People irritate the *kitten* out of me



  • bdruggles
    bdruggles Posts: 14 Member
    Some of it might be envy. Some of it is just cluless, they don't know what to say, so just spout whatever comes to mind. In time, when the you they see isn't new to them, some of them will adjust and shut up. In the meantime, there is one rule -- You don't own any of them an explanation. You do what you need to do for you! And congrats on your success!!!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You don't owe those people an explanation for your choices.
  • jhellwig828
    jhellwig828 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks all! It's so nice to be able to come here and have people understand what I'm going through!!!
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I think people are just trying to compliment you on your weight loss. I personally am cool with people mentioning my loss (so far anyway...) Just take it in stride.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    Honestly, I have seen people lose too much weight, but even then I would never say anything about it to them. I wouldn't want someone getting up in my business about my body, so I wouldn't do that to someone else, even if they did appear to be too thin. If you feel good about your body, then rock it and ignore the rude people. They're clueless!
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I have been hearing this crap since December. My family tells me all of the time I look too thin. I will admit---I do look very thin now and considering I was just about to be overweight (not there yet) before I started losing, I can see how the loss seems dramatic. However, it is a constant conversation. Constant. I am told to eat more when I'm sitting at my parents' house stuffing my face while being told I eat too much junk.

    Yet I am the only one who:
    -Isn't overweight
    -Doesn't have a plethora of medical problems
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,241 Member
    I always thought it was odd that people (not family, they comment on everything) feel perfectly comfortable commenting on one's weight when they are losing with the snarky remarks, but you would never hear them comment if one was gaining weight. It is such a double standard.

    You are doing great. Don't let it bother you and eventually they will get used to the new slimmer you.
  • suzyfrancoise
    suzyfrancoise Posts: 9 Member
    I totally know what you are saying, my family is always telling me I am too skinny, my partner wants to fatten me up..
    I am the weight I am happy with, well I would like to be a few pounds lighter, but.....
    I am so sick of people saying, oh you can afford to eat more you are so skinny, well I did not get skinny by eating... think about it.
    just because they are over weight, they should be supportive
  • dlbredesen
    dlbredesen Posts: 122 Member
    Some people at work have made comments about me not needing to lose any more weight. Actually I haven't lost any more weight in a few months but I can tell I am getting a bit smaller by the fit of my clothes. I am by no means too thin. Some ask me how I have lost the weight. I always tell them that I follow MFP. They listen intently, even write down the website. A few days later they will tell me that they can't be bothered with all of that food logging and calorie counting. I am in agreement with the previous posters, it's a jealousy thing. They just don't want it bad enough.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I am also in the camp of feeling it is never acceptable to comment on someone else's body unless they ask for advice or help. I absolutely hate people making comments on weight loss or gain, even if they are seemingly positive comments (because even then they're implying something negative about how you used to look). I guess I just hate to think anyone else would scrutinise my body to the same extent I do! I just can't be bothered with people like this any more, so I tend to let them know how inappropriate their comments are or just avoid them altogether. Now don't even get me started on people who comment on how much or little you're eating. Like just p*ss off.

    ETA: I will say, I think it's marginally more annoying when people make these comments to others behind your back. I guess if any comments have to be made, then I'd rather they are said to my face. But still, there is no need to do either!
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    Yep, what everyone else said; what's funny though is if you told them you had been using a special 'lemon detox cleanse' or trying some diet pill they'd probably be keen to know what it is. You tell them its through healthy eating and exercise they assume you're just starving yourself or lying. ;P

    Not everyone's like that, but more often then not....anyway, don't stress about them! Just smile and know the truth.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    sometimes people just suck! Lol

    But other times they are trying to avoid dealing with their own issues, so they mock others. They might be jealous of your success!
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    It should never be OK to talk about a person's weight. Ever. Period. I have worked at the same place for the past 14 years. Some of these people have known me almost half my life. And over the years (and 2 kids) I had put on some weight. I carried it well, thankfully, but it was totally unhealthy. Now that I have lost the bulk of it and am back to a healthy weight people are making all kinds of comments! "Oh you're too skinny now" "You need to stop losing weight" Mind you, I was this weight 14 years ago when I started working here and no one had anything to say about it then! It's just that they got used to seeing me heavier and now they aren't used to it. I'm so over. I've gotten to the point where I lie to people about whether or not I have more weight to lose. Granted, I'm only one pound away from my goal (!) but it still aggravates the *kitten* out of me!

