Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • Hi all, I was sleeved in December of 2013 (about 14 months ago) and have lost 210 pounds - yep - 210 pounds in about a year. I followed up the sleeve with about a 700 a day diet for the first few months then up to 1000 for the rest of the time. I also started a serious exercise regimen of walking, biking & free weights 5-6 days a week, sometimes twice a day. I still walk or bike 4-5 times a week regularly.

    I hit my goal around the end of December 2014 and started experimenting with ramping up calories. I slowly moved up to about 1850 calories - that seems to be a comfy number for me. I kept losing for the next few months (jan-feb) but have stabilized at about 160 lbs, I was 370 at the start. I went from size 60 pants to size 34 pants and a 5x shirt to medium / large shirts.

    I am off all RX meds (I was taking several) and just taking vitamins, krill oil, etc. I literally don't have the words to say how positive and life changing this experience has been for me. I am 100% committed to keeping a healthy weight for the rest of my life.

    I find it works for me to eat 4-5 small meals a day & to be very strategic about them. On the weekends I tend to drink protein shakes for breakfast as I know the fam will want to go out to eat. The other thing that is so important is journaling EVERYTHING you eat here in MFO or somewhere - but you must know how many calories you're taking in so you can understand what it takes to lose the weight.

    Also - you will stall out from time to time - trust me. It will happen. Just keep doing what you're doing - remember to not let your calories sink too low. At 700 I stopped losing weight as my body was basically in starvation mode - once I went up to 1000-1100 the weight started flying off again.

    I could go on forever about what I have learned...

    I am happy to answer any questions anyone who is considering or has recently been sleeved.

    To the poster about me, I was 47 when I was sleeved, 48 now. So I'm in your general age bracket, 4 kids, etc.
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member
    Erinb2erinc, I am also a bandster as well. on April 9th at 3:30 pm I will be having my band removed and the sleeve in its place. So yes I have found there are many of us out here. I loved that I have found this group myself. Here is a question for everyone. I need to do liquids for a week before. any ideas on items to drink during this time?
  • Hi! I had the sleeve procedure the same day! How are you feeling? How are things going for you?
  • TW_33
    TW_33 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I had my procedure done 32 days ago and it has been a bumpy ride. Some days are better that others but I'm happy there are groups like these because I need the support. I've lost 31lbs so far and I am very happy about that.
  • TW_33
    TW_33 Posts: 2 Member
    Crystal light will be your best friend, flavored water, protein shakes, tea, chicken broth will be your other best friend. It's going to be hard but just sip on liquids through out the day! Good luck.
  • ErinCoury
    ErinCoury Posts: 32 Member
    I know that I will be on a liquid diet for a while, I just found out that my body does not process fake sugars very much so crystal light is out --- any other suggestions? I'm okay with drinking regular water -- would green tea or ice tea be an okay solution? I like them plan w/o sugar :)
  • Going to have the sleeve August 4 2014. Excited and nervous at the same time. Had the second lap band done about 31/2 years ago. The first one slipped and I was sick for weeks. The lap band is just not working for me so I have decided to have the sleeve done. I have read everyones post and I have gotten even more excited about making this decision.
    Would love any suggestions or comments you all have to help me through my journey. :smile:
  • hello my name is starletta I just had the sleeve done march 17th 2014 had a couple of bad days but then 4days later feeling better but now having like panic attacks my sister that had the gastro done over 8yrs now said my body is going thur with draws what kind of foods are you eating,this is my first 6days still on clear liquids just needing info please look me up on my fitness pal dorseystarletta
    all feed back welcome...I had the band done march 10,2010 it work good for me then start having problems last jan,2013 got into zumba this is my before and after photo but then had problem with my knee and had too stop zumba so I was thinking about it for about a year I lost 76 pounds with the band. but then gain 40bs back day of surgery my weight was 352 cant wait to my first follow up visit march 25,2014
  • please send me a friend request on my fitness pal please read my post let me known how your doing and what your eating please cant wait to chat with you have a bless day wishing u the best
  • Jessr0se
    Jessr0se Posts: 12
    Has anyone had the surgery while covered by Medicaid? I am on Medicaid and currently going through the pre-op process. I've heard that Medicaid is very particular about the requirements for the surgery. I have a BMI over 40 and 2 co-morbidities, but the WLS coordinator thinks since my co-morbidities can be treated with medication, they will not count. Any thoughts?
  • bmurphre
    bmurphre Posts: 3
    Love your heart. I haven't had the revision yet but I'm in the beginning stages. My band failed and I failed. I haven't been able to eat and swallow meat in months because of the problems I have with it. But I will put you on my prayer list and tell you that I think you are a very brave young woman to go through this. You're blessed to have a supportive husband. Mine also supports me. Take care.
  • bmurphre
    bmurphre Posts: 3
    Hi Everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a bandster. I have had the band since 8/2006, with a revision back to the band in 1/2010 due to severe acid reflux issues, a hiatal hernia and pneumonia (also thanks to my insurance company). I am now 4-years later and I'm having blockage, slow leakage, vomitting constantly at night, and having random liquid come out of my nose at night. I managed to go from 252 down to 192 w/the first band, and then 235 down to 180 w/the second band. I also have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, hypothyroidism, and PCOS.

