Looking for vegans/vegetarians?



  • Hi, I'm Teenie and have been a Lacto-ovo vegetarian for my whole life. I just started with this site yesterday!
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    Vegan for almost 7 years!
  • Love meat too much, i dont think i could ever go Veggie or Vegan.

    One can still be healthy with meat. Just my opinion.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    I started working with a vegan diet a little more than a month ago, but so far it's been easier to be vegetarian than vegan. I did pretty well until last night when I was slicing a chicken breast to make my husband's sandwich for lunch at work today. Suddenly I just devoured the few shreds of meat that were left like a starving carnivore; I couldn't stop myself. I definitely was craving protein. I've been coming up pretty short according to MFP settings.
  • Just started becoming a Vegan :) Love it so far. A little hard but so worth it!
    I do Raw till 4 which means I eat raw vegan until 4pm (when I get a cooked vegan meal for dinner) :)
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    I've been a vegetarian since I was 14. Feel free to add me!
  • Vegan for almost 7 years!

    How do you make sure you eat an adequate amount of protein? This is the thing that prevents me from going veggie. I don't believe in tofu.
  • Arletteb27
    Arletteb27 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been a strict no added fat vegan since my Dr told me I was diabetic over a year ago. By following Dr. Epstein's recommendations I'm off Metformin, my statin and cut my blood pressure medicine in half. I also lost about 15 lbs. mostly around the middle. It's nice to see others on this healthful path.
  • Whoops ovo-vegan whatever octo-vegan is lmao
  • part time vegetarian
  • I am a vegetarian. I don't eat dairy. I don't eat wheat so I can not eat 'fake meats' I have become creative with vegetables and lentils ad beans !!!
  • Vegan for almost 7 years!

    How do you make sure you eat an adequate amount of protein? This is the thing that prevents me from going veggie. I don't believe in tofu.

    There is protean in a very large amount of foods (see below) you just need to educate your self : )
    chicken eggs
    duck eggs
    bean burgers
    black beans
    black-eyed peas
    chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
    kidney beans
    lima beans (mature)
    navy beans
    pinto beans
    soy beans
    split peas
    white beans
    veggie burgers
    texturized vegetable protein
    hazelnuts (filberts)
    mixed nuts
    peanut butter
    pumpkin seeds
    sesame seeds
    sunflower seeds
    brown rice
    sun dried tomatoes
    soy bean sprouts

    I hope this helps : )
  • Hey :)

    I've been raised a veggie and have never ate meat :) 5ft 8" and looking to lose 13/14lb for a holiday and hopefully for life!
    Feel free to add me anyone!
  • Hiten01
    Hiten01 Posts: 1 Member
    Been a vegetarian since birth, that includes no eggs and fish. Feel free to message me on any questions you may have about food.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    Whoops ovo-vegan whatever octo-vegan is lmao

    haha; my thought - "octo-vegan; what's that? The only meat you eat is octopus?"
  • Rusty612
    Rusty612 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm raw the majority of the time, too - good for you!
    Just started becoming a Vegan :) Love it so far. A little hard but so worth it!
    I do Raw till 4 which means I eat raw vegan until 4pm (when I get a cooked vegan meal for dinner) :)
  • JemS_21
    JemS_21 Posts: 27 Member
    I've been vegetarian since birth - including eating no fish or eggs (unless ready bought in cakes/biscuits) and I'm a healthy 24 year old female!

    Feel free to ask questions about foods or recipes!
  • Vickie96
    Vickie96 Posts: 17 Member
    What does quorn mince taste like and what's the texture like? A bit wary of trying it
  • BrownEyedBetty
    BrownEyedBetty Posts: 85 Member
    I have been an on again/off again vegetarian for most of my life but trying to be a serious vegetarian now. Looking for support, please add me : )
  • karinajean2388
    karinajean2388 Posts: 162 Member
    Vegetarian of 8 years here.