High carb people who have lost fat effectively?



  • themeaningofthemorning
    Yes, I know about LBM/protein stuff. I just haven't been good about actually sticking to my goals with regards to that macro. What I'm wondering is if 88g would suffice for a base goal before exercise, since it's hard to achieve 100g protein on 1400 calories flat (AKA without any earned exercise calories), which is what I'm stuck with on my rest days.
  • tegalicious
    tegalicious Posts: 629
    Is 88 grams at least 0.8 grams per pound of your lean mass? Would it be possible for you to base your protein goal off of a weekly total instead of a daily total? So say you need 100 grams daily. That would be 700 for the week. So maybe you could split that 700 however you want over those 7 days? I am not sure that is okay though so don't take my word as gospel.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    In for pics and info. I have stalled with fat loss for what feels like forever. I'm now on my 2nd week of carb cycling between 125g and up to 200g. I've done quite badly with it this week due to birthday parties and pure lack of self control but last week my scale was starting to show a downward trend over the week (I know how inaccurate home scales are for measuring) and I was hopeful that carb cycling and finishing the week with a slightly lower average of carbs than I usually consume would work to shift the last few lbs of fat.
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    I usually eat between 400 and 500 g of carbs a day, but these are all beans, brown rice, sweet potatoes, fruit, and veg, kinda stuff so I am eating lots and am usually stuffed and I have had no problem losing.

    Agree with the others - Set your protein goal, then your fat goal, and then you can eat carbs for the rest. You don't have to give up sugars and cakes and stuff (Dr.'s advice excepted) but if you want to maximize your nutrients and meet all your micro goals then you are better to include more of the beans, greens and some fruit.

    Good luck.
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    Should add that there are some great progress pics on here. Congrats to all those who posted pics :drinker: ...... Oh, ok,..... and to those who have lost but didn't post pics too :laugh:
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hey guys! Just to respond to a couple of the points made:

    -I do have a hemp protein powder, which I am planning on using once the weather warms up more. I just HATE having cold smoothies when it's rainy. Ruins my whole day.

    I mix protein powder in my coffee. Why not give that a shot?
  • themeaningofthemorning
    I could try that! Hemp protein has a very strong flavour, though. Maybe in some hot chocolate almond milk...
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I don't know if I count as high carb, but I'm between 150-200 most days and have done well at getting the fat off. I approach the whole fat loss thing as hitting my protein (I'm a little high at 120g/day) and then letting the rest fall where they will while focusing on my training to better attack the fat. It is what I find works for me so I keep at that.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,002 Member
    5 yrs ago on nutrition forums 150-200 carbs would have been considered a low carb diet.......:smile:
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    For science! The week 1 was June 21st 2013. The rest is current.

  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    I'm interested in your gluten free protein sources. Other than legumes and what not, what are they? I was over at a vegan friend's house and hungry. Everything with protein in it that she offered me had gluten in it. So I just ate veggies and fruit.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I love science.
  • themeaningofthemorning
    I'm interested in your gluten free protein sources. Other than legumes and what not, what are they? I was over at a vegan friend's house and hungry. Everything with protein in it that she offered me had gluten in it. So I just ate veggies and fruit.
    tofu? it's made out of legumes, but i don't really consider it a "legume"
    i eat a builder bar almost every day. the protein in there comes from soy, too.

    and then "real" legumes like actual whole beans!

    i also do a lot of baking with high-protein flours like chickpea and quinoa
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Great results people that posted pics. As someone else mentioned do not consider 150g high carb. But probably a good amount for a lot of us who are not so active. I started as a 20g low carber and still find it hard to let myself eat a lot of carbs. Would never go back to 20g. That was a big mistake for me.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I'm not a "high carb" person; I feel best when my carbs are on the lower end for the majority of my days.

    But there are plenty, plenty of people who lose just fine and feel great eating a high carb diet. Not sure why anybody would think otherwise.