I have no idea what i'm doing.

As the subject says, I have no idea what i'm doing I try to follow the guide and to net the proper amount of calories. I work out as often as I can, but it seems that I never lose any weight. Yes I do take measurements and the last time I did it I had actually grown a bit. Any advice would be appreciated because I feel so lost right now.


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I took a brief look at your diary. I'm no expert, but I did notice one thing. You are eating a lot of processed foods, and I'm not seeing much fresh produce in there. You're generally staying within your calories, but you're also consuming a lot of sodium, fat, and protein from the few days you have logged.

    I would try to throw in some fresh veggies and fruit into your daily routine, and see if you can make some of the more processed options you've been eating (like pizza), at home.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    Without knowing how long you've been tracking, my best advice is to get checked out by a doctor. If you're really being honest and staying under calories and gaining weight, a doctor might have something to say about it.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    And watch out for the sugar free stuff too! I noticed that popping up a bit too.
    I randomly grabbed a reduced fat box of wheat crackers today, and compared them to the "full fat" version I usually buy.
    The difference in fat was 1g (my crackers are of fat per serving, compared to the "reduced fat" version), but they were also higher in calories.

    A lot of times, those "reduced/free" items load up on other stuff to make it taste better, and there's little to no benefit of swapping out for that version.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    If you "try" to follow the guide but don't weigh foods and log everything you won't be as successful. For several months last fall I "cut back" and "watched what I ate". Managed to lose a few pounds that I gained back over the holidays.

    Then I overheard someone talking about MFP. I cannot believe what a difference it's made in my weight loss!! I now weigh all solids and measure all liquids. I am losing a pound a week, minimum, week after week. This from a 63 year old woman who thought my age meant I would lose slower. Believe me, if it works for me it will work for you. Drinking lots of water has really helped also.

    So very simple if you do those three things!!
  • raystantz1984
    raystantz1984 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you, i'll make a point to pick up stuff this weekend, hadn't considered that might be the culprit. I thought Protein wasn't bad though, I should cut back on it? I do weigh and measure most everything I eat to be sure that I am getting the proper amount. I dont like to guess at that sort of thing. I usually forget to drink water through out the day, I need to work on that.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    Don't cut back on protein.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Protein is a pretty awesome thing. But I try to fit everything within my macros, because too much of anything isn't good. Protein is great if you're also lifting or doing strength training. You can also find it in a lot of different vegetables as well, and those veggies will give you a nutritional boost as well.

    Your diary should also adjust your daily intake for you, if you're logging your exercises. If I know I'm gonna do a big workout, I'll log at the beginning of the day so I can accurately plan out my meals for that day to fit my macros. And if it helps too, prepping meals ahead of time and planning them out that way may help you get an understanding of the best way to log your macros, and plan means according to your weight loss goals.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Don't cut back on protein.

    Yes, don't cut back! Just fit it within your goals, as with everything else. Balancing is key.
  • raystantz1984
    raystantz1984 Posts: 4 Member
    I try to do Strength every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. I do Cardio every morning and on Monday, Thursday and Saturday I do it at night too. I try to push my self harder each week but it seems like the weight doesn't want to budge. My fiance has told me she can see a difference since I started exercising in my muscle tone but that's about it. I didn't think I was supposed to cut back, thanks for clarifying that lol.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    If you "try" to follow the guide but don't weigh foods and log everything you won't be as successful. For several months last fall I "cut back" and "watched what I ate". Managed to lose a few pounds that I gained back over the holidays.

    Then I overheard someone talking about MFP. I cannot believe what a difference it's made in my weight loss!! I now weigh all solids and measure all liquids. I am losing a pound a week, minimum, week after week. This from a 63 year old woman who thought my age meant I would lose slower. Believe me, if it works for me it will work for you. Drinking lots of water has really helped also.

    So very simple if you do those three things!!

  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I try to do Strength every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. I do Cardio every morning and on Monday, Thursday and Saturday I do it at night too. I try to push my self harder each week but it seems like the weight doesn't want to budge. My fiance has told me she can see a difference since I started exercising in my muscle tone but that's about it. I didn't think I was supposed to cut back, thanks for clarifying that lol.

    Have you tried taking measurements? Another thing that can factor in to a stall on the scale is water weight. I've found that weighing myself, and also taking measurements infrequently (I'm prob gonna go back to once every two weeks like before), helps me better gauge my progress. Might be another avenue for you to consider!
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member


    Also, if you're not losing, you're not eating at a deficit, whether the food is "processed/packaged" is irrelevant in regards to being in a caloric deficit. The suggestions to increase veggie/fruit intake is also helpful in order to meet your micronutrient requirements.
  • scooter825
    scooter825 Posts: 133 Member
    I only looked at two days and didn't read through all these replies so I apologize if I'm repeating anyone else's input, but your carbs are off the charts. I'm assuming you are mostly looking to lose a few fat pounds and keep muscle or even gain a little. I'll let you in a little secret, calories don't matter, carbs do. If you keep your carbs under 50g a day you will lose, even if you're calories are high.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    A collection of advice: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Robin_Bin/view/how-to-use-myfitnesspal-427993

    Looks like you are consistently way over on sodium. It's not showing, but I bet you're way under on fiber. I'd try adjusting those. Good luck!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member


    Also, if you're not losing, you're not eating at a deficit, whether the food is "processed/packaged" is irrelevant in regards to being in a caloric deficit. The suggestions to increase veggie/fruit intake is also helpful in order to meet your micronutrient requirements.

    I only brought up the processed aspect because a lot of them were higher cal/sodium. Just from reading forum posts here, it seems like water retention can make it seem like there's a "weight gain" as well.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    As the subject says, I have no idea what i'm doing I try to follow the guide and to net the proper amount of calories. I work out as often as I can, but it seems that I never lose any weight. Yes I do take measurements and the last time I did it I had actually grown a bit. Any advice would be appreciated because I feel so lost right now.

    Start here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    I beg you.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member

    It looks like you've only been logging consistently for a few days, so it may just be that you need more time. Additionally, if you've added a lot of exercise to your normal routine, you may be retaining water, which can hide any actual loss on the scale.

    As far as your intake goes, how do you measure your portion sizes? Do you use measuring cups/spoons, a food scale, or do you eyeball it? A food scale is the most accurate way to determine serving sizes, and how you account for your food servings can make a difference, and little inaccuracies do add up. However, I wouldn't worry about getting too much protein. The protein goal that MFP sets is actually on the low side. My protein goal is 100g a day, and I try to max it out whenever possible. Going over your protein goal is generally considered a good thing, and it will not hinder your weight loss unless it also causes you to go over your calorie goal.

    Exercise is awesome and an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but you need a calorie deficit to lose weight. If you're new to logging your food, you should read the Road Map and Sexypants links listed above, log your food as accurately as you can, and give it a few weeks to see how it goes. If things still haven't moved in the direction you want after a few weeks, then you may need to reevaluate. :smile:
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    As the subject says, I have no idea what i'm doing I try to follow the guide and to net the proper amount of calories. I work out as often as I can, but it seems that I never lose any weight. Yes I do take measurements and the last time I did it I had actually grown a bit. Any advice would be appreciated because I feel so lost right now.

    Start here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    I beg you.

    This, OP.... and buy / use a food scale.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    As the subject says, I have no idea what i'm doing I try to follow the guide and to net the proper amount of calories. I work out as often as I can, but it seems that I never lose any weight. Yes I do take measurements and the last time I did it I had actually grown a bit. Any advice would be appreciated because I feel so lost right now.

    Start here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    I beg you.

    This, OP.... and buy / use a food scale.
    please. this^