30lbs by St Patricks Day! NEW Motivation Group 12/2010



  • velvetechos
    Alright! It's Wednesday! Where are my challenge people at? The more you participate in the challenges, the closer you are to reaching that 30lb by St Patties Day goal!!!

    Today - banana, apple, lettuce/tomato, leeks, carrots, and a salad are my plan :)
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    Today is very much like yesterday

    Broc and cauliflower
    Sweet potatoe
    and some pineapple

    I am not a big banana eater but they have been sounding good. I am going to try some with breakfast tomorrow.
  • velvetechos
    Good going poeticpurl! All healthy choices, and mmmm, I could really go for some pineapple. Specifically grilled chicken and pineapple <3
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    Banana, Carrots, 2 Fuji Apples, Mushrooms, and had Chicken and Broccoli for lunch.

    So I have to share about my workout -

    I met with my trainer tonight and once again thoroughly kicked my butt (I think trainers spend their evenings off thinking of ways to hurt their clients :devil: ).

    Sorry, gonna be graphic, but he also had me do Mountain Climbers, which really is embarrassing for a woman at 225lbs. You have different things flying around a flopping and noises being made that shouldn't... :embarassed: Hey, no laughing, unless you can relate!!!!

    Then, Santa was walking around the gym handing out Candy Canes (Candy in gym???) and inviting members to the holiday spread in the lounge. Not a veggie or fruit in site. Some of the most fattening food I've seen in a while - AT THE GYM!!!! And right after my workout, so I had a piece of cheese, and then I went home. VICTORY!!! :bigsmile:
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member

    Mountain Climbers look scary , Go you for doing them. I don't know if I have that much cordination. But I am going to try them. It appears to work a wide range of muscles.

    Do you do a set amount or a timed amount?
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    Do you do a set amount or a timed amount?

    My trainer has me do 30 second sets. Embarrassing, but a good exercise!
  • velvetechos
    Do you do a set amount or a timed amount?

    My trainer has me do 30 second sets. Embarrassing, but a good exercise!

    I'd never heard of these - just googled a video to see how they're done! They look intense, might have to try them, don't know if I could pull off even 30secs, but hey that's something to work towards :)
  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    made a big pot of veg soup, made mostly from fresh frozen right from the garden last season. should help with the five a day for a few days!! good luck everyone!!!

    Good choice! Mmmmm, so some veg soup sounds so good, it's freezing over here! Is it fresh from your own garden? I keep trying to plant veggies out here, but I just don't seem to have a green thumb, haha. I'm in Idaho and I even failed at growing potatoes!

    my garden and my grandpas i did have to use wal-mart frozen peas thou lol i tried potatoes before way to hard even thou it shouldn't be
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm totally in!!
    I'm Margie, my current weight is 211.4, so that puts my St.Patty's weight at 181.4!
    Damn that would be nice. I'll be going back to Chicago for my niece's b-day that week :)
    My starting weight on MFP was 233.6 on 10/11/10, my highest weight was 276 in Feb.05, I'm 5'3" so that was pretty much round.
    I've run a couple 5k's, and I'm hoping to start running 10k's in April.
    My main obstical right now is a heel spur/ planter fasciitis in my right foot :( But I'm dealing with it for now. I don't think I'm going to get any more cortizone shots for it, I'm just going to keep trying to get the muscles stretched out and deal with the pain.
    Well, I'm at work, I'll read more of the posts for the rest of the groups details later, I just wanted to get in on it :)
  • velvetechos
    I'm totally in!!
    I'm Margie, my current weight is 211.4, so that puts my St.Patty's weight at 181.4!
    Damn that would be nice. I'll be going back to Chicago for my niece's b-day that week :)
    My starting weight on MFP was 233.6 on 10/11/10, my highest weight was 276 in Feb.05, I'm 5'3" so that was pretty much round.
    I've run a couple 5k's, and I'm hoping to start running 10k's in April.
    My main obstical right now is a heel spur/ planter fasciitis in my right foot :( But I'm dealing with it for now. I don't think I'm going to get any more cortizone shots for it, I'm just going to keep trying to get the muscles stretched out and deal with the pain.
    Well, I'm at work, I'll read more of the posts for the rest of the groups details later, I just wanted to get in on it :)

    Hi Margie! I've got your stats on the weekly weigh in now, good to have you here :)

    We weigh in every Friday, and each week we do a mini-challenge (this week, Monday-Monday, we're working on getting in a minimum of 5 a day - fruits and/or veggies). I'm trying to get this group being chatty on the boards and I've noted that is pretty key to success with the motivation groups! We just started this past Friday, so hopefully we get there!
  • lindakp83
    Had an apple for lunch and a pasty which has veggies in it so I am counting it. I will have some veggies for dinner and maybe fruit for desert?
  • ZebraGlee78
    ZebraGlee78 Posts: 83 Member
    "I met with my trainer tonight and once again thoroughly kicked my butt (I think trainers spend their evenings off thinking of ways to hurt their clients :devil: )."

