Real Focus T25 Results? Anyone got a unbiased review?



  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    Do you need any extra equipment with any of the phases- dumb bells or what not? I want to start this Monday and hoping it will help me increase my cardio endurance as I have a run in 2 months that I am trying to decrease my time. I plan on doing this with added runs during the week.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Not for Alpha, but in Beta you can use either dumbbells or the resistance band that should have come with your kit.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    So after 4 weeks of Alpha (1 zero week, 3 live) I have decided I want to rate the videos from best to worst (Alpha Only for now)

    1) Speed 1.0: So far this is the only vid I can do from start to finish at 100% without modifying or resting. The breaks in between give me a chance to catch my breath, and the 7 minute burnout at the end is manageable. The burpees with the double front kicks are the most challenging part for me.

    2) Alpha Cardio: I tweaked my Achilles doing this video in week two but as long as I avoid the "on the toes" exercises I'm good. Overall I like the mix and I feel like I've worked hard by the end. I can't do the entire vid at 100% yet but I'm getting close.

    3) Lower Focus: This one sets my calfs on fire. Just so much jumping, hopping, and relentless attack on my legs. It's very tough for me to get through without taking a break and modifying.

    4) Ab Intervals: I just don't get this video. By the end of it my Abs do not feel worked much at all but my arms and legs are exhausted. Perhaps I am not performing the moves right and I am taking on the strain in my upper thighs instead of my Abs. I almost feel like this vid is a waste.

    5) Total Body Circuit: This one is grueling for me. The plank walking, tap pushups, spider pushups are such a huge challenge. I try so hard to stay with it but end up taking rest breaks for my arms. Even Tanya makes me look bad in this one. :(
  • AmyTyo
    AmyTyo Posts: 11
    Hi all. I am on the 4th week of T25. Am I the only one who has not lost ANY weight at all??!??!?! I am following the diet recommended, which is low-carb and 1600 calories-- recommended by my coach. I've "lost" maybe 3 lbs. I do the exercises to the letter, sometimes using the modifier or taking a second to catch my breath, but I'm burning and dripping sweat when I'm done. I don't do much outside of T25 except additional crunches on the off days when I don't do ab intervals. As for measurements, none of those are moving either. I feel like I'm stuck in the twilight zone... everyone else is losing weight and inches and its not working for me.

    Literally, I am at a total loss. Is ANYONE else having this issue. I'm 5'3" and 166, so gross. My weight fluxes +/- 2lbs throughout the week, and I take my weight same time of day each time. I'm open to suggestion and conversation. Anything would be appreciated!

    Dont worry you look like you don't have a lot to weight to lose. A pound a week is great!! And you should see more of a difference in measurements. Make sure to take them. I'm finding its not only how many calories but more what I'm eating, Vegetables and healthy carbs are important. I don't think anyone should eat a 1200 calorie diet, not not healthy. I'm a woman about 175, and eat about 1800 calories a day and am still losing almost 2 pounds a week. Alot of high calorie foods are super high in nutrients which is more important than how many calories. The important thing is your body is changing and you will get stronger. I should mention I was doing insanity, but I know diet is 80% b/c I did it before with watching what I ate and it was a huge difference. But please please please don't cut to 1200 calories a day as someone suggested, I think maybe a couch potato should eat that much but probably not even them :X
  • AmyTyo
    AmyTyo Posts: 11
    I ordered and just received Focus T25, I'll be starting it tonight. My son started it last night. I'm anxious and excited to see how it works. I go to the gym 3x's a week now and do the elliptical (45 min) and treadmill (30 min) and then some of the weights. I'm interested in seeing how the 25 minutes five days a week works out, it's a lot easier to do things at home then hitting the gym so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is what I need. I'm trying to lose 15-20 pounds. I watch what I eat (1200 calories) and go to the gym but my weight doesn't budge. I'm not heavy but I put on about 23 pounds over the last year or so and I need to take at least 15 of that off.....I'll let you know how it works. I am not a coach or trainer, just a single 50 year old woman trying to keep in shape, so this should be interesting. My son is 18, tall and thin/average build and is trying to bulk up so I'll let you know how he progresses as well....Good luck to everyone!!!

