HIIT & Strength training do I need a rest day in between?

I have a HIIT and Strength training plan I go to the gym 3/4times a week.
Usually I'd focus mainly on hitt but I decided I needed some strength training.

How would I arrange what days to do what? and both of the plans are full body

Should it be something like this?

Tues - HIIT
Wed- Rest
Thurs - Strength
Fri - Rest
Sat - HIIT
Sun - Rest/strength

or could I do this? Do I need a rest day after each of the workouts?

Tues - HIIT
Wed - Rest
Thurs -Strength
Fri - HIIT
Sat - Strength
Sun - Rest
Mon - rest


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    It depends on your goals.

    I used to do both on alternating days, no rest in between. Only sunday off. I didn't gain a ton of muscle and I didn't improve my endurance significantly. But I was happy with the result because I got what I wanted, which was a little mix of both.

    Be aware, though, that you will need a boat-load of carbohydrates for this plan or you will likely bonk.
  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    Oh right so if I have a rest day in between each would it be manageable?
    I tend to limit my carbs.
  • annie61702
    annie61702 Posts: 120 Member
    First, I'm no expert! But this is what I do:

    Sunday - HIIT (on elliptical at home)
    Monday - rest
    Tuesday - 60 min. Treadmill + strength training (at gym)
    Wednesday - HIIT (on elliptical at home)
    Thursday - 60 min. Treadmill + strength training (at gym)
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - 60 min. Treadmill + strength training (at gym)

    It works for me, but it may be different for you. Why not try it and see how you feel?
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    For me, it's best to do them on the same day, strength training first and then HIIT. The reason I switched was I read that they both affect your CNS the same way, so your not really giving yourself any time to recover peoperly if you alternate days without a rest day in between. I feel it has helped my workouts. And that would work with the carb limitations you have as well. You can carb load on the days at the gym and limit yourself as you see fit the other four days. And you've freed up some time.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    I do HIIT after strength training three days a week.
  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    The strength training plan is very long I don't think I'd have the energy to do it right after HIIT.
  • tanfit4life
    tanfit4life Posts: 43 Member
    I do strength training and I do believe in rest body need to recover
  • skytoads
    skytoads Posts: 79
    To be honest I would do whatever is most conducive to your schedule. If it starts becoming inconvenient then it might be easier to skip a workout here or there. But I personally think you could do a day of HIIT followed my strength training and repeat that taking off Saturday or Saturday and Sunday. The HIIT and strength training shouldn't impact each other dramatically for you to not see gains.
  • stephaniefiteni
    stephaniefiteni Posts: 48 Member
    second option but not sure why you cant do HIIT at the end of ur workouts?
  • unesemainedecruaute
    unesemainedecruaute Posts: 54 Member
    Unless you are talking about real strength training (deadlift, squat, chess press), both schedules are ok.

    I've done both, I've done weight training + HIIT, I've done one on the morning and the other at the noon/night, and what I always keep in mind is:

    do whatever is most conducive to your* schedule.
    2. Do whatever fits your levels of energy.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Best practice:

    Sunday rest
    Monday lift 45-60mins
    Tuesday 10min HIIT
    Weds Lift 45-60mins
    Thursday 10min HIIT
    Friday Lift 45-60min
    Saturday rest


    Sun Rest
    Monday lift 45mins HIIT 10mins
    Tuesday Rest
    Weds Lift 45mins HIIT 10mins
    Thursday Rest
    Friday lift 45mins HIIT 10mins
    Saturday Rest

    The first is what I do with clients.
    The second scenario is what Dr Layne Norton and Dr Scott Connelly prescribe their clients.
    Both works like a charm.
    Just depends on your ability to recover.
  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    I may need to get a new strength plan done up the plan was done without the HIIT in mind just got a new trainer to do me up a plan an his was more strength focused I didn't mention doing the HIIT mix as I've only just thought about getting him to do strength and the other current trainer HIIT. I've already told my current trainer he thinks it's a good idea.

    The HIIT I do generally lasts about 45mins involves different stuff weights/cardio etc..

    I'll post the two plans in a while .
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
    Helloitsdan...i do strong lifts 3times a week so can I still do HIIT the next day for 10 mins? Also I walk in the evenings every day for 45 mins..can I still continue with that?please advice....
    Sorry Op...hope I am not hijacking your post
  • skytoads
    skytoads Posts: 79
    Suzd - if you keep it to the ten minutes yes you can do it. I wouldn't go anything over 20mins on Stronglifts rest days based off of everything I read. You might feel like it at the beginning but once you get more into the program you will really need your rest days. Try it out for two weeks and see how it goes!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Helloitsdan...i do strong lifts 3times a week so can I still do HIIT the next day for 10 mins? Also I walk in the evenings every day for 45 mins..can I still continue with that?please advice....
    Sorry Op...hope I am not hijacking your post

    Yep! Just remember that YOUR body will lose fat and remain strong so long as YOU RECOVER from your training via: Sleep, Nutrition, training program.

    In that order.

    Sleeping correctly
    Eating correctly

    In that order.

    If any of those fall by the wayside it's time to re-evaluate the plan.
  • Harrisonsauntie2005
    Harrisonsauntie2005 Posts: 215 Member
    I guess I add my HIIT on the end..

    Monday Srength - 10-15 HIIT on treadmill
    Tuesday Rest
    Wednesday Crossfit
    Thursday Rest
    Friday Strength plus HIIT
    Saturday Crossfit

    I am about to start a 5k training plan which I would do in the evenings. I think the balance atm is ok for me.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    When it comes to rest, your body is rebuilding the muscle damages you've done in your past workouts. If your diet is completely up to scratch and you're able to cope with it, then go for it.

    If you don't have your diet properly established I'd try avoid what one calls 'over training'. This is where you will start to see plateaus, more muscle soreness, tiredness and fatigue, and be prone to falling sick easier.
  • autotek
    autotek Posts: 66 Member
    if you want to grow then yes
    i trained 3 days a week
    then rode 20 miles a day or eod
    i did it backwards an i lost almost 3/4 inches on my biceps :sad:
    plus i was run down and injured my shoulder in the end
    muscles need time to recover and grow
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    I'm aiming for the toned/lean look and want to lose body fat .

    My HIIT plan is this
    warm up crosstrainer 5-6mins

    squat jumps trx x 10
    walking lunges x 10
    (5mins no rest)

    holding weights/trx thing 15kg walking along a track
    mountain climbers
    holding weights/sandbag walking along a track
    (no rest inbetween)

    shoulder press
    starting from 10 reps down to 5

    treadmill uphill

    Here's my strength plan (the hiit plan wasn't considered at the time as I got this last week) I'll probably book the other trainer in to get a new strength plan with the hiit considered.

    rower warm up
    chin ups
    goblet squat

    reverse lunge
    push up

    trx inverted row
    half kneeling overhead press

    pallof press
    plank w leg lift
