Plant Based Diet



  • mikki1109
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  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    Better jump in a time machine and warn all our hominin ancestors not to eat meat then. Probably best to start with Australopithecus sediba, because they seem to be the species that perfected the art of making simple stone tools to smash bones to get brains and marrow to eat, and this behaviour seems to have been what led our ancestors on the evolutionary trajectory that led to the genus Homo and ultimately to Homo sapiens. So if we warn them about the dangers of meat eating, they'll stop eating it and humans will never evolve and no-one will have to worry about whether meat protein is bad for humans or not because humans won't exist.

  • mikki1109
    Please tell me what these programmes are called that are on Netflix as I have that, but really could do with some help, only just joined My Fitness Pal
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Better jump in a time machine and warn all our hominin ancestors not to eat meat then. Probably best to start with Australopithecus sediba, because they seem to be the species that perfected the art of making simple stone tools to smash bones to get brains and marrow to eat, and this behaviour seems to have been what led our ancestors on the evolutionary trajectory that led to the genus Homo and ultimately to Homo sapiens. So if we warn them about the dangers of meat eating, they'll stop eating it and humans will never evolve and no-one will have to worry about whether meat protein is bad for humans or not because humans won't exist.

    Hey, your just a science geek, so you don't count, we want propaganda, because that's what fuels the diet industry, not science, everyone knows that.:bigsmile:
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    They say 'you are what you eat' so if an animals eats vegetables then it is a vegetable ... Or as my Dad says 'if we weren't meant to eat animals God wouldn't have made them out of meat'
  • Tabithas_Transformation
    Those types of shows on Netflix are great for entertainment purposes but I've yet to see one that uses credible scientific studies to back them up (except The China Study - they love that even though it's been highly discredited for lack of control measures). Don't base your diet/health choices off of television shows - their main goal will always be viewer figures and money, not your physical well-being
  • droberts3311
    Get the book Eat to Live by Joel Furman, It will change your way of looking at food. Sometimes meat makes me gag, I never was a big meat eater but now I really could care less. I focus on clean eating as much as possible but I know you can't be 100% clean unless you grow your own.
    Anyway I do feel healthier and thank god I only take a multi vit and cal.
    I think that is darn good concidering all the medications that are easily passed out now.
    Good luck, give clean eating a try. I bet you will be amazed! :smile:
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?


    thats all I got…

    humans have been eating meat protein for thousands of years….

    more like millions of years....

    only if you're an evolutionist....
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Get the book Eat to Live by Joel Furman, It will change your way of looking at food. Sometimes meat makes me gag, I never was a big meat eater but now I really could care less. I focus on clean eating as much as possible but I know you can't be 100% clean unless you grow your own.
    Anyway I do feel healthier and thank god I only take a multi vit and cal.
    I think that is darn good concidering all the medications that are easily passed out now.
    Good luck, give clean eating a try. I bet you will be amazed! :smile:
    No, more disordered eating imo.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?


    thats all I got…

    humans have been eating meat protein for thousands of years….

    more like millions of years....

    only if you're an evolutionist....
    Or don't believe in carbon dating.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Get the book Eat to Live by Joel Furman, It will change your way of looking at food. Sometimes meat makes me gag, I never was a big meat eater but now I really could care less. I focus on clean eating as much as possible but I know you can't be 100% clean unless you grow your own.
    Anyway I do feel healthier and thank god I only take a multi vit and cal.
    I think that is darn good concidering all the medications that are easily passed out now.
    Good luck, give clean eating a try. I bet you will be amazed! :smile:
    Ha ha ha NO. Bollocks.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?


    thats all I got…

    humans have been eating meat protein for thousands of years….

    more like millions of years....

    only if you're an evolutionist....
    Or don't believe in carbon dating.
    Fairly inaccurate...use the potassium-argon method for millions.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?

    You can't just blatantly believe every television show you see. Humans have been consuming meat protein since they first appeared on Earth. If you want proof that we are supposed to be carnivores, just look at our teeth. They are designed for biting, tearing, and chewing meat as well as plants.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?


    thats all I got…

    humans have been eating meat protein for thousands of years….

    more like millions of years....

    only if you believe all the scientific proof of evolution....

