Senior Golden Sneakers - December 2010



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I forgot to go by photobucket to pick up a greetings So here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone!

    Last night was awesome, all the ladies did a SUPER JOB with the gifts, dinner was delicious. I was able to guest my Secret Pal, for my gift I got a Name Angel and a beatiful shirt from Chicos.:love::love: :love: When we got done and open the front door to go to our cars, we found a winter wonder land, more snow.:noway: :noway: :noway: about 4 more inches, so I got home at Midnight.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sandy - I got my nail hardener on Ebay - thanks for given the information to the rest of the ladies, Good job winning at Bingo:wink::wink: :wink:

    Marie - get going with the nail hardener really works, the best part, it is so easy to use.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    So far I'm keeping on track for vacation, losing but I haven't changed the ticket until I keep it off for a few more days.:glasses:

    Have a great afternoon.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member

    I just have a moment to say hello
    we've had a busy day, gotta get to bed early so we'll be up early because the dog groomers are coming in the morning.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Dropped by photobucket and pick this up. Have a wondeerful day!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Good morning!!!

    What an AWESOME day yesterday, a few weeks back one of my best friend asked me a my partner if we could go to lunch to celebrate our retirement, of course we loved the idea, so about 12:00 she come to the office and were on our way to Pekin Country Club, when we got there she keep talking about things from the past, and then when we got to the room, a big Surprise:love::love: :love: a room full of all our friends, we both were surprise and she loved it, lunch was delicious, Sangria for drinks and a beautiful cake for dessert. She did it, Life is good and friends are a gift from God.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Then to the rest of the day, Mike retired yesterday: :drinker: :drinker:one our best friends took him out for dinner to celebrate his retirement, then after dinner we went to their home to play pool and we always play the girls against the guys:huh: :huh: :huh: well last night was not a good evening for girls:sad: :grumble: :sad: we have such a good time together, no matter what ever we play its always the girls against the guy.:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Now soon our turn will come to retire for my partner and me. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Next week will be horrible I will be going to work everyday to get done all I can before my trip with the family:wink::wink: :wink:

    Hope everyone has a warm and safe weekend:heart::heart: :heart:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Where were everybody yesterday? Gigi show up and Me .Hope you are all ok and just busy getting ready for Christmas Here is a little guy to help you along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Holidays
  • I was on deadline and was working like a mad man! Today isn't much better :sad:
  • I was out shopping yesterday. A little more of the same today. I'll buy a large quantity of diapers to send for my grandson in Bethel, Alaska. It is much cheaper to buy them here and mail them than to buy them there. Last time I sent 324. Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday. God Bless. :smile: :smile: :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy you posted on the birthday thread. I had went there just to poat the little snowman and to keep it in my topic, So the rest of the bunch may not see it

    Yes I am making the New Orleans Date Nut cake today. I wont make the blackberry cobbler til Christmas eve. and the chcolate cake.
    We will leave next Tues to go to So. Texas and the weather report is just devine In the upper 70's [ Woo hoo] may get a sun tan. Jim My Son in law [ alice Husband] has already pick out a couple german restaurant to eat at. Should have a good time sown there,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :love: This has been a busy week for me.......Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are always busy because of line dancing in the morning and then Tuesday was turkey cooking and entertaining day so I haven't been posting much.

    :smooched: The turkey is finally finished we had a great dinner party on Tuesday and leftovers on Wednesday and Thursday. I made soup out of the carcass with carrots, onions, and celery and for dinner yesterday I made matzo balls for the soup. In the morning the girls came to groom the dogs and were here until mid afternoon. Right after they left, Jake and I went to get our hair cut....we go to a great place with the barber on one side and the hairdresser on the other....I have to make an appointment, but the barber likes to deal with people on a walk-in basis. The dogs look great and we look pretty good, too. :smile:

    :bigsmile: After all the fancy food this week, we're happy to do a cleanse day today. Jake watched Larry King's interview with Al Pacino and decided that we should have an Al Pacino film festival. Right now we're watching "Insomnia" and later we'll probably watch one or more of the Godfather movies.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I took the dogs to the dog park about 10AM when it was raining (actually it looked like snow). I put off drinking a lot of water until after I've gone to the dog park, so I wanted to go early. The ducks from the duck pond were resting in the grass near the dog yard and there were some small birds in the trees so Brandy and Sasha had a great time chasing and barking. The wind was blowing pretty hard and I was wearing a lot of warm clothes and had the hood of my jacket over the top of the two wool hats I was wearing. There were some other people and dogs there so we weren't the only crazy ones. :laugh: We stayed about 20 minutes and the dogs were glad to come home. With their new haircuts they were probably cold.