    I am not a coach or a trainer but I've been doing a lot of research and I'm not sure but you're probably not eating enough, how much do you weigh?? I know one of my BB coaches found that when she started eating more she actually lost weight. Try not to worry about how much you eat instead of what you eat, that's what I've done and it's made everything a lot easier. It's 80% what you consume and 20% exercise. Smaller meals throughout the day keep your metabolism going all day!!
  • therealkat
    therealkat Posts: 53 Member
    If anyone wants more direct information on this program, please feel free to PM or email me -- I just completed Beta and have some pretty good insights to any questions you may have! You can email me anytime at or message me on here. :) Happy to help!
  • mkoziol27
    mkoziol27 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on week 3 day 3 and I haven't seen a change in weight or measurements!
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    OK after reading through most of this. I don't feel like such a failure after all. Don't get me wrong...I am losing inches. Almost 4 just off my waist alone so that is results! I've been a little down about the STUPID scale. Mainly because I've been stuck in the 150s forever. I am on week 9 have lost over 10+ inches and prob only 1lb (my weight keeps bouncing from 157 to 154...I even got to 152 ugh) I see everyone is getting different results, many of you like me mostly inches not much weight. However still getting great results. Overall this program is a winner!! Oh and btw it really does get fun once you start beta! I love this phase.

    I just wanted to update finished (alpha and beta) and lost a total of 15 inches all around, 4 being off my waist! Not much weight lost about 5lbs. Glad I pushed through. Even thought I didn't see much weight loss. Beta round is a lot more fun than Alpha. Next time I might do Beta and Gamma now that I have that. I just started P90X I'm ready for a real challenge, tired of the cardio I get enough with my running.

    I'm not a "coach" btw.
  • I LOVE it, I start week 2 Monday
  • Lucilu75
    Lucilu75 Posts: 14 Member
    End of week 4 for me and nada! Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy it (although total body circuits especially, and lower focus are gruelling to say the least - can't do them) but feeling despondent. Think I have lost 1cm off my hips. I don't have much to lose. Am 165cm (5'5) and weigh about 57kg (126 pounds I think) but with lots of jiggly bits post 2 kids. Weight/strength training seems to be the general advice, but lack of equipment, no gym membership... The 25 minute workouts were the key for me. Especially also working shift work part time, and running around after 2 little ones. I eat about 1400-1500 a day. Weekends more (lots of outings, get togethers, etc) but never really super extreme. Husband tells me to be patient, but it is disheartening. I will finish it and am hoping beta and gamma will produce more results.
    As an aside, should I move to beta despite still struggling with alpha? I can only really nail cardio and speed. Any advice would be appreciated!
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    So after 4 weeks of Alpha (1 zero week, 3 live) I have decided I want to rate the videos from best to worst (Alpha Only for now)

    1) Speed 1.0: So far this is the only vid I can do from start to finish at 100% without modifying or resting. The breaks in between give me a chance to catch my breath, and the 7 minute burnout at the end is manageable. The burpees with the double front kicks are the most challenging part for me.

    2) Alpha Cardio: I tweaked my Achilles doing this video in week two but as long as I avoid the "on the toes" exercises I'm good. Overall I like the mix and I feel like I've worked hard by the end. I can't do the entire vid at 100% yet but I'm getting close.

    3) Lower Focus: This one sets my calfs on fire. Just so much jumping, hopping, and relentless attack on my legs. It's very tough for me to get through without taking a break and modifying.

    4) Ab Intervals: I just don't get this video. By the end of it my Abs do not feel worked much at all but my arms and legs are exhausted. Perhaps I am not performing the moves right and I am taking on the strain in my upper thighs instead of my Abs. I almost feel like this vid is a waste.

