What was your WORST binge ever?



  • tartansheep
    tartansheep Posts: 122 Member
    an entire pot (400g) of nutella over a day -- around 2000 calories

    and then I could eat a whole tube of pringles, an entire massive bag of chocolate buttons, a whole sharing-size bag of Doritos...
    a whole tub of icecream could go in a day, or a massive 200g chocolate bar.. . anything cheap, really. could eat a whole packet of jaffa cakes in about 10 mins!!
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    Bump because this thread makes me feel better and that everyone has gone through these binge type situations! Thanks everyone for sharing.

    I don't remember my worst binges because I never log. But I'm guessing they were around 6,000 for the day! Probably on thanksgiving.
  • stormninja11
    I ate a triple cheeseburger and fries (Steak n Shake) and 3 crunchy tacos (Taco Bell) within 20 minutes of each other. This is after I already ate my calories for the day. This was actually the first time I went "over" since I had started MFP. Since then I have went over many times. Last week I ate fajitas complete with beans and rice and then ordered breadsticks and pizza from Papa Johns, I didn't eat it all but still ended up consuming around 4,000 calories that day. I get disappointed but am working on it. I keep reminding myself that there is no finish line in this race. It is just a new road that I have to get used to traveling.
    Thanks everyone for sharing though. It is a reminder that other people sometimes have trouble too AND keep losing weight!
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    First, I went to Wendy's and got a number 2. Three hours later, I went to Chik-fil-a and got a number 9 with a milkshake. About 20 minutes later, I hit up Mcdonalds and then after an hour, I went to taco bell.

    I don't even what to know how many calories I ate...
  • insidemeout
    insidemeout Posts: 20 Member
    5k, just ended 5 minutes ago but i might keep eating. ERGHH
  • ghostsnstuff
    ghostsnstuff Posts: 51 Member
    My worst binge ever was when I was in Australia. I was staying with some Australian friends who weren't "dieting" (for lack of a better word). Anyway, it ended up being like...
    10 Clix biscuits with Iced Magic on top
    2 handfuls of Magan's cracker mix
    2 bowls of Cheerios with almond milk
    1 iced chocolate (with whip cream and ice cream)
    Half a small margherita pizza.

    I felt so disgusted with myself, and I knew what I was doing while I was doing it... Blech.
    Now that I'm back in Canada I can control myself more easily, lol.
  • celloeuse
    celloeuse Posts: 32 Member
    Box of pepper jack cheeze-its
    Box of herb triscuits
    Box of goldfish.
    Three beers.

    The shame of it has never really left.
  • angelicprettyy
    20 bananas, 4 cans of chocolate frosting. One case of dates.

    All in one sitting.

    20 Bananas! How? Why?
  • ElijioV
    ElijioV Posts: 3
    I've had several really bad binges, since trying to actually start any form of diet, these past few weeks, which obviously backfired completely.

