Plant Based Diet

I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?

    You believe that? It's a show. It's not science.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Better jump in a time machine and warn all our hominin ancestors not to eat meat then. Probably best to start with Australopithecus sediba, because they seem to be the species that perfected the art of making simple stone tools to smash bones to get brains and marrow to eat, and this behaviour seems to have been what led our ancestors on the evolutionary trajectory that led to the genus Homo and ultimately to Homo sapiens. So if we warn them about the dangers of meat eating, they'll stop eating it and humans will never evolve and no-one will have to worry about whether meat protein is bad for humans or not because humans won't exist.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Dunno. I watched Inside: Chipotle on Netflix and now that's all I eat. Good thing I didn't watch the show you watched first, or I'd be miserable.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'm on a plant based diet. I just like to feed the plants to animals and then eat the animals. It's still plant based and plenty healthy.

    Seriously, I'd avoid trying to get factual diet information from severely biased documentaries.

    Oh. If you want science, here read a study:
  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member
    Thats where I watch it, on Net flick! There is many show like that on there!! I know its only a tv show, but it does make sense? I dunno! Thats why I am asking!
  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member

    Wow, lots of reading there!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    With all diets you take some leave some. And find what is best for yourself. You lost 30 lbs sounds like your doing something right. Find what works for you.

    See you lighter
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    Wow, lots of reading there!


  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Thats where I watch it, on Net flick! There is many show like that on there!! I know its only a tv show, but it does make sense? I dunno! Thats why I am asking!

    Given that all species of great ape (yes even gorillas) eat animal protein, and humans, chimps and bonobos hunt and eat mammals, and human evolution is marked by a steady increase in the size of animals hunted, to the point that until recently palaeoanthropologists thought neanderthals were carnivores rather than omnivores (though recent evidence proves they ate plant foods too, not just huge animals like woolly mammoths, therefore they too are omnivores), I think it's highly unlikely that animal protein is bad for humans.

    ETA: the standard american diet is lacking in vitamins, minerals and fibre, and tends to provide an excess of fat and carbohydrate.... eating more vegetables and fruits and less high carb high fat food like pizza would go a long way to addressing this imbalance. Note that I said less, not none, because a lot of people tend to swing from one extreme to the other, rather than trying to find a happy medium where they can enjoy all the foods they want in sensible portion sizes and get all the nutrition they need, rather than going from the SAD to some of these crazy extreme diets that have long lists of foods that should never be eaten.
  • FranceyPants
    FranceyPants Posts: 98 Member
  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member
    With all diets you take some leave some. And find what is best for yourself. You lost 30 lbs sounds like your doing something right. Find what works for you.

    See you lighter

    Yup, Im doing great in my weight lost! But, according to the show,its just more then weight lost! Its about Cancer and all other diseases of eating Animal food! Plant base food are the "Superfood"
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member

    Oh. If you want science, here read a study:
    I hadn't seen this one, thanks SOB.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?


    thats all I got…

    humans have been eating meat protein for thousands of years….
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?
    Things like this is what gives us Vegans a bad name. Going onto a vegan diet is no panacia for health (I became a 333 pound morbidly Obese Vegan). Nutritionally all meat protein is not bad for you that's just silly. You can have bad Vegan diets the same way you can have good one's containing meat and dairy. Go onto a vegan diet if you wish as you will do a lot for the environment and for animals but don't expect it to be some miracle health diet.

    How I stopped eating animal products well I just did a very long time ago
  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?


    thats all I got…

    humans have been eating meat protein for thousands of years….

    But, there was no process meat like there is now!! Everything is so process now, its scary!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?


    thats all I got…

    humans have been eating meat protein for thousands of years….

    But, there was no process meat like there is now!! Everything is so process now, its scary!!

    technically when you butcher something and cut meat out of it, it is "processed" …

    I think you are overreacting ….eat a reasonable portion of meat, chicken, steak, vegetables, fruits, etc and you will be fine...
  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?


    thats all I got…

    humans have been eating meat protein for thousands of years….

    But, there was no process meat like there is now!! Everything is so process now, its scary!!

    technically when you butcher something and cut meat out of it, it is "processed" …

    I think you are overreacting ….eat a reasonable portion of meat, chicken, steak, vegetables, fruits, etc and you will be fine...

    Lol Your right!! I do eat a reasonable potion and feel great!! I love my chicken/turkey supper, and I dont think i can give them up lol
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?


    thats all I got…

    humans have been eating meat protein for thousands of years….

    more like millions of years....
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I don't think of when a butcher chops a chunk of beef off a cow as that being processed, that is just a peice of raw meat. I think it's processed when it's turned into things like sausage.. even then I'm not certain it's bad if done say how they would in Italy on a farm.....I think it's just all the additives/preservatives/fillers we get in USA or Australia etc.. in a commercial sausage that makes it "processed".
  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member
    Like "Hot Dogs"?? lol