    :flowerforyou: Gigi, all your retirement festivities sound great.......retirement is such a bitter/sweet time but as a person who has been retired for six years, I can say that it's a great way to live.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, your trip to warm south Texas sounds great and your baking sounds very ambitious.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, congratulations on your BINGO win......I hope you use your winnings for something special for yourself.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, you are a wise and thoughtful grandma, sending diapers.....all the toys in the world are useless if you don't have basics like food and diapers.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I'm doing laundry today but have been slowed down by Haifa deciding to sleep in laundry basket :laugh: :laugh:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Here is the post I posted on the birthday thread, I swear I must be losing it. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Happy Saturday!! Thanks for all the cheery pictures Marie, one is cuter than the next. heart

    Gigi, what a wonderful surprise party, I just love when they are truly a surprise!! Are you counting the days until your retirement? It sounds like you and your hubby will stay busy. I wish my hubby would travel but he hates it. sad sad I do go alone or with friends, but it is not the same.noway

    Everyone seems to be busy with Christmas coming so quickly, I am sure a lot of you are baking cookies or planning dinners. I only have to wrap and since my DIL and the kids bake I don't and we are going out to a restaurant on Christmas Eve and to my step sons on Christmas so no meal planning. Most of my family is out of town so our holidays are small gatherings. cry

    I hope and pray all of you are healthy, getting better and life is good for you. Count your blessings and think about those who are much worse.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry for not being around. I haven't been on the computer much as I have been sick. I thought it was just a cold and stupid me didn't mention it to the Dr. when I was there Thursday. Now it seems to be bronchitis (always my weak spot). I believe that I have coughed up a lung (at least). I am a little concerned about my upcoming test when I already feel yucky before I start my 4 litre beverage!! I hope to see my doc on Monday if I am still coughing, etc. and ask him what he thinks about the test.

    Neil wisely stayed at his house this weekend so that he wouldn't pick up my germs. He did go shopping with his buddy today so that was a nice outing for him. They also went out for lunch which was nice.

    I haven't got any of my baking done and it isn't looking great. Maybe that will turn out to be a good thing. I don't need leftover sweets here when I start my low cholesterol diet after the holidays.

    I hope you are all enjoying the busyness of the season. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everybody...sorry I have not kept up for at least a week, but my eyes are making the computer impossible to read! I just filled in my food diaries since 12/13, and swear I am going blind. My Mother used to say she could no longer read, and none of the family believed her, but I think I'm going through a similar thing this week! I see a doctor at BascomPalmer Eye Institute on Monday, and I hope she can advise me. Some days are clear as can be, but not right now :grumble: ! I hope I will be able to catch up next week, but I wanted to say hello and I'm with you anyway! Not to worry, al will work out fine. Meanwhile, be well and don't overdo holiday preparations!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi Ladies and gents:flowerforyou:
    I am like gayla hve had bronchitis and sinus infection for over a week. I am better. I have my Christmas Cards all done and presents all wrapped. I hope you feel better soon, Gayla...and I hope I remember your name right?:laugh: Please excuse me if I didn''s almost 11 pm I am getting tired and need to be in the bed. I am getting out tomorrow and going to eat with friends at a place called Montana Grill.
    Marie..70 degrees sounds unreal...we've had cold temps all week..a near miss on an ice storm. It was icy but turned to rain because the temps were up to 36 for a's messy looking here with piles of snow in places. It's 31 now..we had sun today.

    IRene-Sending diapers is a great idea..I didn't realize that things were that much more expensive in Alaska. It probably costs to ship everything up there.

    Sandy hope you continue to improve. sorry about the eyes and hope it's not a serious problem for you.

    Must get off here and rest mine for a while.

    Hope everyone has a happy Holiday season and a Merry Christmas.

    I check in on you every day...but sometimes I don't have time to post..just read. I enjoy all Marie's little pics.

    Have a good Sunday.....
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thanks for posting the info on the nail hardener.

    It is very windy here tonight (Friday), and they are predicting a little snow in the morning, but it won't last long as it will turn to rain by afternoon. Doggies are all doing fine.

    I am enjoying two Christmas presents to myself. I found an electric fireplace on sale for half price a couple of weeks ago, and it is a nice addition to my living room. Then, earlier this week, I discovered a set of cookware that I had checked out online, but didn't buy because I didn't want to spend the money, was on sale in a local store and they also had a deal where you could add a 12 " saute pan to the set for FREE!! The store also had 10% off with a coupon, and a policy that gives another 10% off to those 55 and over on Tuesday. So Ka-ching!! I ended up getting $200 worth of stainless steel cookware for about $64--plus sales tax!!!