    First really bad one: One night I ate 15 oz of skittles, along with a 5 oz box of sour Jolly Rancher gummies.
    These past few days I've had some of the most horrible binges ever, like:
    Starting at a Valero Gas Station, I bought 2 jumbo hot dogs, and made it a 32 oz root beer float soda combo, for the extra buck. (I hadn't drank soda for about a month, in an effort to lose belly fat, so once I gave into this, it really messed up my motivation, so these binges were a kind of "I already messed up, might as well make it worse" type of self-punishment thing..) Scarfed the hot dogs and gulped most of the soda before trashing it in front of a gas station a couple blocks away, went in there, and bought a chocolate moon pie. That didn't last more than 50 feet from exiting. Once I got home, I ate a bunch (and I mean a BUNCH) of banana granola cereal, by the hand full, got to the point where I had a spoon to scoop it out of the bag, then some honey nut cheerios. THEN, I started stuffing flour tortillas and peanut butter down my throat. I'm talking 4 big burrito sized tortillas, with about 4-5 serving worth of creamy peanut butter. Once the taste of the peanut butter was in my mouth, it became my biggest binge downfall, I then grabbed some italian bread slices, and started tearing chunks off, to scoop into the peanut butter. It's pretty bad. These last few days, the peanut butter has got me. I've consumed I don't even know how many mini tortillas scooped in peanut butter, and bread slices, and sometimes I even spread the peanut butter onto the tortilla, fold it up, then rip pieces off to dip the already peanut buttery substance into more peanut butter, then I get to the point where I'm just eating straight peanut butter with a knife. Finished one of these binges off with an actual peanut butter jelly sandwich. I now have a fear of that peanut butter in the kitchen. But not before the binge escalated to more of a suicidal type thing, where I stuffed as much food down my throat as I could without much time between each item, like: 2 strawberry popsicles, a bunch of big red-globe grapes, some baby carrots, a microwaved bowl of chili ramen, 3 big beef taquitos, dipped in hot salsa. more granola cereal, 4 chocolate chunk oat bars, and a pouch of instant oatmeal. I honestly don't know how my stomach hasn't given up on me, but I can say, in no more than a week, I've never seen such a huge difference in my gut size.
    I've been eating myself to death.
    Oops? :explode:
  • ElijioV
    ElijioV Posts: 3
    Anyone got anything to top this madness? Not that I'm at all proud of it, I'm actually getting scared of myself. So much for losing this belly fat any time soon...
  • lastregrets
    a whole box of little caesar's pepperoni pizza :( this was a long time ago tho thank goodness
  • angelicprettyy
    All-you-can-eat sushi restaurant. Ate so much that I couldn't walk afterwards.
  • virgo2626
    virgo2626 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for sharing this guys. I went over 200 calories today and 10 for the week. The guilt was killing me until I read this post. I really thought about throwing in the towel. Experienced a lot of restaurant eating over the weekend. Had an amazing time until I calculated my calories. Oh and a slice of chocolate cake with bluebell ice cream! Heaven! This is so hard!
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    Last time I caught up with my 2 best girlfriends we had:

    Tandoori scallops w/- mint and coconut chutney and flying fish roe,
    Double roasted honey orange pork belly,
    Harissa lamb kofta,
    Goan pork curry w/- honey roasted spices and coconut,
    1 x peshwari naan
    1 x garlic naan
    Saffron and pistachio parfait,
    Mango delight ice cream in a brandysnap basket,
    add 1 bottle of pinot noir, a few bourbon and cokes and some other drink I can't remember.

    Doesn't sound like much between 3 people but the servings were large and I was soooo full! I probably inhaled about 3000 calories myself. Worth every bite though.
  • MickeyCastello
    In my reckless eating days:
    1 package of butterhorns
    1 Sara Lee's cheesecake
    1 pint pistachio nut ice cream
    Most of a bag of potato chips
    2 kinds of dip
    I know there was more, but I can't think of what right now. I did this about every three or four months. No wonder I went up to 216.

    I forgot to mention that this was over the course of an afternoon and evening. I miss it though. The only thing keeping me from doing it one more time, is that it was a lot of hard work to get to maintenance, and I won't allow myself to slip up even a little bit.
  • shortt123
    shortt123 Posts: 39 Member
    In response to does bingeing affect digestion & other health issues--in my experience, YES bingeing has affected my systems ability to digest food properly. Last month I went through too many ant-acids to count. Right now, I'm getting back on track, but to kickstart my system into digesting food properly or better than before, I'm taking 3 renew life 50billion probiotic capsules. Before when I was eating clean I only needed to take 1 capsule. Nevertheless, by taking 3 probiotics, I'm regular again & my energy is improving.

    Before I fell off the wagon I was training a lot (triathlon, regular exerciser, never missed a day), my unhealthy eating in addition to not working out has really affected me. Once your body is conditioned to eating certain foods, healthy foods, and regular exercise, it's important to keep it up. This is inevitable of course, I knew this before, and of course before I was just being 'bad'.

    Now my goal is to get the weight that I gained off & control binges. My question is, what do you do in the middle of the night when you can't stop craving a sweet or whatever it is that you crave?

    Btw I've binged so many times, mostly on sweets & carbs.
  • jaya_lakshmi27
    Half a chocolate bar and a ****load of peanut butter :/ the fact that it tasted amazing didn't help. I haven't binged for a few months, though (:
  • greenlight22
    An entire blueberry pie!

    Luckily sweet things aren't my vice usually, but dark bread is a completely different story. I could easily eat an entire loaf of rye or pumpernickel!

    The interesting thing is, if it truly happens once a month or something like that; I've noticed that these massive calorie overloads don't really affect weight.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 285 Member
    Everytime I drink I rack up the calories and then have to have so many greasy things to eat the whole next day. So its almost like Im hitting up two buffets :sad: