Other reasons for losing the weight?

Mostly everyone wants to lose weight to be healthier and live longer.
But we all got some other small reason also lol revenge on a ex lover, friend or co-worker etc.
Just a topic I was thinking about and would really love to hear some stories from you guys.

And if you lost the weight did you accomplish those other side goals lol.


  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    I'm doing it for my self confidence and so I can feel great about myself.
    Also, for my husband. But the main reason is for me.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    My main reason for losing weight was to be a good example for my sons who have Cystic Fibrosis. They will have to be very active in their lives to keep their lungs clear & undamaged. The more exercise they do, the better they will do health-wise. In order for them to get the max amount of exercise, they can't have a mother who is sedentary. I wanted to get more fit to be able to do more with them, be a role model for them and to show them the importance. My actions will speak louder than my words so I need to be a physical example of fitness.

    On a side note. My ex is a complete jerk. While we were dating ( over 3 years ago now ) his tagline was always 'i like my bit*hes with eating disorders". I was skinny and wouldn't eat anything other than a salad infront of him. I was ashamed of my weight, even though I was tiny, I was never "tiny enough" for him. I left him, found a real man, got married, had 2 kids (twins) all in the 3 years since I left him, and I basically have the "life he wants". He's jealous of my life and how things have turned out for me. I'm 25 and I have a beautiful family that I love and cherish. He's 31, depressed, can't handle the high stress of his job, is single and can't keep a girl interested for longer than 2 weeks (he really is a jerk ... nobody is surprised). Anyways, he saw me before my journey and made a comment about how if he were me, he'd get on a treadmill, and how I'd "put on weight since we were together". He told me that "kids destroyed my body" and that i was "damaged goods". The comments about being damaged after kids was enough to make me want to prove him wrong. My kids were a blessing and I wear my c-section scar like a badge of honour. I am NOT damaged goods and I can have a beautiful body after children. I keep that in mind when I'm working out. Next time I see him (with my husband on my arm, my beautiful children by my side and my 6 pack) he'll eat his words :)
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    just for me and quality of life and to get back to sports i love so much.
  • StephieAmber
    I wouldn't mind getting a date every once in a while...I tend to be a "wing-man's gal"...I really want to go out with my thinner, prettier friends and not have to make small talk with the guy who's only there so his friend can meet my friend.

    My ex once told me that if he met my sisters first he probably wouldn't have talked to me...I want to be the one people want to get to know.

    EDIT* spelling mistakes
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Bit boring - just doing it for me, but lots of good comes from feeling better about myself.

    Certainly not doing it for the money - it's expensive dieting, what with gym memberships, relatively expensive food, new clothes, going out more, etc :-)
  • Mrbackslap
    My main reason for losing weight was to be a good example for my sons who have Cystic Fibrosis. They will have to be very active in their lives to keep their lungs clear & undamaged. The more exercise they do, the better they will do health-wise. In order for them to get the max amount of exercise, they can't have a mother who is sedentary. I wanted to get more fit to be able to do more with them, be a role model for them and to show them the importance. My actions will speak louder than my words so I need to be a physical example of fitness.

    On a side note. My ex is a complete jerk. While we were dating ( over 3 years ago now ) his tagline was always 'i like my bit*hes with eating disorders". I was skinny and wouldn't eat anything other than a salad infront of him. I was ashamed of my weight, even though I was tiny, I was never "tiny enough" for him. I left him, found a real man, got married, had 2 kids (twins) all in the 3 years since I left him, and I basically have the "life he wants". He's jealous of my life and how things have turned out for me. I'm 25 and I have a beautiful family that I love and cherish. He's 31, depressed, can't handle the high stress of his job, is single and can't keep a girl interested for longer than 2 weeks (he really is a jerk ... nobody is surprised). Anyways, he saw me before my journey and made a comment about how if he were me, he'd get on a treadmill, and how I'd "put on weight since we were together". He told me that "kids destroyed my body" and that i was "damaged goods". The comments about being damaged after kids was enough to make me want to prove him wrong. My kids were a blessing and I wear my c-section scar like a badge of honour. I am NOT damaged goods and I can have a beautiful body after children. I keep that in mind when I'm working out. Next time I see him (with my husband on my arm, my beautiful children by my side and my 6 pack) he'll eat his words :)