    Ok, rant over. Thanks for listening. Happy Friday :happy:

    I think if someone suggested that I was melting away, I might just say something like, "yes, you should try it."
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    To the OP, congrats on your loss! You look great. I agree with you, for some incredible reason people feel weight and personal appearance are free game to talk about in public.
    I'm 5ft 3 and 153lb and have started having these comments the last couple off weeks. "Why would you want to be any smaller?" "you be careful you don't want to get too thin" and the best "women our age have to be careful as it ages you" and my delightful daughter" "you'll look haggard". My bmi is still overweight and I'm not big boned so it threw me a bit, I'm just smiling now and not saying anything.

    ^^^^ Same here. I'm 5'3, just turned 60, and have heard those same comments, plus "is she seriously ill?" and "older women shouldn't get too thin" (when I was 150, still overweight). I've also found it's better to be silent.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Everybody sucks. It's a thing nowadays. Welcome to life. Sorry it's this way.:flowerforyou:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Oh. They talk. Yea. Their mere breathing does it for me.
  • Bezron
    Bezron Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks all! It's so nice to be able to come here and have people understand what I'm going through!!!

    I'm a 32 year old bloke, and I find that it's women at work who tell me not to lose any more weight or I'm too thin. My friends that I play lots of sport with have commented on me being thinner but not that I'm too thin because they're fit and healthy and a similar build themselves.
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    It should never be OK to talk about a person's weight. Ever. Period. I have worked at the same place for the past 14 years. Some of these people have known me almost half my life. And over the years (and 2 kids) I had put on some weight. I carried it well, thankfully, but it was totally unhealthy. Now that I have lost the bulk of it and am back to a healthy weight people are making all kinds of comments! "Oh you're too skinny now" "You need to stop losing weight" Mind you, I was this weight 14 years ago when I started working here and no one had anything to say about it then! It's just that they got used to seeing me heavier and now they aren't used to it. I'm so over. I've gotten to the point where I lie to people about whether or not I have more weight to lose. Granted, I'm only one pound away from my goal (!) but it still aggravates the *kitten* out of me!

    Ok, rant over. Thanks for listening. Happy Friday :happy:

    I could have wrote this. I am experiencing the same thing. I started my current job 8 yrs ago. I was about 160 lbs then. About 1 yr later, I had finally lost the baby weight from my first pregnancy going down to 125 lbs. No one even noticed. Now fast forward to 2013 and two more pregnancies later, I was 202 lbs. I was heavy! So, I put in the work and am finally down to a healthy weight for my height (5'2") of 125 lbs. People seem so shocked as if I was never this weight before. I know that it is only because for the last 2 yrs I was heavy. When I try to explain that to them, the still don't understand. I am tired of feeling as if I need to explain myself. It is my body after all and I am healthy.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I know how that feels! Personally, if I know someone has lost weight, I won't comment on it like that. I think it's better to say something to the person that isn't about their weight, but rather about how they are. Something like, "you seem so energetic. How do you do it?" Or, maybe complimenting how they lifted something heavy, or survived running around the office all day. Kind of keeps it open ended. If they want to say they lost weight and are working out, great. If they don't want to talk about it, they can word the answer however they want.

    Personally, I'd rather have my energy levels and stamina complimented moreso than my figure. The outside isn't as important as the changes going on inside.
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    Oh dear.

    Recently fallen into some of this nastiness as well, and it's REALLY annoying. I feel your pain OP.
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