    I'm married to a Bally's PFT, and no, he doesn't spend time thinking of ways to torture! He is genuinely concerned about his customers and trying to find exercises that accomodate whatever physical problems they have (bad knees, bad back, amputee, etc). Nice try though!
  • velvetechos
    made a big pot of veg soup, made mostly from fresh frozen right from the garden last season. should help with the five a day for a few days!! good luck everyone!!!

    Good choice! Mmmmm, so some veg soup sounds so good, it's freezing over here! Is it fresh from your own garden? I keep trying to plant veggies out here, but I just don't seem to have a green thumb, haha. I'm in Idaho and I even failed at growing potatoes!

    my garden and my grandpas i did have to use wal-mart frozen peas thou lol i tried potatoes before way to hard even thou it shouldn't be

    Yeah, I was definitely in the mindset that I could just plop them in the ground and they'd grow ;-) I was successful with potted tomatoes though, and growing some indoor herbs, so I'm going to give a proper garden a go again this year - although keep it small, things like bell peppers and tomatoes that are very pricey at the store and yummier when from the garden anyway!
  • velvetechos
    Had an apple for lunch and a pasty which has veggies in it so I am counting it. I will have some veggies for dinner and maybe fruit for desert?

    Fruit makes a delicious dessert! For a while my husband and I would just buy the chopped up mixed fruit cups (the fresh ones made at the store, not the canned ones in syrup) - usually pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, and kiwi mix - and put a bit of whipped topping on it, every evening. So delicious! Although, now that it's winter the fruit cups have almost doubled in price, lol, so it's been a while since we've done that.
  • velvetechos
    Veggies for the day!

    Banana, apple, grapes, lettuce, tomato, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, green bell pepper, carrots, cabbage

    The last four count as a single serving since I'm chopping them up and putting them in a stirfry, and the broccoli and cauliflower are also a single serving together.

    Excited for weigh in tomorrow, and I wish everyone luck!!!!
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    Yeah, I was definitely in the mindset that I could just plop them in the ground and they'd grow ;-) I was successful with potted tomatoes though, and growing some indoor herbs, so I'm going to give a proper garden a go again this year - although keep it small, things like bell peppers and tomatoes that are very pricey at the store and yummier when from the garden anyway!

    I can't wait to plant some rasphberry and lemon cucumbers this spring. I have learned that I like red peppers not cooked with some whole wheat crackers and piece of cheese.

    I would love to do strawberries but it is really to wet in my area. Portland, Or. The farmers markets explode with produce around then. It makes me want to eat better when I can go picke though all the pretty fruits and veggies. The grocery store does not have the same feel for me.
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    Banana, Carrots, 2 Fuji Apples, salad and breaded Green Beans (supposed to be fried, but I baked them). And or course, I cup of V8 Vfusion.

    Stressful day and too tired to exercise (great excuse, huh). Planning on another morning run on the treadmill at the gym. But then, I went slightly over my calories today, so maybe I should have exercised for weight-in tomorrow...
  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    definitely got my veggies in today: broccoli, cauliflower, apple, and then more broccoli and cauliflower!
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    cauliflower 2 x
    apple 2x
    brussell sprouts I am not sure how many make up a serving...but I had a ton. They were really good.

    I think I need to add some color to my fruits and veggies. I missing in the orange/red and purple varieties of late.
    Orange is easy with carrots and pumpkin
    Red is harder for me. I don't do tomatoes
    Purple is grapes but they are currently expensive. Any alternative suggestions on purple?
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    I'm totally up for the challenge! I'm the mother of 4 beautiful children and have between 90-100 lbs to lose. I just started mfp about a week or so. I'm struggling with getting enough exercise in, but have been extremely faithful with counting my intake.

    CW: 228
    GW: 160

    Losing 30 lbs by St Patricks Day would just put me below the 200s...super excited to be there again!