    Love it and let me say having a family over being thin any day you rock.
    I read before on this forum how this girl caught her BF cheating on her before they where gonna get married with her best friend.
    Aside from wanting to get healthy this was a factor too.
    She lost tons of weight and actually ran into her Ex having him drooling.
  • vandy29
    vandy29 Posts: 39 Member
    I am over 40 and come from one of those families where poor health is "heredity". I want to prove them all wrong and besides....I live in Georgia...it is very hot in the summer and I don't plan on wearing many clothes this summer
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    My main reason for losing weight was to be a good example for my sons who have Cystic Fibrosis. They will have to be very active in their lives to keep their lungs clear & undamaged. The more exercise they do, the better they will do health-wise. In order for them to get the max amount of exercise, they can't have a mother who is sedentary. I wanted to get more fit to be able to do more with them, be a role model for them and to show them the importance. My actions will speak louder than my words so I need to be a physical example of fitness.

    On a side note. My ex is a complete jerk. While we were dating ( over 3 years ago now ) his tagline was always 'i like my bit*hes with eating disorders". I was skinny and wouldn't eat anything other than a salad infront of him. I was ashamed of my weight, even though I was tiny, I was never "tiny enough" for him. I left him, found a real man, got married, had 2 kids (twins) all in the 3 years since I left him, and I basically have the "life he wants". He's jealous of my life and how things have turned out for me. I'm 25 and I have a beautiful family that I love and cherish. He's 31, depressed, can't handle the high stress of his job, is single and can't keep a girl interested for longer than 2 weeks (he really is a jerk ... nobody is surprised). Anyways, he saw me before my journey and made a comment about how if he were me, he'd get on a treadmill, and how I'd "put on weight since we were together". He told me that "kids destroyed my body" and that i was "damaged goods". The comments about being damaged after kids was enough to make me want to prove him wrong. My kids were a blessing and I wear my c-section scar like a badge of honour. I am NOT damaged goods and I can have a beautiful body after children. I keep that in mind when I'm working out. Next time I see him (with my husband on my arm, my beautiful children by my side and my 6 pack) he'll eat his words :)

    Love it and let me say having a family over being thin any day you rock.
    I read before on this forum how this girl caught her BF cheating on her before they where gonna get married with her best friend.
    Aside from wanting to get healthy this was a factor too.
    She lost tons of weight and actually ran into her Ex having him drooling.

    It's the best revenge!!! :))

    I think my ex just assumed that I would be "one of those girls" who let herself go. He hated that I didn't workout while we were together. Uhhh, I never needed to (was how I thought at the time). I was super skinny as it was. He was 28 when we were dating and I was 20. He constantly acted as though I wasn't as "mature"as him ... well of course not? I'm 20, you're 28. Give me a break. I was a total partygirl back then, that's what attracted him to me at the time. As time went on together, I was STILL YOUNG. I was 22 when we brokeup. He was a party animal himself but always looked down on me for being "immature" in the sense that I didn't have a career yet. I had JUST finished college before we brokeup. Now that i'm 25, I have my career, Im in a stable relationship, I'm a great wife, a great mother, and I workout. I'm basically "what he wanted me to be" back then. Ya know? I always told him that he needed to give me time to mature and come into my own, i was only 22 and that I would get things together in time. He never thought so. Proving him wrong every single day of my life has put a smile on my face. Now that I'm working out, getting in shape, looking (more fit and toned than i ever did while we were together, and weighing less) he hates that I've moved on. Too bad. Happily married, happily gone. If he didn't love me at my worst, he definitely doesn't deserve me at my best :)) Glad i improved and matured into a woman for a man who mattered.... but it sure feels good to have him see me now hahaha :))

    btw, the immature girl who knew nothing about life ... is the girl that he comes to for life advice & relationship advice ... sucks when that happens. poor him. hehehe
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Being healthy is 80% of the reason I want to lose weight. With my mother having a heart attack at 46 and my grand mother having her's at 45, I have a strong family history. The other 20% is me wanting to feel sexy. I didn't have a SO in my life for the last 5 years. I do not do it to be loved by someone.... but I want to feel confident and attract the kind of men that find self confidence sexy. Oh and I have my 20 years reunion coming in 2012. I was the ugly girl in high school. I was bullied but as I got older, I got cutter (better than the contrary if you want my opinion). I am not even sure I will go, but if I go I want to turn heads!!! LOL
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I want to be able to go to the pool & beach with out feeling like I have to wear a T-Shirt the entire time. Heck, I'd like to feel comfortable enough to just walk around my home with no shirt.

