Jillian Michaels - no more trouble zones

Hi all,

I came on here loads about a year ago and I did the 30DS and lost my baby weight and toned up wonderfully. However since I've been back at work I've put on a stone again and I'm all yucky and flabby. So I'm back and I've bought the no more trouble zones DVD for some help.

Has anyone had experience of it before? Does it work with no cardio? I hope to do it 3-4 times a week and eat better as well as I need to stop snacking.

Any motivation would help!

Also, how many calories does it burn in an hour? How do you record it on here?



  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 398 Member
    Hi Caroline :)

    I own the NMTZ dvd (actually did it this morning coincidence haha) but I've never done it for more than a couple days a week. Like any of her DVDs though, it will give you results.

    It is mostly strength training, but it gets my heart rate pretty high (average 160s). I wear a heart rate monitor and I burn a little over 500 calories for the 55 minute workout. I would suggest logging the exercise as circuit training on MFP... it may be lower than what you actually burn but better that than overestimating.

    I would imagine it would work alright without cardio, but if you aren't getting results after a month or so of doing it a couple days a week, I would add in some cardio for the alternate days. Just be sure to take before pics and measurements - with her DVDs it is almost always more about the inches than the pounds coming off.

    Best of luck to you and feel free to add me if you want support :)
  • ajaysmum
    ajaysmum Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks so much hun. I need to really get going this time as I am so keen to tone up and get going. I'm going to start tomorrow morning :) I will take the measurements, I'll try and do it tonight so that I can record it. Hope you get on well too!
  • mpchaplin
    mpchaplin Posts: 19
    I have it and boy is it a workout! I think it's great for toning and strength training. Don't feel bad if you have to stop every once in a while. It's definitely not easy.
  • Harlowe1
    Harlowe1 Posts: 27
    Can anyone tell me exact workout schedule for trouble zones ? Today was my second day,but I do it on my own schedule
  • kri1977
    kri1977 Posts: 63 Member
    I did this yetsrday for the first time and it kicked my butt despite having done 30DS and RI30D already :)

    I would do this alternating it with Ban Fat Boost Metabolism as I find it too hard to do more than 2/3 times a week :)
  • lemmyhead
    lemmyhead Posts: 116 Member
    I literally just finished the DVD a few minutes ago! (still sitting in my pool of sweat). Like everyone else has said, it is a great workout and gets the heartrate up.

    I searched for averages for calorie burn a while ago, and came up with about 380cal/hour - but remember its really only about 45 or 50 min workout time.

    I am a bit too cruisey to bother actually checking the workout time, and I don't have a heart rate monitor, so I added my own exercise with those numbers ^^ and generally try to not eat back all my exercise calories.

    I've also never done it consistently enough to be "living proof" of any measurements - I mix my workouts up with running, walking, yoga and Jillian Michaels other DVD "Banish Fat".

    Hope we've all been some help!

    I also wanted to say that I have been doing it on and off for about 2 years, and although I still can't do the whole thing without a pool of sweat, I have noticed that I can now do all of the exercises, and some of them at the harder level. Again - I could do better if I was more consistent with regularity of the workout.

    But it's awesome feeling when you finally do those dumbbell rows in full plank (not knees like when I started), or you do every single one of the side raises in the last set! Ouch....good pain!
  • ajaysmum
    ajaysmum Posts: 19 Member
    Man I'm in agony today after yesterday's first try at NMTZ - but that means it's working so I'm going to do a run tomorrow and hopefully the DVD again on Wednesday. I'm getting going!
  • jbirkett7
    jbirkett7 Posts: 36 Member
    This DVD has the potential to really kick my butt. I've not been brave enough yet to do more than 3 circuits at a time. I alternate days, do 2 circuits on days I run or do other exercise (usually 60 mins of lighter bike riding) and three circuits on a no cardio day. This is every other day plus 2 more days of running (one speed training and one long run) and a full rest day) each week. I've just started up on this routine so we shall see. I loved my results from 30DS, but figured since I'm training for a 10k I didn't need too much cardio and more of a strength focus from my next Jillian encounter.

    Good luck!
  • frolka27
    frolka27 Posts: 9
    Hi,im starting up tomorrow. Who's in?
  • torontogirl86
    torontogirl86 Posts: 5 Member
    Omg… this! Sooo hard.

    I can do the 30 day shred. I can really push myself on the elliptical, but this was crazy!

    I literally had to stop constantly. And I couldn't get through it. But I am going to keep tackling this. A month ago I couldn't even go on the elliptical for 10 minutes (with no incline or resistance)…
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    It's nearly been a month for me. I have upped the weights to 5 for almost everything (except Surrenders) and I can do REAL push-ups and everything staying in plank.

    My *kitten* and legs, and my ARMS are looking amazing. Getting SO tight all over! I'll come back after I've measured to see. Seriously, this workout, as hard as it is, it's really working. I LOVE IT.

    I didn't even buy it, I got it off YouTube. lol
  • Erinalynn88
    It's an awesome workout! I've lost inches and toned up. Feels awesome to finish. Would definitely not do it everyday, though. Would alternate with cardio. BFBM is also great.
  • rummyqueen
    rummyqueen Posts: 165 Member
    ajaysmum wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I came on here loads about a year ago and I did the 30DS and lost my baby weight and toned up wonderfully. However since I've been back at work I've put on a stone again and I'm all yucky and flabby. So I'm back and I've bought the no more trouble zones DVD for some help.

    Has anyone had experience of it before? Does it work with no cardio? I hope to do it 3-4 times a week and eat better as well as I need to stop snacking.

    Any motivation would help!

    Also, how many calories does it burn in an hour? How do you record it on here?


  • rummyqueen
    rummyqueen Posts: 165 Member
    Hi there .
    I just did NMTZ workout , it does work great but best use with Jillian Michael’s DVD , Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. It’s better is you do the DVDs every other day .
    They work great together. Monday’s , Wednesday’s and Friday’s do the Banish Fat Boost Metabolism snd the other days No More Trouble Zone .
    And you do but more calories then what the MFP says
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Thread is 6 years old. Not sure OP's gonna see your response, rummy.
