How do I pick a goal if I don't want to go by the scale?



  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Do you even need to have a set goal? I mean I would just measure weekly or monthly to track your progress. I think it would be motivating to see the change in measurements even without a set goal. Then you can stop losing when you get to the point where you are loving how you look and feel.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    To answer your original question:

    I don't think 32" is too low. I'm 5'7, am a size 4 and am 30".

    Also you can get Calipers online from Amazon for under $10 and they (when used properly) are very accurate for body fat.

    Fitness goals are nice to have because once you hit one you just make another, so you're always motivated. Maybe run at 7mph for 30 min, or squat 150#.
  • MzHornedOne
    MzHornedOne Posts: 71 Member
    Do you even need to have a set goal? I mean I would just measure weekly or monthly to track your progress. I think it would be motivating to see the change in measurements even without a set goal. Then you can stop losing when you get to the point where you are loving how you look and feel.

    I'm definitely driven by hitting goals and mini goals. It just helps me see the big picture. I'm not saying the goal is set and stone and I'll be upset if I don't hit it. I will be happy when I feel happy with what I see not a number.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    Do you even need to have a set goal? I mean I would just measure weekly or monthly to track your progress. I think it would be motivating to see the change in measurements even without a set goal. Then you can stop losing when you get to the point where you are loving how you look and feel.

    I agree with this.
  • kmglennie
    kmglennie Posts: 40
    I'd love to be a 4-6, and I'm currently an 8ish, but I'm also short (5'3"). It's all about what each person feels looks and feels right for them.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I focus on fitness goals, trying to run further, do more pushups, stuff like that. And I take pictures to monitor progress.
  • Housekat61
    Housekat61 Posts: 28 Member
    You can also pick fitness challenges. Like running a certain distance or a hill climb or something like that! I have made mine a water tower climb..the stairs in this water tower kinda have me freaked out so my challenge to myself is to conquer those stairs and my fear of failing to reach the top with out knee pain or asthma attack!
  • starznholes
    starznholes Posts: 170 Member

    "I mean to write 32 = size 12, but either way, thats still big isnt it? I mean, again, I am NOT being an *kitten*, I am being real, I am currently a size 38 and I am still very much over weight, for a girl to say she WANTS to be a 10 or a 12, that is similar. Maybe a 25 inch waist is more of a "perfect world' kind of scenario but what I'm asking is, wouldn't MOST people want to be around a size 4-6, which would be around a 28 inch waist?"

    SMH.... awful.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I know when strength training the scale isn't all that important...but to I create a measurable goal? I don't even know what an appropriate tummy size would 32" around my stomach too low or is it realistic? I'm 5'4"
    Shoot for bf%. Normal for a female is 20%-25%. If you want to be more athletic looking, then that will be 15%-19%.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member

    "I mean to write 32 = size 12, but either way, thats still big isnt it? I mean, again, I am NOT being an *kitten*, I am being real, I am currently a size 38 and I am still very much over weight, for a girl to say she WANTS to be a 10 or a 12, that is similar. Maybe a 25 inch waist is more of a "perfect world' kind of scenario but what I'm asking is, wouldn't MOST people want to be around a size 4-6, which would be around a 28 inch waist?"

    SMH.... awful.

    Yeah... I agree. I have a large frame and even when I was 5'10'' and 147 pounds, I was a size 12. I was thin, sexy, and toned though.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
  • I found pictures of body fat % be a good visual guide.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    How about this. Would you be comfortable strutting around in a cute bikini in front of your significant other? Yes? Then you are at your perfect weight! No? Then maybe you need to lose a little bit.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I know when strength training the scale isn't all that important...but to I create a measurable goal? I don't even know what an appropriate tummy size would 32" around my stomach too low or is it realistic? I'm 5'4"

    A little over a month ago, I changed my goals to more measurable fitness and sports related things such as how fast I can a mile, how much I can lift when squatting, etc. I also measured the circumference of my waist and hips as well as stepped on the scale for reference.

    Since I changed my goals to more sports related things, I have actually been less stressed and seen MORE fat loss.

    And no, 32" is nowhere near "too small" of a stomach for someone your height. I am slightly taller than you and my stomach is 29" right now. Before I gained weight over the holidays, it was 26.5" and I was wearing sizes 4 and 6. But you have to go by how YOU feel and how happy you are with how you look.
  • Go by the way your clothes fit and get measured. Inches are way more important than the number on a scale and so are you.
  • mscrystallee
    mscrystallee Posts: 62 Member
    Measurements, the best indicator
  • LKPMiller
    LKPMiller Posts: 6 Member
    There's a waist-height ratio calculator at It's basically a BMI calculator. :smile:
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    Inches are great! I've been lifting weights the last 3 months and my weight hasn't really reduced, but the inches on my body have decreased significantly. :)
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    Ok sooo I didn't read much of this, except that one guy that everyone got mad at. LMAO

    When you say 32" tummy, im assuming you mean around your belly button? If so, it's totally feesable. Mine is 32" at the moment, and it's been a ***** to get down, mainly because I don't 'eat clean' and because I'm constipated 1/2 the time. My personal goal for that area is 30" because I know it counts love handles too. If I ever get there, who knows.

    NOW, if you're taking about your smallest part of the waist, hell yah that is totally doable. Lookin at your pics, your waist looks smaller than that anyway. Buuuuut what I saying earlier before my computer was being a ****...

    Maybe don't have an ultimate goal number wise, because that gets very discouraging. Saying 'I have 3 inches left to lose until I reach my goal" sounds ****ty especially when that number doesn't move. BUT saying "Hey, I've lost 1.5" inches so far this year!" Is so much more positive! Comparing yourself to your past self is much more encouraging than comparing yourself to you future, no existent self, or other people with completely different body types.

    What I have found helpful is measuring my lifting progress! Since you just started NROLFW you're bound to get all kinds of newbie gains (I've been lifting for a year and I'm still in that wonderful stage) So, increasing weight and keeping track of how beastly you're getting is a good way to keep your mind off of weight and circumferences of yourself. I know that once I really started trying to get stronger, I've started caring less about my appearance, because I know that if I keep pushing myself in the gym as hard as I do and eat reasonably (because by all means I am NOT a clean eater) that my body will follow suit and reflect my efforts.

    So my advice to you, in a nut shell. Get a fat caliper and start measuring your body fat once a month. Take your measurements monthly as well. Track your lifting progress and set mini goals for that. And just take everything in stride. Enjoy the little achievements and before you know it, they'll add up to new you. ;)

    Oh and step on the scale, give it the finger, then flex in the mirror and admire your new body. :P