
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    Didn't check in last week as son had surgery and was in the hospital-he's doing great now and is home. Of course, I'm not getting much in the way of a workout in and I have lots of yummy food around (including the cookie cake my friend just sent him!) calling my name. I'll weigh in on Sunday and hope it's at least the same.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Well all was good on Thursday morning, I was back at goal weight of 119 pounds Yayyy but .....out for dinner Thursday night and the scales read 122 on Friday morning :sad: but Friday was my Birthday :happy: and I was out to lunch and Dinner so this morning the scale read 123 OMG!!! and today i have eaten all the candy and cookies given to me that I sooo promised that I would give away !!! and I have still got to get through Christmas yet :laugh:
  • Great!

    mschaal - 196

    Check in - 188
  • k8ieP
    k8ieP Posts: 54
    Since the 24th of November I have gone from 131 to 126. I have lost 5 lbs!! Can't wait to check in again on January 3rd.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    This is just too fun!

    11.21~ 159.4
    12.09~ 157.0
    12.18~ 155.4

    I'm such a happy girl!:blushing:
  • 2010 has been great for me... Got to finish it up strong... I am giving myself a personal challenge for the last 10 days... I would share it, but yall would think I am crazy! I even think I am a little crazy... I have found one of the keys to life... Work on yourself!... Give yourself a year and work on yourself... Then look back and see where you have come from... Too many people give up too soon... Give yourself time to change... You will fail at first, but keep getting up again.

    It has been a struggle for me during the holidays, but this challenge has me determined not to fail... I knew it would be hard for me to lose, but if I dont gain... That will be a first! in 45 yrs!!!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    DJackson230 I am intrigued !!!!! and very good luck i feel sure you will do it. :smile:

    Everyone .... you are all doing sooooo well!!! Great Job :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • I'm in .... 205.8 lbs

    Checking in @ 200 :o)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    Gained a pound this week but I'm not overly distressed about it. Lots of stuff going on in our home right now with my son having surgery and a pretty rough recovery makes it difficult to exercise as much as I like and all the goodies make it hard to eat as healthy as I would like. I'm confident that by New Year's, I'll lose that lb. and maybe a friend of his!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Down to 162.4
    Merry Christmas and hope everyone has wonderful holidays!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    O.K. up 2 lbs. over the last 20 days. Recommitting starting TODAY and hope to lose that 2 lbs. before my next weigh in so I will have at least maintained. HOpe you all are doing better than I am!
  • Last weigh in 204. The closer I get to the magic 199 the harder it seems, but I am not giving up or letting up. 2 out of 3 holidays passed, one more to go. The family wants Italian for New Year's Day. :D Love to cook it, but it will be the last had holiday for a while. Good luck everybody. One more week.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, I am now back home and tomorrow i will start to try to repair the damage that i have done over the last few days lol
  • This must be a good week... Glad to see holidays come, glad to see them go...
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Due to a 3+ week plateau this month I didn't manage to lose much - a couple of pounds only. But like the challenge says, as long as there is no gain it's all good. lol

    Congrats to everyone who managed to maintain over the Holidays! Well done!
  • 276 today. I lost two pounds! :happy:
  • Ok, I'm trying to live between 1200 - 1500 net calories a day (when I get back to where I was, I will up it just a bit). Its a game... I want to have a short fitness session early for some cushion and the last thing I want to do each day is fitness, not food... so then I know how much of a workout I need to stay within my range. I will close my dairy as I get into the bed, to eliminate all cheating... Yes, I'm a bum, been cheating : ) but not, this week!! Just sharing... looking for whats best for me.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    Well, I think I have lost my 2 lb. gain from December's festivities. I'll weigh in tomorrow to see if I maintained or not. My usual day is Sunday but I'm gonna "cheat" a little this week because I know I'm going over on calories on Friday night (even with the double spin I plan to do) and on Saturday we are having crab legs for New Year's dinner and the sodium will kill me! So Friday this week (and I think it's gonna be good) then Sunday's from then on. Happy New Year!
  • Just checking in @ 201.2 (205.8 lbs) .... did not want to gain but have actually lost a few pounds. :o)
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Well I was doing well the last two days until..... a party last night :sad: ....bagels today :grumble: and out to a New Years Dinner Party tomorrow night :laugh: Guess what my New Years Resolution will be?
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