    5) Total Body Circuit: This one is grueling for me. The plank walking, tap pushups, spider pushups are such a huge challenge. I try so hard to stay with it but end up taking rest breaks for my arms. Even Tanya makes me look bad in this one. :(

    Almost exactly what I would write about each DVD!
  • I just started this today, pretty good..I was able to finish without having to do the lighter version too many times. I am not going to follow the diet because I lift weights 5 x a week and am 6'0' at 172lbs so I do not want to lose weight. I want to get ripped. I am almost 60 years old.... I will post again in a few weeks... I am almost 60 years old....
  • mandy2128
    mandy2128 Posts: 77
    I just finished T25 last week. I lost 10 inches. I'm proud of that. :) It's not my favorite workout but it works and it's only 25 minutes.
  • RideHard2Live
    RideHard2Live Posts: 168 Member
    I am looking at T25 to mix it up a bit...good input from all.

    I currently do Rushfit (25 minutes of workout, 45 minutes total with warm up, cool down, and one minute rest periods). I have lost over 30 lbs (20 from the initial 8 week program) and really like using light (10-15#) weights for some toning....
  • MelissaDonahue12
    MelissaDonahue12 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a coach, but I haven't done the program. A guy I work with is doing it, and he is getting great results. If you want more information, I can use my coach resources to help you out. Message me if you want more information.
  • justisroyster
    justisroyster Posts: 40 Member
    I love it, the only part that can be difficult is getting the steps down and keeping up since it is fast paced. Insanity was actually easier and that's why I went to T25. It's good also because of the fact that I'm a single father with not much time. You will be drenched in sweat after every workout so there will be results. It gets easier by week 2 where I'm at.
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    I love it. I'm a stay at home mom with two kids a 4 year old and a 6 month old. The 25 mins is still hard to fit into my day especially with a fussy teething baby but I do it. I sweat my butt off doing it. I just started the beta DVDs this past Monday and I'm loving it even more. So far I've only lost 6 Pds doing it but I've also lost a total of 4 inches I think that's a lot for me. I'm hoping the beta will help me loose way more and I also plan on getting the gamma DVDs after I'm done with this. I blame my eating on my weight loss though lol. But I'm getting better.
  • JNaqvi17
    JNaqvi17 Posts: 9
    I just finished T25 Alpha. Lost 12 pounds and around 14 inches. Skinned my leg pretty bad while playing football the day after completing alpha, so I can't jump to Beta anymore. I have a problem though. In the before and after pictures I took, my chest, when viewed from the side seems larger, even though the scale and inches don't indicate so. Can someone check it for me and tell me what could be wrong? I don't know how to post a picture here, so you can check it at
    Thanks! And add me, I need some friends on this site!
    P.s my diet and schedule is all on that site... So you can read that if you need a better understanding of the situation! Thanks for your help!
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    I don't know how to post a picture here, so you can check it at

    You can just add pic to your profile.
  • DLo_122
    DLo_122 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm interested in buying the Focus T25 dvd and I've done some research on Youtube but i can only seem to find coach/trainer reviews where the dvd is also being sold.

    I like the idea of 25 mins - i currently do level 3 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred in the morning before work so 25 mins works for me!

    Has anyone on MFP done Focus T25 and what would your review be?

    Thanks for any responses in advance!! xxx

    I am currently on week 2 of the Alpha phase. It's an awesome's tough, but if you want great results, I would recommend it. I lost over 3 inches in the first week.

    The great thing is you get a kick *kitten* workout in 25 minutes. I am not a morning person, but it's not hard to wake up 30 minutes earlier to get your workout done for the day. It's awesome! I would highly recommend T25, but be prepared! I was frustrated at first because it's hard and I felt like I was never going to be able to keep up, but I'm in my 2nd week and already feel a difference in my strength and endurance during the workout. Don't get me wrong, I'm still taking breaks here and there, but NOTHING like the first couple of days.