Implanon removal and weight loss



  • Hannahp1402
    Hannahp1402 Posts: 85 Member
    I have the implanon and in the time it has been in have lost over 20lb......I think it is unfair to blame weight gain on contraception, its what you put in your mouth that makes you fat.


    Your birth control might cause you to have an increased appetite, but it doesn't force food into your mouth. I gained weight when I stopped being active, and for a long time I justified the weight gain by saying "but, it's my birth control!" Since I've actively been watching my calorie intake and exercising, I am losing size.

  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Umm I think birth control does have a bit to do with weight gain. Yes you are choosing to put the food in your mouth, but elevated levels of progesterone affect your body comp, how that food is metabolized, etc. and MOST importantly makes it much more difficult to lose that weight. I had mine for a year and a half, gained a bit but mostly had trouble losing the weight. Had it removed due to other side effects a few weeks ago and have had the most substantial weight loss I have experienced in that entire year and a half despite not changing my routine in the slightest. Yes you can control some aspects of weight gain on hormonal contraceptives, but to say the two are unrelated is simply untrue.

    I'm not having any trouble losing weight. Nor am I having any trouble changing my body comp. My weight gain and muscle lost came from 1) loving to eat and 2) not exercising. Could you site a study that says birth control effects your metabolism in a direct and meaningful way? It's quite possible that the hormones were not right for you, but for anyone to make a sweeping statement about it being "because of birth control" is ridiculous. Plenty of us are losing while on it. To say that they're always related, is simply untrue.
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    This topic is for those who want to discuss the difficulty of loosing weight whilst on the implant and any success/ failure to loose it when the implant is removed! Those people commenting saying that it is what you put in your mouth that makes you 'fat' get a grip. Firstly we are all on this site for the same reason, so don't be so harsh to other people and secondly, NO-ONE can dictate to someone else about why their weight is the way it is.

    I'm sorry, I didn't realize this thread was only for those who wanted to blame something other than themselves.I have quite a good grip, thanks. It's not harsh to point out the impact of diet. Nor is it harsh for those of us who are losing (both inches and weight) to post about it. Might I suggest that you are the one that needs to get a grip? You seem to have no trouble dictating that it's "all because of the birth control" and being snippy with those of us who disagree.

    Please note that I actually pointed out that it was possible that the hormones were having an effect on the body. POSSIBLE. You'd have needed to get blood work and other lab tests done to see what area of your body the hormones were impacting. My mother has had hypothyroidism for a long time (at least 20 years) and that never stopped her weight loss, but it did impact how she would have to go about it. Birth control also made her psychotic. Hormones effect everyone differently, but to just lay a blanket statement of "it's all because of X" shows a huge disconnect with personal responsibility. I've lost 8lbs in the 6 weeks I've been tracking. The first 2 weeks, I lost nothing. I could have easily said "it must be the birth control" but I didn't. Instead I made sure I was hitting close to my macro/micros, and lo and behold, I've lost weight.

    Right, you don't want to hear about success on birth control, because that doesn't support your view. Maybe the birth control did magically make you fat. Your doctor and proper lab work would be the only way to confirm that. Birth control does have a tendency to drive up our feeling of hunger (at least for me and most of the women I know), so even if your diet feels the same, it might not be. To dismiss us just because we're suggesting it might be something you're doing, is childish.
  • jamemia
    jamemia Posts: 11 Member
    Again you are very harsh calling me 'fat', like I said we are all here for the same reasons. I did not blame the implant for my weight gain at all- I did specify that when I got the implant I was watching what I ate, or exercising much, as I am small and have never really had to, but then all of a sudden I had gradually gained a lot of weight- it was in trying to loose the weight that I said the implanon came into play.

    Like I said- diet was great and even at a personal trainer and still no weight loss for 6 months- 2 weeks after removal with no change in my diet or exercise and I have lost 4lbs. The implant like any birth control creates an imbalance of hormones, which ineveidently will affect your weight- whether in a good way or bad- EVERY case is different. I am not comparing myself to you and your situation and like wise you should not do the same with mine. I know girls who have not gained a pound with the implant and I know girls who really struggle to loose weight with the implant in their arm, it is swings and roundabouts and depending on the individual. However calling anyone fat on a pro fitness pro diet website forum is harsh and I standby that. Equally I posted my reply because you were dismissing those people who were stating theyd difficulty loosing weight on the implant- so don't tell me that I dismiss your opinion.

