotional. But it passes lol. I am down 40lbs and I use this app and walk. It is hard at first to have people eating around you. But it gets better. So just know it all gets better. I am very happy I did this as I was 306 when I started. I feel better and move better. Good Luck!
  • Gingersfit
    I'm going through the process to have surgery late May/early June. I'm in a strange situation I haven't experienced before --- my BMI is 36, so I can't lose more than a couple of pounds or I won't be eligible for the surgery. This is the first time in my adult life I'm actually trying NOT to lose weight! I'm happy to see so many people responding to the thread. I know everyone is different and may have different results from the surgery but it feels like I'm hearing directly from friends about their first-hand experiences.
  • Reese3renee2
    Hi all. I had my surgery in January of this year and to date I have loss 45 pounds. But i can not help to feel as if i have not loss enough. The 45 pounds includes my 2 week high protein diet results as well. I work out and eat right so maybe its just me. what is your feedback? do you think 45 pounds is on target?

    Is it safe to estimate that losing 10 pounds a month is on target?
  • tinag322
    tinag322 Posts: 4
    I had my first consultation today for gastric bypass. My BMI is exactly 40 so i just have to get some bloodwork done and have a psych eval and im good to go! My husband had the surgery back in september and has lost 120 lbs so far. I would really like to lose 80lbs total.
  • SportsFan41
    SportsFan41 Posts: 12 Member
    Options name is Kelly. I had Gastric Bypass 12/30/13 and have lost over 30 pounds and gotten off of two blood pressure medications; I only take 1/2 a pill a day and hope to be off of this one soon too. The surgery was the BEST decision I ever made for myself. I no longer have sleep apnea and I enjoy working out; mainly cardio right now but will add weight training soon.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I have lots of questions for the veterans :smile:
  • zimmer6217
    Hi everyone, I am new to the site, however I am getting ready to get the by pass surgery, I am seeing my doctor next month to discuss everything, insurance already approved as well, I have read most of the post and say,,, hats off to all of you! I have dieted for a long time and lost 20-28 lbs everytime and then gained it back... I am finally going to do this for me, I was scared because it seems like you gain weight back, I guess the trick is, not to eat sugar and junk food, I plan on joining a gym after the surgery to try and keep in shape, not sure how I will look afterwards, but as long as I no longer need the c-pap machine and feel great, that is my goal, hope everyone well, and good luck to all!
  • suthurnb2
    Hello all,
    I will be 11 years post op in May and lost 150 pds. I am wondering if anyone has had any back problems since surgery. I immediately started to notice lower back pain, and thought maybe they had cracked my tail bone ( I was told they have to flip you over a time or two) during surgery. Come to find out I have/had 4 dehydrated discs L2-S1, two bone spurs and a pinched nerve. I have had two back surgeries in the last 3 years, one to put a ton of metal and screws in my back and 4 fusions...and one to remove all of the metal/screws because my body rejected it and to redo 3 of the 4 fusions. I ended up gaining between 30-40 pds, because I wasn't able to do anything and as of now I hurt more, than I did before my first surgery. Which brings me to exercise. I can't tolerate a whole lot of exercise because it makes me hurt, more than it helps. I spend 5 days recovering just from cleaning the house. And now it seems I have another pinched nerve because my right foot/calf/thigh keeps going numb. Not good news at all. I am only 40 years old, and was very active before my back surgeries. So what do I do? Anyone else out there have any experience? I have heard of spinal decompression therapy but don't know anyone that's had any experience with it. Any info/tips would be appreciated!!