sick of 1200kcal, sick of the scale ruling my life



  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Hmm, now I'd ask why do you want to lose 20lbs? If you're lifting weights, you're going to be heavier and look leaner. Taking your muscle gain into account, maybe 20lbs is too much and your body is fighting it which is why you lost your period at one point. This can happen if you are underweight. You'd probably be a happier person if you met it someplace in the middle and maintained it there. It sounds like you're being way too hard on yourself.

    This. If you lost your period at the weight you aspire to, that was too little weight for you. Having your period is healthy amenoria (sp?) is seriously unhealthy.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    If I had a dollar for every time a teenager asked how to lose weight when they are at or under a good weight I would be flying to Hawaii first class right now. Sigh.

    So true!!!!
  • So true, I remember being one of those teenagers a long time ago. Trying now to impart this wisdom to my beautiful daughter who has no weight issues but is always on a diet.:ohwell:
  • TechnoEve
    TechnoEve Posts: 10 Member
    am i ignored?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP recommended i should eat 1200 kcal per day if i want to lose 1 kg per week

    But...i never eat 1200 kcal, it's always less then 1200 but i'm never hungry

    And if i add my exercises, i'm always far far away from 1200kcal

    I don't understand
    am i ignored?
    You have 7kg (15 lb.) to lose. Set your goal to .5 lb. per week, and be patient. A goal of 2.2 lb. per week at your size is dangerously unhealthy.

    Your goal should always be to find the maximum number of calories at which you lose weight, never the minimum.

    Read this:
  • absrpp
    absrpp Posts: 20
    MFP recommended i should eat 1200 kcal per day if i want to lose 1 kg per week

    But...i never eat 1200 kcal, it's always less then 1200 but i'm never hungry

    And if i add my exercises, i'm always far far away from 1200kcal

    I don't understand

    Hi, your body must be preventing you from losing that weight because you are not fueling it properly. You have to eat more than 1200kcal, specially if you are exercising. Plus, it is possible to lose 1kg per week, just know that you will be destroying muscle tissue, not only fat.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    It seems you are in a healthy weight range. If ditch the scale (I realize that's easier said than done) and focus on strength training and feeding your body correctly.

    Plus if you're travelling around the world right now the focus on that! Enjoy it! I'm so jealous!
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Sounds like the scale is bad for you, so ignore it. IMO you should set your goal to being strong and healthy and let your body figure out what weight that is, and what it looks like. So you are probably on the right track.

    Also, "eating clean" (whatever that even means) has nothing to do with how much you weigh, or gain, or lose. Log everything (that includes weighing/measuring) to find at what level you gain/lose/maintain and use that to determine what calorie count you need for a cut.

    FTFW (for the freakin' win).

    When I stopped worrying about the scale/my weight and just began making every decision about getting healthy, it really became easy. Getting healthy is a process. You can have reason to celebrate every day.
  • absrpp
    absrpp Posts: 20
    Sounds like the scale is bad for you, so ignore it. IMO you should set your goal to being strong and healthy and let your body figure out what weight that is, and what it looks like. So you are probably on the right track.

    Also, "eating clean" (whatever that even means) has nothing to do with how much you weigh, or gain, or lose. Log everything (that includes weighing/measuring) to find at what level you gain/lose/maintain and use that to determine what calorie count you need for a cut.

    FTFW (for the freakin' win).

    When I stopped worrying about the scale/my weight and just began making every decision about getting healthy, it really became easy. Getting healthy is a process. You can have reason to celebrate every day.

    Thank you so much for this
  • TechnoEve
    TechnoEve Posts: 10 Member
    i just calculated BMR and TDEE and my TDEE is 2148kcal. minus 500 kcal for losing weight
    is 1648 kcal

    i think that it would be ok....


    i forgot to wrote that i'm working Focus T25 (i'm on BETA PHASE) and butt program,
  • TechnoEve
    TechnoEve Posts: 10 Member
    is this ok? my TDEE is 1648 kcal/day

    will i lose weight?
  • rachie25half
    rachie25half Posts: 16 Member
    is this ok? my TDEE is 1648 kcal/day

    will i lose weight?

    Sounds like you will as long as you measure everything carefully and write down everything you do.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    is this ok? my TDEE is 1648 kcal/day

    will i lose weight?

    You will get a better response if you start your own thread, as people came here to answer the OPs questions.
  • absrpp
    absrpp Posts: 20
    If I had a dollar for every time a teenager asked how to lose weight when they are at or under a good weight I would be flying to Hawaii first class right now. Sigh.

    while I understand your concern, I think this is slightly disrespectful. I am trying to be "the best me", I am pursuing a weight that is healthy for my height. I am an athlete so I need a special physical condition. Unfortunately, just "a healthy weight" in general is not the optimal for perming in hurdle jumping. I do not need to be underweight, but I do need to be in the low end of the spectrum for my track performance to be the best I can achieve. Please, respect my goals as I do respect yours.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Despite of looking better and knowing it's not all about the scale

    So ditch the scale! You look better, likely felt better too - who cares what the scale says? It's a number that no one sees but you, but dropping fat and inches is a visible change, and worth far more than a scale number.

    Hide the scale, or get rid of it altogether, and make friends with your measuring tape. Pay attention to how you look and how clothes fit (take progress pics for comparison).

    Some great info has been posted, and links to more great info - take the time to read and understand the info given there - it's worth it. You want to make these changes for life, not lose some just to gain it all back again, right?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    If you look the way you want, fit the clothes you want, get the attention you want, then does what the scale say REALLY matter?

    For too many people, the number on the scale dictates success/failure. The scale DOESN'T see body composition (even the bio impedance readings are inaccurate) nor health indications from exercise. So why use that as the mandatory gauge of success?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    just in....that's all i'm saying
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You are the only one who knows that number on the scale, right? So it should be about how you look and feel, not about the scale. You said yourself you liked how you looked and your workouts were amazing when you were eating well, so why not eat well and forget the scale?
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    Since you are free of the scale for a couple months, I would pack one outfit that fits you well and makes you feel confident. Use that outfit as your guide...but, not your master. If it's getting snug, take a walk and see the sights and maybe pass on the bread bowl. Don't fritter away a trip of a lifetime worrying about a number. Trust me. Someday you will look back at this trip and you will want to remember all the things you did, saw and tasted...not what you missed out on because you were afraid (mistakenly) that you were too fat to deserve to enjoy it. Just make healthy choices, at least most of the time ;). Use this opportunity to break from the scale determining your worth. You are more than a number.
  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member 20 lbs less you would die. lol