    On 4/4/14, I am getting a revision to the sleeve and am very excited. I don't know many people who have the sleeve and those who I know have the GBS don't take care of themselves and is NOT an inspiration to me, which is why I'm looking for others to get me through this journey. My family has never been supportive of me since I got my first band, so they only know that I'm having the band removed, not the revision to take place. I have an amazing husband who has been with me since my devastating diagnosis of RA at the age of 29 (last year) and he's at my side with everything.

    Anyone who has had a revision from the band to the sleeve have any amazing help for me? Thank you so much! I'm happy that I have joined!
  • bmurphre
    bmurphre Posts: 3
    Love your heart. I haven't had the revision yet but I'm in the beginning stages. My band failed and I failed. I haven't been able to eat and swallow meat in months because of the problems I have with it. But I will put you on my prayer list and tell you that I think you are a very brave young woman to go through this. You're blessed to have a supportive husband. Mine also supports me. Take care.
  • I'll be 8 weeks post op tomorrow, and I can eat about 2/3 cup of food. I have a very hard time trying to get my 64 OZ of liquid though. Since starting MyFitnessPal 9 days ago, I've noticed my total calorie intake averages less then 650 calories a day. Today I've only neted less then 400 and I'm done for the day. Good luck.
  • Day one of my liquid diet, I am getting my sleeve surgery April 9th. Looking for support and ideas on what to eat after surgery. I was feeling nervous and honestly wondering if I made the right decision, but after reading the comments here my mind is it ease, so thanks for that!
  • pemlay
    pemlay Posts: 1
    I am one week out and doing better than I thought, my most favorite things to drink for protein is Lindora products, they have a peach mango that is light 15 grms protein and easy and yummy to drink, they have other flavors. They also have a cheesecake with 12 grms protein that is very good. These are all protein products and meet what we need. My second is Nectars sold by BJ's Bariatrics I found that any protein that is fruit related is the best.
  • patriciafarmer56
    patriciafarmer56 Posts: 4 Member
    I am in the infancy of my anticipated surgery. I am waiting for the clearance from my insurance. Then I have all the other pre surgery stuff to do. I am so excited to get this underway. I need to join a support group so here I am... anyone have any suggestions for me before going under the knife? I am all ears:wink:
  • asiya612
    asiya612 Posts: 1
    Hello all,
    I am scheduled for revision May 1, 2014, transitioning from lapband to gastric sleeve. The lapband journey has been a miserable one. I would never recommend it!!!!....
  • rmaitino
    rmaitino Posts: 2
    Hello - my name is Robin. I'm not new to myfitnesspal but am new to posting anything. I'm needing support and modivation and even advise from my fellow sleevers. I had the sleeve on May 15, 2014 and although I am down 50 lbs. I graze all the time and have found myself gaining weight. Almost from the beginning my stomach could hold more than their suggest 1/2-3/4 cup of food. I can eat about 1-1 1/2 cups of food depending on what I eat. I started going to the gym about a month ago and doing 45 minutes of cardio and another 30-45 minutes of weight training. This has just made me more hungry. I need to get control over this before I'm back up to 250 again. Please give me your suggestions. What has worked for you? Do you eat a protien snack in between meals? How do you curb your hunger?
  • GMDGeek
    GMDGeek Posts: 2
    I had my Sleeve done on March 10th, I'm down 54lbs since starting prep on January 13th. A big key to this is education and learning proper diet I think. I get cravings but I squash those with a bottle of water or flavored ZERO sugar Zero Calorie propel water. Gotta have flavor every now and then. This being my 3rd week after surgery I am still on liquids and find that I miss texture ... a little crunch. Luckily my nutritionist (insurance required I get my own) recommended gluten free crackers thoroughly chewed... if I get the urge. So far, haven't had to do that but its nice to have a decent option, one that even the Sleeve Doc said was good.

    I'm also blessed that my family is 100% on board with the life reboot. There are absolutely no sweets in the house. Instead we have organic / grass fed lean meats, tons of veggies, and alternative snacks. Once I'm back on regular foods, we will be doing a hybrid Filipino/Paleo diet. My wife is Filipina and no way I can ask her to cut rice ... but luckily a lot of the Asian dishes she makes are pretty in line with Paleo. After all my testing and diet reviews ... it is very apparent that my arch nenemsis is Rice, bread, pastas so we are figuring it all out.

    I'm not able to handle more than 3 or 4oz at a time and don't plan to push it further. If you are able to take in 1 to 1 and 1/2 cups I'd go back to your surgeon and find out why.