In the bathroom @ work I ...



  • bunewabbit
    bunewabbit Posts: 2 Member
    I stay in there a lot too. fortunately the bathroom is right outside my office. didn't think about doing some exercising. Hmmmmmm
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    I do too! I usually try to do walking lunges on my way there and back and then do squats or wall push ups. I'm lucky because our bathroom is in the women's room so you can hear someone unlock the main door to come in. That way I can always stop before someone else enters.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I do push ups at my desk when the lap walkers come around.

    Sometimes I do lunges- I used to do walking lunges down to the bathroom- but I got trasnfered and this office wouldn't be so keen.

    I should start using the bathrooms on the first floor just to get stairs in more often.
  • captainchamp
    captainchamp Posts: 3 Member
    I'm glad I've found other people who do this!
    I don't drink as much water anymore, so my trips to the bathroom are usually just to get in some squats and inclined push ups against the sink counter. Oh, and lunges in the handicap stall too.
    Sitting at a desk all day is terrible and even the little bit of exercise is nice.
  • Bananna411
    This is awesome! i do go to the bathroom quite frequently, but thats from all the water I'm consuming. I"m definitely gonna try squats and wall push-ups . Thanks for the tip!
  • briggitte59
    briggitte59 Posts: 52 Member
    I am stuck behind by desk for 8 hours. Walking to the bathroom is about the only exercise I get while I am at work. The only thing that in the office bathroom the walls are so thin you can hear everything that is going on inside the bathroom. Which could be sort of embarrassing haha. But now that i read that I am not the only one who has thought about doing that or done that. I am so going to do it. I will be looking forward going to the bathroom everytime. Yay!
  • JessicaLSpindler
    As the receptionist at my company, I sit all day. I'm actually not allowed to leave my desk. If i have to potty someone has to sit up here while I go. I only get 3 breaks per day. So, every 10 minutes or so I get and do a lap around my desk a few times for about 5 to 10 minutes. It helps me stay energized and i get in a nice work out. Plus, on my breaks I walk around the complex for as long as I can!
  • jodie3134
    jodie3134 Posts: 60 Member
    Ooh.. good ideas! I'm in the bathroom once an hour from all of my water. Might as well get some exercise in too!