    I really like how quickly the pans heat up, and with a little spray of olive oil or Pam, nothing sticks.

    I started this post on Friday evening, but actually got around to posting late on Saturday night, so really early Sunday--got sidetracked late Friday night--dozed off in my chair. :yawn:

    Today, thanks to the 1/2 price sale at our Salvation Army store, I solved the problem of my dead CD changer. A few weeks ago, I learned the reason it stopped working was way too expensive to fix, and I also discovered that it is pretty much impossible at the retail level to find a new bookshelf system with a CD changer (as opposed to a single disc CD player). Everything is designed to play the IPOD, and I don't have or want one.

    Today, since I was already checking things out at the sale, I took a look at the electronics section and found a perfect system. It is very clean and works perfectly. It appears that it originally came with a remote control, so my next project is to see if I can order a replacement from the manufacturer, or get a universal remote that can be programmed to work with the unit. If not, I can survive without the remote. It is just nice to be able to put multiple CD's in have them play without having to stop every 30-45 minutes and change discs.

    I also scored some Anne Klein slacks for $2.50!!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well. Keep warm and dry and don't let the last minute Christmas insanity frazzle your nerves.

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Happy Sunday!!

    Yesterday was a great day to get things going in every direction, got up early and did all the Xmas cards, that is always a big job even so I enjoy write something to everyone, is a big job. Then to make sure everything that I was planning to take to the trip is ready to go, almost packed I need to get thing done this weekend because next week at work will be:angry::angry: :angry: more then I can share. Today is laundry day and tomorrow our daugther that is in San Francisco arrives, she in Chicago now spending some quality time with her freinds:love::love: :love: I do not remember if I told you all about my plan for a Family Picture:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: will be very casual we're wearing white and bare footed, will be taking at the beach, hope I can learn to post pictures when I get back and share my family with this family,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Irene - what a wonderful idea about sending diapers.:love::love:

    Marie - Can't tell you enough how much I enjoy all the morning pictures, have a wonderful trip, enjoy your family and the Holidays.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie - Your dinner sounded delicious, I'm so proud of you and Jake.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Gayla - Sorry you're not feeling well, its so hard to be sick during the Holidays, hope by now you're better, our prayers are always with Neil and your family, God Bless you all a give you and your family a blessed and healthy holidays.:smooched: :smooched: :smooched:

    Sandy - So glad you're feeling better and won at Bingo, WAY TO GO GIRL!!!:heart::heart: :heart:

    Buzz - looking forward to hear about your appoitment on Monday, keep the faith and you will be ok:happy: :happy: :happy:

    Have a great Sunday and keep warm, is very hard in this part of the country.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneakers
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yeah fpr the Cowboys
  • Well, I finally figured out the system of planning my post on Word before posting. Maybe I will get the hang of this yet.

    Marie ….I am really enjoying the pictures you are adding. Very nice.

    Gigi….You are a very busy lady. Have a wonderful trip.

    Barb…The cookware sounds great. I also bought myself a present while I was shopping for others. It is a little one cup coffee maker. When I make a big pot I feel “obligated” to drink more than one cup. This works out great. I am a regular Salvation Army Store shopper. Being a woman “of a certain age,” I am more likely to find clothes I like there than in the regular stores.

    Lynn…. I’m glad you are starting to feel better. Yes, prices are high in Alaska where my son lives. It is in bush Alaska…you have to fly in and out. When I lived there I had to fly to Anchorage once in awhile (dentist, etc.). I went with empty suitcases for my purchases. (You could still check more baggaage then.) I shopped at the Anchorage Costco and mailed everything home from the post office. I also ordered things once a year from Seattle to come up the Kuskokwim River on a barge. Living there was a great experience in so many ways.

    Buzz…Thinking of you. Sorry you are having trouble with your eyes. Good Luck with that.

    Gayla….Sorry you are sick. Hope you get better soon. God Bless.

    Sandy…I got as far as buying cookie cutters. My great granddaughter is pushing for cookie baking. But I am not nearly as excited about it as she is.

    Barbie…I thought about line dancing. It looks like so much fun. I guess I need to get started.

    We are having a family Christmas at my daughters home. All should be there except the Alaska family. I'm looking forward to it.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We had a little more snow today so it is looking very white. I am still not feeling great. Dave says it is time to see the Dr. I do plan on calling tomorrow. I really am tired of coughing and I really need to get a bit of shopping done, gifts and grocery. I will take my list and do what I can tomorrow. If I am tired I will stop.

    You all seem busy and looking forward to family and friends. Stay well and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
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