April 4x4x4x4 Work Out CHALLENGE!

Ladies and gents, it's that time of the year -- April 2014 is due in 4 days which means that summer is just around the corner!
Time to amp up your work routine, shed those pounds, and get sexier before then :wink:
If you haven't noticed the trend, the magic number to remember here is 4.

There are 4 variations of this challenge:

4 X 1000 - Burn 1000 calories every workout session for 4 workouts (either per week, biweekly, or for the month)

The 4000 - Burn a total of 4000 calories per week (breaks down to about 572 cals per day). You can do this for just 1 week or up to 4 weeks.

4 X 400 - Burn 400 calories every workout session for 4 workouts (per week). This one is for those who are injured, have time constraint, or have another circumstance preventing them from being able to do more -- being lazy is NOT one of them.

* 40 UP
For weight lifting: increase your reps by 40% per set (ie if you do 10 reps per set, you are now doing 14 reps per set) for 40% of your total sets (ie you do 5 sets total, 2 of those have to be at the increased rep)
For endurance: Increase resistance, incline, or speed by 40% for the last 4 minutes of your work out (or however long you can sustain it for). I.e if you run at 4mph, bump it up to 5.6pmh for the last 4 minutes of the workout.

40% of the total calories (1600 cals or 640 cals depending on which one you do) you burn MUST be from something you hate or something you have not tried (ie a machine you hate, a new fitness class, different sport, etc)
AND your total calories burned MUST come from 4 different sources/types of exercises regardless of the breakdown (ie running, cycling, elliptical, boxing, yoga, work out vid, etc).

**Although diet is not a requirement of this challenge, your caloric intake MUST be above 1200 calories. I will not enforce this, but I hope you'll go by the honesty policy**

The point of this challenge more than anything is to get you OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! It's to try and push you to your limits by spicing up your current routine. Weight loss and getting toned is just an added bonus.
This is especially great if you are currently at a plateau or if the scale is barely budging.

There are 4 weeks. 4 weeks means you can do it every week for 4 weeks, have 4 attempts to try and hit whichever goal you pick, and/or you can jump in at any given time!
Let me stress that you should DO WHAT YOU CAN. This is a challenge, it's not meant to be easy. But please don't over exert yourself for this challenge OR back out from taking the challenge because you think it's too hard.

I really hope you guys decide to take part of this challenge, it's only for 1 month (or less depending on how you're doing the challenge).
You have 4 days to mentally prepare yourself, but the 4x4x4x4 Challenge will officially kick off on 4/1/14

Best of luck you guys, and tell me if your on board and which variation of the challenge you'll be doing!


  • ryantrimble12
    ryantrimble12 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in!

    I'll probably do the 4x400 variation since I'm starting an organic chem class the first week of April (on top of working full time) so I'll have quite a time constraint, but I want to stay motivated to keep working out. In the past when I've gotten stressed and low on time I would skip workouts for weeks at a time, this time WILL be different :happy:
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member
    O-Chem is the worst!! AND working full time? That's quite the load, but glad you're doing the challenge!
    And I can relate, I'm just now getting back into the swing of things with the gym and making it a part of my routine to go regularly
    But I'm excited!
  • mgpearce4
    mgpearce4 Posts: 71
    I wanna do this! I'm in :)
  • srg4wrg
    srg4wrg Posts: 2
    I definitely want to do this. I will probably do the 4x400 since I have three kids each with their own activities that I need to attend to. But I really need something to get me amped up... I've really been slacking in the exercise department and I think this will really help. Can't wait to get started!
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member
    Way to step up to the plate guys, I'm excited!
    Do what you can do, as long as you're doing something rather than nothing you're winning the challenge :)
  • skyknewlife
    skyknewlife Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in!! The hard part will be the 40% of the workout being things I don't like.
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member
    I'm in!! The hard part will be the 40% of the workout being things I don't like.

    Haha that's the hardest part for me too which is why I included it!
    I'm so used to doing the same routine over and over at the gym (and at home), but definitely need to start putting myself out there and challenge my body some!
    Glad you're doing the challenge! :)