    Good for you on the weight loss and good for your mum not having any difficulties either if only we were all as perfect! I wouldn't waste your time replying as I will not be ignoring this thread as it is so disappointing how some people can be so rude and condescending! We should all be helping each other find ways to get around our individual gripes about weight loss not shooting each other down because your experience is different! Good bye and good luck
  • alldaly
    alldaly Posts: 1 Member
    I got the depo shot 7 months ago and only took it for 3 months. I've gained 30lbs since then. I got the implanon about a month after the depo supposedly wore off and I can't seem to lose any weight no matter how hard I try. I have been working out at the gym almost every day for a couple months now and nothing seems to help. Could it be the implanon?
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    So many people with one post bashing the implanon... Odd, did you just join to make this one post? This seems to be a regular theme on this subject and I find it suspicious!

    I have been on implanon for 11 years. I was skinny when I was ill and not eating (medically ill, not ED ill) and fat when I was stuffing my face with junk. now I am fit because I go to the gym.
    Like the ladies (who look like real profiles) said, it's what you chose to do not a tiny little rod in your arm (IMHO). I was unbalanced without it, I will keep replacing it forever!
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    I got the depo shot 7 months ago and only took it for 3 months. I've gained 30lbs since then. I got the implanon about a month after the depo supposedly wore off and I can't seem to lose any weight no matter how hard I try. I have been working out at the gym almost every day for a couple months now and nothing seems to help. Could it be the implanon?

    Are you tracking your calories? Are you sure you're in a caloric deficit?
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Again you are very harsh calling me 'fat', like I said we are all here for the same reasons. I did not blame the implant for my weight gain at all- I did specify that when I got the implant I was watching what I ate, or exercising much, as I am small and have never really had to, but then all of a sudden I had gradually gained a lot of weight- it was in trying to loose the weight that I said the implanon came into play.

    Like I said- diet was great and even at a personal trainer and still no weight loss for 6 months- 2 weeks after removal with no change in my diet or exercise and I have lost 4lbs. The implant like any birth control creates an imbalance of hormones, which ineveidently will affect your weight- whether in a good way or bad- EVERY case is different. I am not comparing myself to you and your situation and like wise you should not do the same with mine. I know girls who have not gained a pound with the implant and I know girls who really struggle to loose weight with the implant in their arm, it is swings and roundabouts and depending on the individual. However calling anyone fat on a pro fitness pro diet website forum is harsh and I standby that. Equally I posted my reply because you were dismissing those people who were stating theyd difficulty loosing weight on the implant- so don't tell me that I dismiss your opinion.

    Good for you on the weight loss and good for your mum not having any difficulties either if only we were all as perfect! I wouldn't waste your time replying as I will not be ignoring this thread as it is so disappointing how some people can be so rude and condescending! We should all be helping each other find ways to get around our individual gripes about weight loss not shooting each other down because your experience is different! Good bye and good luck

    "Implanon is why I can't lose weight!!"

    "Don't call me fat!"

    Honey, get a grip. I assumed since you want to lose weight, and are throwing a hissy fit about the evils of Implanon, that you were overweight. Perhaps I was mistaken. What word would you prefer? Overweight? Over your ideal of what your weight should be? Please, help me help you understand. I did say (REPEATEDLY) that it was *possible* and that only proper labwork could show you WHY that was the case. But, you may just be a special snowflake, so I'll give you that. :flowerforyou:
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I haven't weighed mine but I would guess that it doesn't add that mush to the scales. I think it has more to do with what people are eating. I actually think without the PMT, bloating, cramps, general misery I faced every month and the aversion to the swimming pool (you know what I mean ladies) I would say that my implant can only be helping shift the pounds!

    also LOL @ special snowflake :laugh:
  • I'm getting mine out on April 5. I got it just this October a month after I had my daughter. From nov1 to dec1 I put on 13 lbs. I'm
    On prescribed diet pills I eat so healthy and i work out more than I ever have before. It's like the weight just won't come
    Off no matter what I do. It's so discouraging.. I've only lost 13 so far when in reality as hard as I'm working it should be 23 not 13. I hope getting it out helps my body get back on track. I would not recommend this to anyone.
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    Again you are very harsh calling me 'fat', like I said we are all here for the same reasons. I did not blame the implant for my weight gain at all- I did specify that when I got the implant I was watching what I ate, or exercising much, as I am small and have never really had to, but then all of a sudden I had gradually gained a lot of weight- it was in trying to loose the weight that I said the implanon came into play.