  • Dan6000istheman
    Dan6000istheman Posts: 53 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?

    You can't just blatantly believe every television show you see. Humans have been consuming meat protein since they first appeared on Earth. If you want proof that we are supposed to be carnivores, just look at our teeth. They are designed for biting, tearing, and chewing meat as well as plants.

    Oh I dont believe every show I watch lol. Thats why I ask if anybody is eating like this, just wanted some feedback ! But some stuff you do see is a bit scary to what they do too animals on farms and stuff!!
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    I was vegetarian for about 3 months and actually gained weight. Now I do not eat pork or beef. I do eat poultry and fish. I'm eating veggies and lean meats. I chose not to eat the beef and pork because of ethical reasons. If you go veggie just make sure you eat complete proteins. Good job on the 30 lb weight loss. I have 60 to go!:bigsmile:
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    Please tell me what these programmes are called that are on Netflix as I have that, but really could do with some help, only just joined My Fitness Pal

    There are lots of documentaries on Netflix regarding this issue. "Food, Inc," "Forks Over Knives," "Food Matters." Take each with a grain of salt though and realize that they are also leaving important facts out.

    Personally, I have been focusing on eating clean. That means I cut out white flour, white sugar, and processed foods. I try to buy organic when possible and I look for local meat, dairy and fruits/vegatables. It involves more cooking but I feel good knowing what is in my food. I'm not perfect in this but I have cut out about 90% of the sugar and processed foods that I used to consume.
  • Harrisonsauntie2005
    Harrisonsauntie2005 Posts: 215 Member
    With all diets you take some leave some. And find what is best for yourself. You lost 30 lbs sounds like your doing something right. Find what works for you.

    See you lighter

    Yup, Im doing great in my weight lost! But, according to the show,its just more then weight lost! Its about Cancer and all other diseases of eating Animal food! Plant base food are the "Superfood"

    You need to do you research. You can't just watch one show and go "oh thats the truth.."

    If you look at paleo and marksdailey apple he will argue that its the grain that causes diseases...

    If your doing it for animal rights issues then fair enough.
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    I just finish watching ,"Forks over Knives" and I must say , lots of interesting things on there, especially the part on Protein!! All meat protein are bad for you! Even chicken and turkey , according to the show. My question is,are there anybody on here on this Plant base diet? And how did you lean off all meat ?

    You can't just blatantly believe every television show you see. Humans have been consuming meat protein since they first appeared on Earth. If you want proof that we are supposed to be carnivores, just look at our teeth. They are designed for biting, tearing, and chewing meat as well as plants.

    Oh I dont believe every show I watch lol. Thats why I ask if anybody is eating like this, just wanted some feedback ! But some stuff you do see is a bit scary to what they do too animals on farms and stuff!!

    I agree completely regarding the horrible treatment of animals. It's shocking what most of the animal factories can get away with. That being said, I love meat and I believe that meat is meant for human consumption. That is why I look for local farms (they are out there) where I can buy my meats, milk and eggs. I can see the animal's living conditions and I can talk to the farmers and ask questions. Added bonus; I am supporting my local economy.
  • sushidulces
    sushidulces Posts: 69 Member
    I did a vegetarian diet to jump start my weightloss. I did good, but I eventually plateaued. I have since implemented meat into my diet again, but I still eat a ton of fresh/frozen fruits and veggies. I have overcome my plateau with the added protein. I think many people rely on fried red meats, and that's where the problem lies.

    Lean ground chicken or turkey is perfectly fine, and needed in most peoples diets. I know there are vegetarian/vegans that are VERY fit/healthy/muscular, but I did not have the knowledge or time to really delve into learning how to be strictly vegetarian and keep up my weight loss. I turned to lean proteins in meat sources. I think it amounts to what works for you and your body. Definitely think moderation of anything is key. Besides leafy greens. You can eat those all the live long day :)