    I'm getting closer to that everyday, and will definitely be there by the time it's pool/beach season again :D
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    You're going to think I'm a total fluffy bunny.

    I hate what fat clothes look like.

    I hate what I look like in fat clothes.

    I have keen fashion sense and I'm not afraid to use it.

    I'm sick of being the keen fashion sense for everybody but me.

    It's not the only reason, but man, it feels amazing to be in clothes that make you look like you want to.
  • Tasha1476
    my main reason is obviously for myself and for my self-esteem, but there is that little bit of me who is definitely doing this because I am an actor, and should I ever manage to get parts, I dont want to have to watch play back of my roles and only think about how fat I look. haha
  • Mrbackslap
    You're going to think I'm a total fluffy bunny.

    I hate what fat clothes look like.

    I hate what I look like in fat clothes.

    I have keen fashion sense and I'm not afraid to use it.

    I'm sick of being the keen fashion sense for everybody but me.

    It's not the only reason, but man, it feels amazing to be in clothes that make you look like you want to.

    I can so agree wit this and I dont think its silly.
    It always seems that everything that looks nice is too small lol
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    My other reasons for loosing weight-

    I live in Australia. we have summer 9 months out of the year. I want to be able to walk around in little shorts and bikinis on a hot day without feeling self conscious.

    I'm getting married in 4 months and then going to Bali for a week.

    and i plan on going back to the US to visit some friends soon and want to look like i did in high school :)

    All pretty superficial reasons :blushing: but i want to be healthy and feel better from the inside out as well. :drinker:
  • SkierElle
    Just the process of picking a goal and attaining it makes it all worth it. Losing weight is very mentally strengthening!

    To look good in spandex (lol) so I can bike and ski in it!

    To be able to sew really cute clothes for myself (and alter my ones that soon will be too big!)

    To be the minority, not the majority (as I'm now a "normal" BMI I've already achieved this). NOT to be the chubby American if I go to grad school in Europe.
  • mrsannett
    mrsannett Posts: 257 Member
    Well I am not at my goal yet.....but the reason I want to loose weight is I want to look & feel healthy. I have high blood pressure and diabetes in my family and really trying to avoid both. I want to love shopping again....I hate trying on clothes and going shopping and want to feel good about what I see in the mirror again....that is my main reasons for wanting to loose weight.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    TO SURVIVE THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!! and health, always health. ;0)

    Honestly, I like being strong and want to be in good enough shape to survive a catastrophe even if it isn't of the zombie kind. I also want to feel hot again. My husband tells my I am, but until I feel it, I will keep on keepin' on.
  • SkinnyPharm
    SkinnyPharm Posts: 7 Member
    I just want to feel normal again. Of course I want to be healthy and have energy to do things I love, but most of all, I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin...
    I'm tired of people seeing me as "the fat one"
    I'm tired of hiding from the world.
    I'm tired of feeling unattractive
    I'm tired of holding myself back from things I want to do or have.
    I'm tired of wishing for the day I was thin enough
    I'm tired of being no threat to my friends/other girls when I go out

    There is more where that came from, but I have a long way to go until I can feel good about my body again. Life's not fun when you're fat.
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Weight loss is important and great, but secondary to understanding the user manual for my body and operating it efficiently.

    Giving it the right fuel and improving its performance. The goals are modest: Now that I'm over 40 (how did this happen?) and have gotten progressively more neglectful of my physical self, I feel I'm slowing down. I used to be a fast walker and found most people were overtaking me. I started to pick the easiest, least strenuous hiking routes instead of the one that's going uphill. I couldn't comfortably look over my shoulder in traffic on my bicycle any longer. And just cycling to work and cutting out cakes from my diet suddenly wasn't sufficient any more for dropping a few pounds. And my blood pressure went from "normal" to "still normal".

    I'm about to move to a rural area in a sub-arctic climate where enjoying the spectacular nature requires a minimum of physical fitness - and I damn well want to be ready for it.
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    Nobody has said this yet, but my main reason is definitely to have more energy.
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