    Like I said- diet was great and even at a personal trainer and still no weight loss for 6 months- 2 weeks after removal with no change in my diet or exercise and I have lost 4lbs. The implant like any birth control creates an imbalance of hormones, which ineveidently will affect your weight- whether in a good way or bad- EVERY case is different. I am not comparing myself to you and your situation and like wise you should not do the same with mine. I know girls who have not gained a pound with the implant and I know girls who really struggle to loose weight with the implant in their arm, it is swings and roundabouts and depending on the individual. However calling anyone fat on a pro fitness pro diet website forum is harsh and I standby that. Equally I posted my reply because you were dismissing those people who were stating theyd difficulty loosing weight on the implant- so don't tell me that I dismiss your opinion.

    Good for you on the weight loss and good for your mum not having any difficulties either if only we were all as perfect! I wouldn't waste your time replying as I will not be ignoring this thread as it is so disappointing how some people can be so rude and condescending! We should all be helping each other find ways to get around our individual gripes about weight loss not shooting each other down because your experience is different! Good bye and good luck

    "Implanon is why I can't lose weight!!"

    "Don't call me fat!"

    Honey, get a grip. I assumed since you want to lose weight, and are throwing a hissy fit about the evils of Implanon, that you were overweight. Perhaps I was mistaken. What word would you prefer? Overweight? Over your ideal of what your weight should be? Please, help me help you understand. I did say (REPEATEDLY) that it was *possible* and that only proper labwork could show you WHY that was the case. But, you may just be a special snowflake, so I'll give you that. :flowerforyou:

    Well, now you're just being mean.

    Perhaps you should go have a time-out until you learn how to speak nicely to people.

    And labwork isn't going to show exactly how BC affects metabolism. There are plenty of gaps in our medical knowledge - it is much more of an art than a science. Personal experience is as good as anything else in this regard.
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    Again you are very harsh calling me 'fat', like I said we are all here for the same reasons. I did not blame the implant for my weight gain at all- I did specify that when I got the implant I was watching what I ate, or exercising much, as I am small and have never really had to, but then all of a sudden I had gradually gained a lot of weight- it was in trying to loose the weight that I said the implanon came into play.

    Like I said- diet was great and even at a personal trainer and still no weight loss for 6 months- 2 weeks after removal with no change in my diet or exercise and I have lost 4lbs. The implant like any birth control creates an imbalance of hormones, which ineveidently will affect your weight- whether in a good way or bad- EVERY case is different. I am not comparing myself to you and your situation and like wise you should not do the same with mine. I know girls who have not gained a pound with the implant and I know girls who really struggle to loose weight with the implant in their arm, it is swings and roundabouts and depending on the individual. However calling anyone fat on a pro fitness pro diet website forum is harsh and I standby that. Equally I posted my reply because you were dismissing those people who were stating theyd difficulty loosing weight on the implant- so don't tell me that I dismiss your opinion.

    Good for you on the weight loss and good for your mum not having any difficulties either if only we were all as perfect! I wouldn't waste your time replying as I will not be ignoring this thread as it is so disappointing how some people can be so rude and condescending! We should all be helping each other find ways to get around our individual gripes about weight loss not shooting each other down because your experience is different! Good bye and good luck

    "Implanon is why I can't lose weight!!"

    "Don't call me fat!"

    Honey, get a grip. I assumed since you want to lose weight, and are throwing a hissy fit about the evils of Implanon, that you were overweight. Perhaps I was mistaken. What word would you prefer? Overweight? Over your ideal of what your weight should be? Please, help me help you understand. I did say (REPEATEDLY) that it was *possible* and that only proper labwork could show you WHY that was the case. But, you may just be a special snowflake, so I'll give you that. :flowerforyou:

    Well, now you're just being mean.

    Perhaps you should go have a time-out until you learn how to speak nicely to people.

    And labwork isn't going to show exactly how BC affects metabolism. There are plenty of gaps in our medical knowledge - it is much more of an art than a science. Personal experience is as good as anything else in this regard.

    If you have a problem, take it up with the mods. To that end, if you're going to tell people to "speak nicely to people" you should lead by example instead of also being disrespectful. Blood work is important because it can show hormonal imbalances. Metabolic testing can show the metabolism. The whole issues started with "my birth control makes it hard/impossible for me to lose weight!" I responded with my own personal success, and was essentially told to STFU because my success wasn't important, or relevant. I felt that it was, because there can be underlying causes to why one can't lose weight. That's why medical testing is important. So, I shared my personal experience, and was told it didn't matter (or however it was phrased), and that I didn't belong in this thread.

    I shared my personal experience and opinions because I felt it was important to share. I was basically told to get out of the thread because this was supposed to be a pity party for people who wanted to blame their birth control. Is my personal experience not as good?
  • Pixelle1
    Pixelle1 Posts: 4 Member

    I don't know why most people can't fathom that we're all different. Different things have different effects on different people. Have I said different enough?! lol

    There may be no scientific study showing weight gain while using contraceptives but there is a ton of anecdotal evidence.

    I have Nexplanon, which I'm getting removed tomorrow, as we want another baby and my 3 years is almost up too.

    I've had all sorts of side affects with Nexplanon, which I've never had with other birth control. I persevered with it though as it was the safest option for me.

    In the almost 3 years I've had it, I've put on weight. Yes, I did eat more and therefore put on weight....because I've felt hungry almost all the time - that's totally my fault for being a fat, greedy pig. But it was the Nexplanon that was the cause of the "hunger". It was also the cause of other side-effects. Do I blame nexplanon for my miserableness and weight gain? Yes, actually, in some ways I do.
    If I hadn't had it, I wouldn't have had the "hunger", the mood swings, the non existent sex drive....the many other side effects. I also blame myself too, for not having the willpower to say no.

    But, for those who it hasn't affected and who can actually lose weight while on it, good for you. I do mean that.
    I'm glad you don't have to go through what many, many other women do. And I'm glad you can sit on your pedestal and judge those who are really, probably pretty desperate to lose weight. And no, I don't mean that.

    If people were a little kinder to each other, a little more tolerant and less judgey, the world would be a much better place.

    Anyway, who cares what anyone blames their weight-gain on? What does it matter to you? I blame myself but Nexplanon definitely had a hand in it. So flame me all you like. I KNOW I'll lose weight once it's out. Because there is no possible other explanation for the weight-gain and immense difficulty to lose that weight.
  • goldencat01
    goldencat01 Posts: 13 Member
    I have to disagree with the people saying this Nexplanon or any other hormone controlling item does not cause weight gain. I have had this implant for 3 months, and have put on over 10 lbs. I do crossfit 4 days a week, and consume 1800 calories a day on average. Obviously I should have lost weight. At first I thought oh it must be muscle... but ladies this isn't muscle. Some is... but no matter what I do I can't lose it. My pants that were loose I can barely morph in to now! I am getting mine out tomorrow. Thanks for the posts, it helped me feel better. I am not a over indulgent lazy *kitten*. It is this thing.
  • goldencat01
    goldencat01 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you! We are different! Agree 100%. People shouldn't be slamming each other on here... My gosh this is for support lol!:happy:
  • goldencat01
    goldencat01 Posts: 13 Member
    Umm I think birth control does have a bit to do with weight gain. Yes you are choosing to put the food in your mouth, but elevated levels of progesterone affect your body comp, how that food is metabolized, etc. and MOST importantly makes it much more difficult to lose that weight. I had mine for a year and a half, gained a bit but mostly had trouble losing the weight. Had it removed due to other side effects a few weeks ago and have had the most substantial weight loss I have experienced in that entire year and a half despite not changing my routine in the slightest. Yes you can control some aspects of weight gain on hormonal contraceptives, but to say the two are unrelated is simply untrue.

    I'm not having any trouble losing weight. Nor am I having any trouble changing my body comp. My weight gain and muscle lost came from 1) loving to eat and 2) not exercising. Could you site a study that says birth control effects your metabolism in a direct and meaningful way? It's quite possible that the hormones were not right for you, but for anyone to make a sweeping statement about it being "because of birth control" is ridiculous. Plenty of us are losing while on it. To say that they're always related, is simply untrue.
  • goldencat01
    goldencat01 Posts: 13 Member
    Then can you explain my situation? Fantastic you are losing. I had no problems on the pill. Implant is a problem.
  • Wow, some of you guys are being harsh. On almost every hormonal birth control method, one of the first listed side effects is weight gain. How can you tell someone it has nothing to do with that? Hormones regulate just about everything in our body, including gaining weight. Not sure how you can say a hormonal birth control would not have any effect. Also the "it didnt happen with me" mentality. Thats great! But everyone's body is different and just because it didnt hapoen to you doesnt mean it cant happen to anyone else. I gained 35 lbs while on implanon. Had it taken out march 24, 2014. I have already lost 6 lbs. So please dont make other women feel like crap becaise you dont understand hormonal birth control. There is hope, ladies. Hopefully the pounds keep shedding. I will save this link and comment periodically to let you know how it is going.